Would You Fuck This Chick?

Would you fuck this chick?

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look at the pics, that would have to be some serious tuckin lolz
How many years ago did she get the sex change.? I though she/he was young when he decided to do it.?
I'm gonna guess chick with a dick? Why else would u be axin such a ? The funny thing is I know a guy who ended up in the back seat with a shemale before he noticed the pollen sack. Maybe if he was a grower he would have known how to spot the herm from a hundred yards. Another friend of mine actually got a rim job from a shemale and to this day is in denial...that's gotta blow. Truth is the shemale was the hottest female looking female in the place. I guess someone forgot to nip them nanners. Not my problem...I can sleep nightmare free.
I think if I actually got confused to the point of believing it was a chick, I'd just go through with it anyway. Coming across the gear between the legs would be the deal breaker, so post-op and my senses can't tell the difference, game on.

Also, whenever I see a strikingly good looking chick, like the kind that make you do a double take, the first thing that pops into my head is always "if that was a dude, I'd STILL fuck it she's that fine!"

The Asian trannies are the toughest ones to distinguish between IMO.
She/he doesn't have a dick. She/he did an interview with barbara walter and barbara asked if she had a schlong
Hell yeah i just read this whole 13 page thread from the begining and i knew who it was so i have had time to already think about this one and to all of you that said something about jail i thought that same thing as i have spent my fair share of time in jail even done a few months back in the hole only gettn out an hour a day and i dont care what any of you say if you had something like that back there in the cell with you it would be like hitting the jackpot lol but yeah anyone ever been to Glitter gulch in Las Vegas down on Fremont knows theres a few trannies pre op and post op in there and you can usually tell cause they dont take the bottoms off just big fake tits they evidently dont like it when you call them out on it
they cut the ball sack off and they cut the penis down the middle and turn your penis into pussy lips and make a hole were your nut sack used to be i guess that if you have a small dick you would never know you were fucking one cause you wouldnt hit bottom thats kinda what i have got off seeing stuff on the subject like oprah shows and shit
Initially, I voted fuck no because I like being different.

...then I remembered this article from the newspaper the other day and remembered why this poll is here.

So anyway, I want to change my vote to Hell Yes! Not because I want to be different, but because that is a puuurrrrrty man!
I, probably like every other man who saw the previous post, am still in shock that they get their balls cut off.
The pride, the strength, the manhood.....just snipped off like it was nothing. They're just 'scrotum' in the doctors mind.
Blasphemy .
at some point in the womb we are without sex we develop into man or woman whos to say she can't develop until shes out?

not gay if she doesnt have a dick