UFC Appreciation Thread

I've been watching MMA for years and years.. I hardly watch at all any more. IMHO Dana White has RUINED the sport! The ONLY UFC that is worth watching is the ultimate fighter... I say this because Dana can't "buy" those guys... they are far to "green" to put on a good FAKE fight. Any attempts to throw a fight by a newbie fighter would be spotted by us fans way too easy add to this the fact that if successful they get a contract... they fight like their lives depend on it. Once under contract they have loads of experience... enough to toss a fight and still be convincing. Remember what happened to boxing when Don King took charge? How about when Vince Mcmahon took control of the WWE or WWF or whatever they call it now...

My point is when one guy has control over a fight genre it's him that decides who is going to win... if you wanna play... you gotta do what the boss man says..

fights aint fake... that we know. dana loves fighting(he can really box) and is a usiness man too.. i think he made the sport better and more watchable for experienced and average fans alike.. No fighter is training to throw fights, cuttin weight to lose? too much pride in these guys. if dana was in the game of throwing fights we'd know it.
The only time I called bullshit in all these years was when Griffin beat Jackson and Jackson did not raise hell about it. I called bullshit to the whole crowd at my house and most agreed. Other than that I think there have been several cases of fucked up judging, but Dana always says,"Don't leave it in the hands of the judges."

look at forest vs anderson .... looked fake as fuck. come on the toughest dude in the sport RAN outta the octagon? ..... thats just what happens when you get embarrassed that bad.

look at chael sonnon , he got paid 35 fucking stacks to beat the piss outta the number one fighter in the world for almost 5 full rounds.

dana is a genius , the only issue he has is that he gets very personal about these guys and some will end up getting suspended just because they piss him off as to where randy could ask for anything he wants or do anything he wants an dana will look over it.

without dana most of us would not be watchin the shit. true , old school mma fans dont like rules and love to see blood. now dana loves blood too , but without rules , the commisions would not let the ufc in big events , an without big events we are stuck with the old underground shit. (a bunch of guys who couldnt fight but did go in there and fight there hearts out.) pretty much only watchable online or at the video store.

dana turned it into a "sport". and now its on worldwide tv. the fastest growing sport in the world too!

in 2007 there was a couple hundred thousand fans , by 2010 one of brocks PPV's was the number one event.

and dont think he dont put the fans first with almost all the decisions he makes. my main issue with the ufc is there lack of super fights , but i have thought about it and i guess thats where the "political" shit comes in. how many fans an money will they lose if gsp gets beat up ? how many fans an money will they lose puttin jones in the oct with anderson ?

so of course dana has money on his mind , but all in all i think he has done a beautiful job with the ufc. and it is by far rigged ......yet. (fox has their greedy lil hands on it now , so start lookin for "rigs")

i think rashad is gonna take jones down and try his best to hold him there and he might be able to hold him down , but i believe jones can win this off his back.
IF things go like evans want them to, then he will lose by subbmission in the first or early second, if things go jonny's way he will purposely swell evans face up BEFORE he knocks him out.... so late first , early second.

rashad has no chance standing in front of that dude except that 1% chance he clips him with a right. (wont happen) IF rashad can keep him on the ground , and IF rashad has been workin his ass off then there is a 25% chance for him to win.

like i said before , if they dont bring in hendo , then machida is the 205's only hope for a new champ. if they give machida a rematch and he falls asleep on the job again then john jones will run the 205 belt for many many more moons.
IF anderson and jones win one maybe two more fights each , then to me, dana has no choice but to make them fight. (wont happen)

Jones has Great hybrid skills. And he chooses muay Thai for the devistation.. He's at his Peak.. Shogun in his prime vs Jones now, in his prime... Shoguns wins.

Not even close. Shogun is in his prime NOW, not 7 years ago. Having a win streak in Pride FIghting doesn't put you in your prime. Shogun is only 30 and is actually a more rounded fighter than he was in 2005. Not only that, he's gotten naturally bigger. JON JONES HOWEVER, is still evolving, only 24, and DEMOLISHED Shogun. A bigger and better Shogun than what we saw in Pride.
His stint in Pride, while impressive, was still against competitition that is unlike the level of all the top fighting hybrids that dominate the sport now. So yes, I have to disagree 110% with your post.

My counter to your post would be: Shogun in his pride at any age vs. Jones "yet to be" in his prime... Jones wins.
i think a lot of us see the shittyness of the judges and just assume its rigged..... nah them judges suck for real. sometimes i think they are down there next to the octagon starin at mark goddard and the fence.

then one guy will get hit with a big shot and i think 2 of the three judges will give the round to the one who landed the shot even though he lost every second of that round.
i know a couple years ago they didnt even count leg kicks , but hopefully thats been fixed by now , specially after forrest beat rampage with leg kicks only. Gyroscope; i dont recall any controversy over that fight? guess i will watch it again to see what you guys were seeing.
a guy gets took down an within 2 seconds is right back to his feet with no damage taken and the judges still see the take down as more significant then the man who slipped and fell an used pure skill to get the underhook in an be back on his feet. i see it as even

so judging needs to be done by professionals in the mma world. i bet they make more money then the danm fighters. :spew:

Not even close. Shogun is in his prime NOW, not 7 years ago. Having a win streak in Pride FIghting doesn't put you in your prime. Shogun is only 30 and is actually a more rounded fighter than he was in 2005. Not only that, he's gotten naturally bigger. JON JONES HOWEVER, is still evolving, only 24, and DEMOLISHED Shogun. A bigger and better Shogun than what we saw in Pride.
His stint in Pride, while impressive, was still against competitition that is unlike the level of all the top fighting hybrids that dominate the sport now. So yes, I have to disagree 110% with your post.

My counter to your post would be: Shogun in his pride at any age vs. Jones "yet to be" in his prime... Jones wins.

could not agree more.

shogun is in his prime now and he is one of the best fighters in the world. but jones is hybrid like anderson, and he is still showing weakness , he is not quite to his prime yet, he will rain for a LONG time in that division. shogun is his younger days would have gotten fucked up a lot quicker then he did.

everybody talks about chuck in his prime and rampage, shogun, FEDOR and even royce gracie. (sorry , had to) Not one of them fighters have ever stood a chance against the new generation "hybrids". i do agree that rampage had a lot more in him then he does now , but he never stood a chance. other then shogun , none them would even stand a chance against our 170 champ. matter of fact , our 155 champ would demolish any one of them except shogun. you couldnt dream of putting them guys against the 185 an higher now days.

this sport is still evolving bigtime!

Jon Jones weaknesses are a non-factor. except we don't really know about his chin and he got twigs for legs. But i heard greg jackson say, he knows everything he needs to know. And that he is too talented for his own good at times. He doesn't open the book for him because he doesnt want to overtrain him early. si picture jones when he is 27, and he's a young 24? by Nobody at LHW has a real chamce, a punchers chance yes.. but no other. Hendo would be good

And as far as seeing who the champs are. the champs now will be champs for years. And ill say mighty mouse at flyweight. And benson henderson will get beat by edson barboza. then it'll be locked up 4 a while.
Was announced Mir will face JDS in May. More than likely Mir will get KOd in the 1st round but he does have the tools to win the belt. Has JDS ever even been to the ground in the UFC? I know his only loss came by sub but that was before his UFC career. To be honest, I was really looking forward to a Mir/Velasquez fight, such a good match up. Velasquez should get Werdum for that card.
we will finally get to see JDS ground game. mir will not get knocked tho. he has ok stand up imo. but if he can get jds to the ground, its off with his arm. i like JDS too.