Chief Walkin Eagle
Well-Known Member
Im not Christian, I just think its good to acknowledge that theres a lot more to life than than this physical state, beautiful things that we cant possibly imagine.
Mr. Eagle, your posts are dripping with venom and you imagine comments that don't exist. I am new here and having a blast let me tell you but I wonder why you feel like most other people here are antagonizing you. Please believe me when I tell you that I am a much, much bigger victim than you are. When I walk down the street people whom I have never met will hurtle insults at me and ask for my lunch money. Banks that I don't have any business with will call me up and tell me that I'm overdrawn. Women look at my crotch and burst out in giggles so don't act like you're the only person that nobody likes, please. If you wouldn't whine about being misunderstood so often maybe people would understand you better. Clearly your self esteem could use a boost. Interestingly enough I've noticed that the most intelligent, compassionate statements have not been found on your posts but on the posts of people looking to engage with you. You are loved Mr. Eagle, open your heart to power of rational discourse and let your pain drift away.I dont even know why these blind followers of limited scientific knowledge are in this forum, its like they think "what are these spiritual basket cases trying to pass as fact today? time to lay some all mighty science on these bitches and put them in their place"... its pathetic.
Four hundred quatloos on the newcomer! cnMr. Eagle, your posts are dripping with venom and you imagine comments that don't exist. I am new here and having a blast let me tell you but I wonder why you feel like most other people here are antagonizing you. Please believe me when I tell you that I am a much, much bigger victim than you are. When I walk down the street people whom I have never met will hurtle insults at me and ask for my lunch money. Banks that I don't have any business with will call me up and tell me that I'm overdrawn. Women look at my crotch and burst out in giggles so don't act like you're the only person that nobody likes, please. If you wouldn't whine about being misunderstood so often maybe people would understand you better. Clearly your self esteem could use a boost. Interestingly enough I've noticed that the most intelligent, compassionate statements have not been found on your posts but on the posts of people looking to engage with you. You are loved Mr. Eagle, open your heart to power of rational discourse and let your pain drift away.
Thank you Sir, I would like to double down with those 400 quatloos and see what is hidden behind door number 3 please.Four hundred quatloos on the newcomer! cn
Lol believe me sir, I dont feel like a victim, you can write a paragraph about a turd and make it sound compassionate and intelligent.. I dont believe that the my quote your responding to is wrong at all, they really do have no business here, and I believe that is the mindset they have when reading something that has to do with spirit, they are just itching for spiritualist to say "fact" or "real" so they can jump and say SCIENCE SAYS OTHERWISE!Mr. Eagle, your posts are dripping with venom and you imagine comments that don't exist. I am new here and having a blast let me tell you but I wonder why you feel like most other people here are antagonizing you. Please believe me when I tell you that I am a much, much bigger victim than you are. When I walk down the street people whom I have never met will hurtle insults at me and ask for my lunch money. Banks that I don't have any business with will call me up and tell me that I'm overdrawn. Women look at my crotch and burst out in giggles so don't act like you're the only person that nobody likes, please. If you wouldn't whine about being misunderstood so often maybe people would understand you better. Clearly your self esteem could use a boost. Interestingly enough I've noticed that the most intelligent, compassionate statements have not been found on your posts but on the posts of people looking to engage with you. You are loved Mr. Eagle, open your heart to power of rational discourse and let your pain drift away.
Agreed, differences of opinion or belief need not get ugly.Four hundred quatloos on the newcomer! cn
A paragraph about a turd. By Jessy Koons Part OneLol believe me sir, I dont feel like a victim, you can write a paragraph about a turd and make it sound compassionate and intelligent.. I dont believe that the my quote your responding to is wrong at all, they really do have no business here, and I believe that is the mindset they have when reading something that has to do with spirit, they are just itching for spiritualist to say "fact" or "real" so they can jump and say SCIENCE SAYS OTHERWISE!
there it be me. non believers are taking over the world... hey you know what that means, rapture is soon to come! brothers and sisters we'll be going home soon!!!! im so stoked and very tired.All I see is a bunch of God-bashing, monkey-metamorphisis, space alien, crazy-ass beliefs, on here, and being a minister of the Universal Life Church, I'm almost tempted to roll up shop and go elsewhere... Just wondering... Little bit of a check here.... I am tolerant of anyones beliefs, but there is a great in-tolerance of anything Christian I ever say when people talk about their far-fetched, man-made, dreamed up concoctions of science and sci-fi, and whatever... Whatever happenned to just believing that Christ died for our sins, and that God created everything, including cannabis, which is clearly pointed out, and spoken HIGHLY of many times in The Bible? Anyone? Seriously, anyone?
Brother, you have had one hell of a hard row to hoe in life & deserve a rest.there it be me. non believers are taking over the world... hey you know what that means, rapture is soon to come! brothers and sisters we'll be going home soon!!!! im so stoked and very tired.
...niiiiiiiceI see by the amount of post's you have you've been here a bit, so you know the heat one can get for their belief's.
You are correct in the bashing - there are a few members here that are rabid in their hatred of God or anything linked to religion and even mention of our Lord will bring on flames faster than Michael Jackson's fro gel.
One thing I have yet to see is anyone flaming a non-believer for their convictions.
Just my take, but in response, Yes - Christ is my savior.
Have fun being one with dirt, simpltinThink of all the good things human beings will not do in this world today because they believe that their most pressing task is to build another church, or to enforce some ancient dietary practice, or to print volumes upon volumes of interpretations on the disordered thinking of ignorant men. How many hours of human labor will be devoured, today, by an imaginary God? - Sam Harris
There you go again Mr. Eagle. Where's the love? Why the sarcasm? Who'd on first? When's dinner? What's this thing called love? Simpltin? SimpletonHave fun being one with dirt, simpltin
Are you so concerned with insults that you have to deal them even when they make yourself look bad?Have fun being one with dirt, simpltin
Universal Life Church minister, you are?
Anyone else want to be one? Why not? Its free and you can do it online.
If this is what the Christian faith has to do to keep their numbers up these days, you sure will be an alone believer soon enough! Most of the world has woken up, slowly but surely........
Am I supposed to care how narrow minded atheists view me? ... Its like you have this code of conduct of science and maturity, maybe you should let some insults fly, could be a good stress relief, it would be healthy for the soul.... xD the soulAre you so concerned with insults that you have to deal them even when they make yourself look bad?
sim·ple·tonn.How much good sense does it take to open your mouth and demonstrate foolishness?
A person who is felt to be deficient in judgment, good sense, or intelligence
there it be me. non believers are taking over the world... hey you know what that means, rapture is soon to come! brothers and sisters we'll be going home soon!!!! im so stoked and very tired.