My First Grow - Snowryder Short Stuff


Active Member
came across a humidy problem with the grow box to. Moved back into closet. Put up a taller peice of bristol board around the plant to reflects the light nicely. Any tips on getting around the humidy would be sweet


Well-Known Member
That box looks great but the light seeping out seems like a problem. You're on your 4th set of leaves? It's nice and short.


Active Member
I've trying to get better at not posting so often, but I'll get better.

Thanks for the Sub man, so here she is. 2 weeks since plant on Sunday.



Active Member
Some changes since last update. Some major yellowing has come to the first 2 leaves she ever sprouted [ I believe I've read this is normal? Yay/Nay?]

Gave er her first dose of nutes today too, 5ml/4L Distilled Water. We'll see how that works. Took out the 13w light just using the 2 23's.


I think that's it since Friday/Saturday, please bare with me for the constant names for the plant, she/he/it/er. I'm unaware as to what I should call it, or maybe a name? A name seems to far....


Active Member
Ahhh just did the transfer. Stem looked very nice and ready, and I was correct. The whole pot was rooted. Perfectly tight ball, I hope I planted it in the new pot properly :/

Built a chrom dome as I like to call it, around the new 10' pot, just taped a bristol board, reflects the light awesomely. pics soon probably.


Active Member
The yellowing of the first node's leaves and the slight curling/clawing of the newest leaves make me think she might be a wee bit sick, though it doesn't look too bad. Maybe a little overwatering... how dry are you letting it get between waterings?


Active Member
usually I water everyday, I always stick my finger down in the pot, usually no moisture, the top soil is usually dusty and dry, and when I water I usually only water until it starts to build up on the top (5-6 seconds) never until it flows out the bottom. I just did the transplant into the new soil, this soil is supposed to retain water a lot better, actually I watered it 3 days ago when I put all the soil in the pot and it was still fairly wet yesterday.

I wont water again til tomorrow/thursday, I'll see if that helps :-(


Hey man I've been doing some reading up on autoflowers and people say to plant your seed directly into the final growing container. Since autos have such a short lifespan and when they sprout their d-day is set, any unnecessary stress on the lil' guys is a bad thing.

As for your grow box problem- was the humidity too high or too low? If it was too high, try building a small fan into it. (example-something that would cost less than $5- A chasis fan from a computer hooked up to a wall adapter) If it's low then having some open water on a plate or something can help with that.

I'm subbed tho ^^ as a new grower myself I've been very curious about these autoflower hybrids. Keep us posted!


Active Member
Hey man I've been doing some reading up on autoflowers and people say to plant your seed directly into the final growing container. Since autos have such a short lifespan and when they sprout their d-day is set, any unnecessary stress on the lil' guys is a bad thing.
Ya man it was shitty timing on my part :/ Seed got here a week before the soil and already had it started to germ, BUT, if it dies that is alright. A trial run almost, but still my little guy :')

But thanks for the sub, the heat produced by the light is like heating up the whole area, I got a fan installed in it but Ill have to play around with it a bit.


Active Member
your first cab looked exactly like my old one! look at my journal. i now have a new cab 3 foot by 2 foot by 1.6 feet thats all white on the inside. i used alluminum foil in my other box it didnt work to good.


Active Member
ya man, I read through your journal that how the newly saved ones doing?

As far as a *update* goes for today. Not overly concerned but got a little bit of a burn and yellowing going on on her leaf edges :/ It's alright I hope, Im going to wait a few more days.

Im wondering if I should flush ? Not a lot but just like 1 cup of distilled water just splash it through.

Here's how she looks.



Active Member
leaves are starting to show pretty hard. Times are at their toughest only good to come! anybody think it would be a good idea to flush with distilled water? and how to flush properly lol


Active Member
She was looking a little rough this morning, two yellow'd leafs tips are starting to roughen and crisp :( Took a picture of every leave and section of the plant just to give a better closer look.

On the plus side though, it does look like she is growing still, so maybe just a little burn, hopefully she still grows big and plump :')

Notes: She's starting to smell like dope too, this may be bad for some people but I like it :bigjoint: and 4/20 is tomorrow boys and girls get ready!



Active Member
The first real leaves shouldn't be falling off, at least not for a long time.

That really looks (and sounds) like overwatering to me. You shouldn't need to water more than a couple times a week at most. When you water, you should slowly water until it drains all the way out the bottom, then wait to water until the whole pot feels light.

Let her dry out real good, then give a heavy watering. And lay off the ferts, at least until you sort out this issue, since that does also look a little like overfertilization.


Active Member
The first real leaves shouldn't be falling off, at least not for a long time.

That really looks (and sounds) like overwatering to me. You shouldn't need to water more than a couple times a week at most. When you water, you should slowly water until it drains all the way out the bottom, then wait to water until the whole pot feels light.

Let her dry out real good, then give a heavy watering. And lay off the ferts, at least until you sort out this issue, since that does also look a little like overfertilization.
I was thinking the 2 leaves that fell off were the 2 little original tiny ones from the seed xD

As for over watering I can understand this. One thing that I love about the seasoil (no perlite) is that it retains moisture forever. I poured the soil into the pot on Saturday (14th) and gave it a pretty heavy watering and today, I stuck my finger about 4 inches deep (and I dont mean my plant ;) ), and I still felt moisture.

I think I'm going to hold off on watering until maybe Saturday or tomorrow night (Leaving until monday on Saturday then moving back home to work in May) so watering will become something that will be fun to figure out.

No more nutes as far as it concerns me right now. The one mistake I did was nuting then transferring so I believe that had an affect to. New soil, no nutes for a few weeks.

Thanks for the tips tho dude it's always nice to see someone back you up with their opinions.


Active Member
Hey guys here's an update for today, but first! I hope you all had a wonderful 420 and 420 weekend. I know I sure didbongsmilie

So as you can see from the pictures yellow'd leaves are goners, but I think that was mother natures intentions so we wont worry to much.

Took off yesterday got back today so she got a double light cycle this weekend with no dark period but come 11am Monday, back to 20/4.

Gave it a 1cup watering Friday morning and seems like it'll need some more tomorrow so I'm thinking Ill have to water every 2-3 days but that's alright.

Overall growth is nicely coming along. 3 weeks since sprout tomorrow (23rd), central section is starting to expand and hopefully I see some height growth soon!


Ive also moved my grow into my "Grow Box". I'll be doing some mods to it tomorrow and post pics.
If anybody wants to check that out heres the link. {ignore the thread title I was fixing it all up at the time}


Active Member
Definitely looking better! I'd say you're better erring on the side of under-watering rather than over-watering. The worst that will likely happen if you go too long without watering is a little droopy leaves, which will perk right back up once you water. Overwatering will stunt the plant and ultimately kill it!

Right now, my plant is a similar size and age (a little younger), in a similar amount of soil, and it dries out fully every 4-5 days or so. Of course, my soil has a lot of extra perlite mixed in, so it's possible yours would retain water even longer than that!