pollo asado.
& i hope my friend plays safe with those candys he enjoys.
i begged the tude for that "mass super skunk x hindu kush" maybe they send it free.
my vibes are amazing like that.
told em to keep all the freebies for the above
thats my dream crack right now ^
otherwise im cracked out on beans tell you what. FOS romberry kinda dissapointing. imma email them for replacement beans.
not even gonna tell you how sea of seeds opted to "manage" it.
but that breeder botique i scored quakecrazy or whatever seems real interesting!
gotta ditch some plants still... carmel kush, killing fields, space princess, and one more ... going after one run each.
and i have a near legendary SUPER grapey WAY chemmy fuely amazing structure / stack potential ...grape stomper bx in my hands ...i may have found a pretty damn good elite banger. table gonna be blowing up soon.
and alphadawg... i fucking love this weed.
headout. awesome. i wanna hash a 1/2 a batch! (about 6 zips)
e$ko living in a high PM catching country, reccomends sulfer powder & a duster. old school.
you can be precise with the duster too.
& humidity in the mid to low 40s.
& i add neem once a week to the above.
& fungicide over other week.
he also swears on his garden skills PM does not get resistant to anything.
use a fungicide right, add low humidity, & victory will be yours.
so far so good over here.
but plant AIDS is still around i can 6th sense it.
new tables going in tomorrow & strains du'jour gonna start poppin.