
I have been perusing RIU for the last couple of months and i inspired me to start my own grow. i gutted my IKEA dresser/drawer into simple grow box with 3 pc fans, soft white cfls, and a 90w led ufo( pictured below). i decided to go with a bag seed because im growing on a budget. The plant seems to be an indica because it has some pretty fat leaves. heat isnt a problem at all even with the huge led blaring right down on it. Im using the recipe for success from BC hydro and floranova.for this grow but i have to modify it since im going 12/12 from seed. right now it is in its week 2 and looking good. i also wanted to do co2 but i haven't found the right adapter fit the tank properly. hopefully i can get away with spraying a bit in the box when the fans off to increase the yield.

if u have questions or comments feel free to ask or even give me advice since im not too experienced with growing.



oh sheet! i for got to post that pic. but picture 6 kinda gives u an idea of what it looks like in there. i still need to put some mylar up in there.&nbsp;<br><br>keep smokin! keep tokin!


Well-Known Member
Hey make sure you get the specifics on any adapter that fits that c02 tank. That's for a paintball gun right? Ive got one laying around the house as well, but never found anything online about any good slow release nozzles.


Yeah hank its for a paint ball gun. I've also looked every where to find some thing to fit it but it doesn't seem like that part even exists. i'm just going to hunker down and get a co2 tank from craigslist err sumthin. Heres the pic for u DO3SHA. im going to update about every week unless i have some kind of issue.



Well-Known Member
lol im retarted so to me in the pictures it looked like it was lengthy (the cabinet) and now i realized it was tall and skinny, out of curiosity whats up with the black bags?


I lined the whole cab with trash bags to keep it light proof. there will be a layer of mylar over it so the bags wont be visible.


New Member
sheet madafaka nice cabinet also switch yer cfl to daylight and use da warm white for da flowering ma man! and carefull with dat co2 beech
hey guys here some advice, i use to play alot of paintball and the part ur looking for is a on/off asa. You can find one at any online paintball store. Mkae sure you get the Eclipse OOPS not the POPS. The OOPS has a knob you can screw in an out so you can actually set it to leak out very slowly for efficiency. Your idea actually interested me though cause I didnt even think about supllementing with a co2 canister. Im actually gonna try but I need to pick up a co2 tank first(compressed air is alot more efficient in pb :P).


Week 3

I bought some Mylar and 2x 4" high velocity fans. One fan is to blow on the sexy plant and the other is used to ventilate all the heat out of the box because it can get up to 90 degrees in there with out it. I also put a small weed into the flower box. my soil seems to grow mushrooms overnight. no joke. so far i have seen 3 of them and pulled them out every time. Is there a reason why shrooms are growing in there? she is also showing her sex with some tiny white hairs. ill sneak a pic in once they get a bit bigger.

thanks bra brah for the advice hopefully i can get that OOPS adapter by the end of the week if it isnt too expensive.


keep growin and showin!:weed:


im soo stoked. this girls nodes are pretty damn close together hopefully meaning its gonna produce some some dank. shes allready starting to stank soo good, so im gonna pickup some ONA air freshener.



Well-Known Member
Yeah i just checked out those oops adapters and shit seems legit. Im definitely going to invest in one for my next round of veg. Plants are looking good man, mind if i ask who you bought that led through? If its pushing 85 in your box you wont need to use any ona til about week 3 of flowering. I noticed on my 2nd grow that plants smell more when temps are lower... Weird?


Yeah i just checked out those oops adapters and shit seems legit. Im definitely going to invest in one for my next round of veg. Plants are looking good man, mind if i ask who you bought that led through? If its pushing 85 in your box you wont need to use any ona til about week 3 of flowering. I noticed on my 2nd grow that plants smell more when temps are lower... Weird?

I bought the LED off of some dude from craigslist. It was pretty cheap too only like 100 buck for a 90w light. I say keep your eyes peeled cuz u never know what kinda deals u can find. The 85 degree temps seem to make it smell more like its "cooking" the plant kinda. I did happen to get some liquid karma and a little jar of ona just in case since i had some money on hand. For my next grow i was thinking about doing bubbleponics or aeroponics i just dont know which one to choose. Is one easier than the other or are they about the same?

no pictures this time but ill post some up soon

keep growin and showin :weed:


Hey guys. Unfortunately my laptop charger broke so I wont be able to post any pics. But any way here's an update. The big plant was about to out grow the cabinet so LSTd the top. I got a free fan from CVS using my viggle points. I bought some liquid karma as a foliage spray and nutes. Since I don't have co2 adapter I have been filling some. Balloons up and makin a small hole so the co2 can come out slowly. That adapter should be coming by Friday :) . In my next grow I will build a much larger growbox because workin in the cabinet is a bit cramped.


Hey RIU! Yesterday I bought the Red Kessil H150 to replace the cfls. The replacement made a big difference heat wise. Now it only gets up to 80 degrees F. I germinated some seeds and put then in some jiffy pots theese little girls are my soon to be mothers depending on their pheno. I'm hopin for some indica dominate. The leaves on my flowering plant had some leaves curling downward so I decided to back off the nutes to see if I would bounce back. My laptop charger should be coming any day now. As soon as it gets here I will post a ton of pics! Get ready!

I just noticed some thing all the seeds I have planted to far have been female even though they are all bag seeds. How could this be?


Well-Known Member
you might be able to add a few cfls and push the heat a little and all female could be good genetics, happens sometimes


What up guys! Its been a while since my last post since my chargers' been dead. But im baaack! My babies have been having some issues and I've been trying to trouble shoot these problems by searching on the internet. The one that is furthest into flower has leaves that have some small brown dots and is yellowing leaves that started from the bottom and working its way to the top. So have narrowed it down to nitrogen deficiency, cal mag deficiency and possibly some wind burn. what do u guys think?IMG_0608.jpgIMG_0611.jpg

This week i moved the fan so its not pointed directly at the plant and upped the some nutes that contain nitrogen and cal mag just to see if it works.

Just about every other day i spray some co2, fill some balloons up with co2 and throw em in the grow box with the fans off for an hour. right now its just guessing game because i don't a ppm meter.

Any way heres some pics u have been waiting for!!

