World of Seeds - Space


Well-Known Member
Kills me the amount of fags we go through. Wen got weed me n the mrs will smoke a 20 deck if that between us without weed ur lokin at double. So basically havin no weeds bad for ma health lmao,fck a gotta find somethin to laugh at 2day ;-)

When we moved in june original oven broke. They replaced with some reconditioned pish n now the fans burned out n wnt on fire,like proper flames out the oven whwn you opened the door. Ruined dinner n feckin skint till fri bar money for milk n bread etc. Oh well 3 wks till crop that'l turn ma frown upside dwn :-D


Well-Known Member
Kills me the amount of fags we go through. Wen got weed me n the mrs will smoke a 20 deck if that between us without weed ur lokin at double. So basically havin no weeds bad for ma health lmao,fck a gotta find somethin to laugh at 2day ;-)

When we moved in june original oven broke. They replaced with some reconditioned pish n now the fans burned out n wnt on fire,like proper flames out the oven whwn you opened the door. Ruined dinner n feckin skint till fri bar money for milk n bread etc. Oh well 3 wks till crop that'l turn ma frown upside dwn :-D


Well-Known Member
just do what i done last time and cut enough off to get you through. i dried it on top of the light. i know you lose a bit of your final yeild but if you havent got anything to smoke its better than waiting


Well-Known Member
Kills me the amount of fags we go through. Wen got weed me n the mrs will smoke a 20 deck if that between us without weed ur lokin at double. So basically havin no weeds bad for ma health lmao,fck a gotta find somethin to laugh at 2day ;-)

When we moved in june original oven broke. They replaced with some reconditioned pish n now the fans burned out n wnt on fire,like proper flames out the oven whwn you opened the door. Ruined dinner n feckin skint till fri bar money for milk n bread etc. Oh well 3 wks till crop that'l turn ma frown upside dwn :-D
they got fags on sr now works out about 16quid for 200 lm red 30quid for 200 malboro red theres others too ive orderderd 400 to test


Well-Known Member
Fuck buyin cheaper fags mate al jst smoke more lol.... Did you get ma txt earlier Sambo?

Am goin to control maself n not chop anythin off, cos they're lookin 2 damn good now. The exo buds in the farm are gettin bigger by the hour, well they look like that to me lol......

Will keep landlord dwnstairs jst the smell need to worry about, got carb on 24/7 and it still reekin ;-)

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
i bet they r swelling well now matey.
my mate got an exo for me waiting. ment b foot tall. i will see wot it like if to stretchy or been ragged about i with leave it out and take a clone or two maybe n get them under led for month or so vegging out.
anyways got big bag perlight today 30 quid but i think it will last me years man.
they got some bug spray at garden centre says for all flying bugs and red spider mites. says can use on fruit veg flowers and herbs up to day before harvest. am tempted try it on the tounger bc i think is male and see if hurts it at all and if not use that incase the bugs hit in hottter weather.
my male exo r starting open pod slowly. got them in diff room hoping they dont pollenate plants in next room. guess time wikll tell hahah

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
cant remember size memory like a seive but its big haha. yeah dust already got me carrying th bag. had slight hole at top sack/bag.
u had a busy day newuser? u tried that kush yet from u no wot i mean


Well-Known Member
i bet they r swelling well now matey.
my mate got an exo for me waiting. ment b foot tall. i will see wot it like if to stretchy or been ragged about i with leave it out and take a clone or two maybe n get them under led for month or so vegging out.
anyways got big bag perlight today 30 quid but i think it will last me years man.
they got some bug spray at garden centre says for all flying bugs and red spider mites. says can use on fruit veg flowers and herbs up to day before harvest. am tempted try it on the tounger bc i think is male and see if hurts it at all and if not use that incase the bugs hit in hottter weather.
my male exo r starting open pod slowly. got them in diff room hoping they dont pollenate plants in next room. guess time wikll tell hahah
Well unless he's had it 3 mile from the light a doubt it'l stretch. Does a fair bit in flower but veg is sound..... Av never added perlite to anythin in ma life bnq soil is the bollocks lol.... Is this the BRxExo pollen?


Well-Known Member
cant remember size memory like a seive but its big haha. yeah dust already got me carrying th bag. had slight hole at top sack/bag.
u had a busy day newuser? u tried that kush yet from u no wot i mean
the kush didnt come 2day just a 1 a g of paki black n a few naughtys

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
Well unless he's had it 3 mile from the light a doubt it'l stretch. Does a fair bit in flower but veg is sound..... Av never added perlite to anythin in ma life bnq soil is the bollocks lol.... Is this the BRxExo pollen?
eye am hoping they dont get bugs as just in a room while the pods open. ent got extra tent at min or cubby big enough. exo x br pollen indeed.
this y thinking spray.
also mayb lil bc pollen if any these last 3 turn out male, one at most i think.
on the exo, it was a clone took n just left in a window as he a lazy arse and didnt bring em back quick, been like that 3 odd week i think. there was 30 odd but a mate managed get 6
i will prop get chance see it tomoz and see wot state it in, dont want bugs spreading u no

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
bnq soil? wot just bog standard? plain jane?
paki black? sounds like a drunken pub arguement. who u calling a paki black?haha
wots that like ? strong?


Well-Known Member
Yeah mate when a grew in soil a used BnQ seedling & cutting compost, fuckin great stuff ;-)

You goin to back cross the BRxExo or use the pollen for better things? lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
not to sure? back cross a branch on exoxbr maybe or on the cut i took if takes. and defo cross a bc wit the exox br. the best looking one at the time i feel. just to see wot happens


Well-Known Member
i used the b and q stuff too. i had to get a cheep bag from the local shop for 2 of these tho and its no where near as good. it just hold the water


Well-Known Member
not to sure? back cross a branch on exoxbr maybe or on the cut i took if takes. and defo cross a bc wit the exox br. the best looking one at the time i feel. just to see wot happens
Cool Cool matey, what ever happens am sure it'l b good.... Maybe save me some to put on the psychosis mother, started flowering her a coupla days ago, if not am veggin a cut up 2 go in the farm once the exo's finished so could put on that....

i used the b and q stuff too. i had to get a cheep bag from the local shop for 2 of these tho and its no where near as good. it just hold the water
Aye ye canny beat it wae a shitty stick, as they say in ma neck of the woods... The seedling stuff is preloaded a bit like the Canna Pro coco, a usually crack ma seeds in small pots n then jst use the rest of the bag to transplant them.