1st "real" grow.. Advise from experienced ppl appreciated

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
Eventually the leaves look like this...

And after that they pretty much just dry, fall off & die. But do u really need to see those pics??? U get the point.

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
And before people respond to this I really do not think it is a cal-mag deficiency (growers diagnose every plant with that lol, it's like the common cold for weed plants) I have used fox farm big bloom, sea minerals from advanced floriculture (yellow bottle, google it) & roots organic soil.. Not to mention it had had cal-mag feedings as well.. With all that I'm sure the plant has plenty of calcium & magnesium.

I also do not believe I have over fed or under fed. But let me know what u guys think.. If I can't figure this out I will be flushing this plant soon


Well-Known Member
It looks like multiple issues to me, what are your temps day/night? I forget, do you have good circulation and ventilation? To me it looks like nute burn and heat stress but I could def be wrong. Either way it appears to be multiple issues.

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
My temps are always pretty cool (I have control of the thermostat) usually about 77-78 degrees with a fan blowing whenever light is on (not oscillating tho) & at night the lights are off and the grow area would be at the same temp as the rest of the house.. If it's nice at night say above 60. I turn all heat off.. If it gets colder, I usually will turn thermostat up to about 75 degrees until morning when I turn heat off

I have been pretty careful with my feeding as of late.. About a 2 weeks ago I stopped feeding for about 3-4 straight waterings.. & when I resumed feeding about 5-6 days ago, I fed very lightly.. Prob 1/2 what I usually do.. And I usually follow fox farm feeding schedule at about 1/2 strength.. But it is not exactly 1/2 strength I use big bloom very unpredictably, sometimes 1 tablespoon sometimes 3 sometimes none.. & I also have other non fox farm products I use when feeding as well (not sure if this is bad) like cal-mag and I also have been using sea minerals from advanced floriculture


Active Member
yeah are those leaves on the bottom of the plant i always have leaves that when on the bottom dont get enough light and they start to get spotslike that and fall off i dont really worry about them cause they are on the bottom. I dont know what kind of water are u using?


Active Member
I cant even find anything like this in my Cervantes book so my guess is that there leaves close to the bottom that arent getting much light


Well-Known Member
Also, I kno I'm asking slot if questions at once... But once my brain starts wondering it gets crazy.. But anyway I'm thinking of going into bigger pots, how much would this increase yield?? If at all, they're currently in 1 gallon air pots.. But how much bigger would my plants get if I transplanted them to 3 gallons or maybe 5 gallons?? I kno I may be getting carried away
I get 3 oz off of a plant that is vegged for 3 weeks and then flowered for its 8 weeks in a 5 gallon pot...I also top and train the plants a little bit so I have 5 main branches.


Active Member
thats kinda how ive been doing it lately missnu bending the branches down a little bit and getting good side branches to grow up works pretty good or i stake them up yeah the 5 gallon pots are the way to go now im finding or atleast a 3 gallon square pot like the smart pot kind its basically 5 gallons


Active Member
i would go with a smart pot or the square pots instead of those air pots check them out there probably cheaper too ive seen what the smart pots can do

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
yeah are those leaves on the bottom of the plant i always have leaves that when on the bottom dont get enough light and they start to get spotslike that and fall off i dont really worry about them cause they are on the bottom. I dont know what kind of water are u using?
Yea .. The first pic was the canopy.. Second pic is the leaf set directly below that & so on

And I thought I nute burned it at first (actually, I'm still pretty sure I did) but I figured when I stopped feeding .. The plant would grow healthy. NOPE... It continues.. The plant continually makes new leaf sets & they look healthy for a day or two & then the brown dots happen.. & about 2-3 days later the leaf looks like crap, & about a week later it will fall of and die.. It just doesn't seem as bad as it really is because the plant always makes new leaves (about every two days) but this plant only has 7 leaf sets but has 10 sets of side branches (potential bud sites or undergrowth, whatever they are called) and I have cut four clones off this plant , so it should have two more sets of side branches..

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
If your using reg tap water it could be a chlorine burn
I do use tap water.. But I checked the water report from my city & it's pretty neutral , it always is tho.. Supposedly we have some of the best tap water in the country.. But besides that I always let my water sit & air out atleast 24 hours before I water plants (usually longer) I have a gallon of water sitting next to my plants right now)

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
I get 3 oz off of a plant that is vegged for 3 weeks and then flowered for its 8 weeks in a 5 gallon pot...I also top and train the plants a little bit so I have 5 main branches.
3 oz of a plant vegged fir 3 weeks is nice!! I would be more than happy with getting half of what u yield.. Is this from seed or clone?? How tall are plants when flowering is initiated? Are these sativa or indica dominant?? And I already transplanted my cotton candy into a 3 gallon pot, so I think she is fine.. But I was wondering if I were to put my white widow which is only 7 inches into a 5 gallon pot would it grow faster , or does that only apply if the plant is already to big for it's current pot & rootbound??