Once Upon A Time...


I had three beautiful plants. Then two were male, and the finale female was flourishing, two weeks into flowering starting to grow beautiful pistils...


And then... Overnight...THIS: IMG_4885.jpg

It got worse and worse till the plant died. The stem turning red and every last leaf rotting off. Even after I repotted it. But, I found upon repotting, that the soil had a strange consistency, and was very packed down. Hard to dry out at all! So now...What is it that happened?

I had 6 CFLs on it, all 3-6 inches away, and it was on a 12 12 cycle when it died. I watered it once a day, till it soaked it up and I could see water out the bottom. At one time I put some molasses in it, and that is when the water that strained out the bottom started to smell rotten. I also was fertilizing it with Jacks classic Bloom booster 10-30-20.

But now, I have four very healthy, rooted clones taken from the plant before it displayed any signs of unhealthiness!

I want them to survive...what should I do?

Mickey O'Neil

Active Member
You can try flushing.. Please don't use molasses unless you're using bio soil. Molasses feeds the microbes, and the microbes feed the plant. Otherwise it just builds up and makes your soil solid and impermeable. The roots have to breathe oxygen.

I would remove the plants from the soil, try to get the whole soil block out. Then gently cut slices downwards, around the soil block, and loosen the soil, removing chunks of soil that have no roots. Be very gentle not to damage the roots. Then replant in a clean soiless-mix, or in a custom mix that has the right balance to let the soil breathe and store water. Be sure to use some cloth or pieces of folded newspaper to cover the holes at the bottom of your planter.. Then flush it with gallons of air-temperature water to remove whatever sugar deposits were left in the rootball, so that those roots don't die and can breathe again. After flushing thoroughly, let it sit for a few hours and then give it a small watering with a little plant food. Let the soil dry to a slight wetness (slightly damp to the touch when you stick your finger in the soil) and then give it proper watering with proper nutrients until it begins to dribble out the bottom. Don't water again until the soil is just as dry as last time. This encourages root growth and healing.


That wasn't my question, that plant is already dead and gone. I now have four healthy soil clones. Thanks though. @ Mickey
I would say over watering since you mentioned the soils condition but wouldnt rule out temp by the looks of them. What are your room temps?
Also did you add any perlite to the soil?


Well-Known Member
I totally soak my girls then leave them to dry out for 3-4 days, watering everyday is your problem i guess.