how often do you adjust your PH level?

Dirty jersey

Active Member
my tap water is 8.0, and i ph down with distilled vinegar to 5.5. but at the end of the day, my levels are up to 7.4. what am i doing wrong here? or is this normal?


Well-Known Member
I recommend AN ph up and down, its high priced but very concentrated and you'll use very little , why do people use other things to adjust ph than a specialty product ?

Dirty jersey

Active Member
id love to tell you, but im new to this "soiless" realm and it seemed that for soil, vinegar worked fine but if this product you mention works as good as stated, i wont need to constantly change my ph level correct?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I set my ph prior to filling my res, after that i flat ignore it until i re-fill the tank. I have done both constant testing and adjusting, and leaving it alone, and with the exact same clone time after time they both ended up producing near identical amounts of weed (don't use scales, my harvests are just based on the number of jars filled, always the same)


Well-Known Member
oh, you're in the dwc/bubbleponics section btw, I really couldn't tell you about soiless ph I'm doing some now and don't even check/adjust ph unless I'm feeding. I've never checked runoff


New Member
The more you are "on top" of adjusting your ph, the better your plants will have trying to survive and produce your medicine. So... depend's on the grower I guess and how important his plants health are to them, because in hydro is the life line of your plant and with that the ph as well.

Keeping it in the recommended ph range facilitates nutrient absorption in the proper ranges, now granted the plant stores a lot in the leaves so adjusting daily is not really required but I do it anyway.

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
Today was the first time I made an adjustment to pH in two years. Not because I'm cavalier about it, because mine stay very steady. I do check every day. I claim no credit and give all to the nutrients, Humboldt. Anyway, today it got too low and I didn't even have pH UP. Had to use baking soda. It worked quickly now I hope it stabilizes.


Well-Known Member
Dirty Jersey: RTFB before you plant and and you'll have a lot less problems. In a nut shell, everyone I've read or talked to recommends you check and adjust your pH daily in hydro and weekly in dirt, and they don't tell you to use vinegar or swimming pool acid. If your city water is like the crap that comes out of my tap you might want to spring for some good water too. I hope that helps. HSA


Well-Known Member
Growing in water is sooooooo much easier than growing in soil. I just wish I could SCROG.

Dirty jersey

Active Member
clearly im making all sorts of errors here lol. I think one of my containers has some sort of fungus infection from the plants when i transplanted them from dirt to DWC, the other rez is actually doing fine, the plants are percing up and what not, but both have a less then desirable smell. im told this is norm and people have grown with it no problem and the smell is from the nutes to its a sign of a serious fungus infection.

thats where i get confused with DWC, one persons problem is the next persons "ive had it like that for years with zero issues/yield effects". not exactly " RTFB" friendly results when peopl tell you to "search".

ive had 2 successful grows in dirt, and this is my 3rd and first atempt at DWC.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Dirt - I hope you didn't make the same mistake I did. Take a plant in soil and transfer it to DWC, I stunted 3 plants doing that, 1 severely.

If you have a fungus, you'll need to thourghly clean everything. H2O2 and a root treatment like Piranha are probably in order.

I use AN Ph Perfect, I've never had to adjust (after letting it sit for a while). lollz - Flush water is the only thing I have to adjust.

And for DWC, make sure your nutes are water soluable.

Dirty jersey

Active Member
Okay, so in my future purchases i should get the following

sensibloom grow

AN ph perfect

and whats the "root treatment" and lastly, will my plants BE OK like this till monday when i have funds to order the products?


Well-Known Member
Okay, so in my future purchases i should get the following

sensibloom grow

AN ph perfect

and whats the "root treatment" and lastly, will my plants BE OK like this till monday when i have funds to order the products?
Its sensi grow a/b and sensi bloom a/b for flower, if you're buying AN stuff just so your ph will remain stable you're buying AN for the wrong reason and ANY nutrient I've used doesn't really cause a ph swing. I think if you used the proper ph up or down with whatever nutrients you're using now it would remain stable. Just wtf is this "ph perfect" term coined by AN themselves? I used to be a AN fanboi and still use SOME of their products but for the most part they're way too expensive and just took a price increase . Like I said I use SOME AN stuff but with base (sensi grow) I found it priced higher than it was really worth. Plenty others out there at a better price that will work just as well.


New Member
Its sensi grow a/b and sensi bloom a/b for flower, if you're buying AN stuff just so your ph will remain stable you're buying AN for the wrong reason and ANY nutrient I've used doesn't really cause a ph swing. I think if you used the proper ph up or down with whatever nutrients you're using now it would remain stable. Just wtf is this "ph perfect" term coined by AN themselves? I used to be a AN fanboi and still use SOME of their products but for the most part they're way too expensive and just took a price increase . Like I said I use SOME AN stuff but with base (sensi grow) I found it priced higher than it was really worth. Plenty others out there at a better price that will work just as well.
I ran with PH Perfect it is temperamental to NON-AN products and works "ok". I agree any decent nutrient will have ph stability or should have, if you have drift or ph float then you have other issues, like over feeding, under feeding etc.

Many growers do not understand or want to understand the negative and positive ions that plants give off that causes ph shift or even nutrient uptake for that matter so they quickly blame the nutrient, meters, ph solution or anything else other then their lack of knowledge of whats going on.

Dirty jersey

Active Member
my fail is epic, since i used miracle grow tomato plant food for veg with soil and had zero issues (18-18-21) i THOUGHT i could use it in DWC but clearly, i can not.

so i now need to get better nutes and do a H202 bath as well. can someone direct me on how to perform said bath and what "pirahana" from AN will do for me exactly to help? thank you VERY mucha gain guys.


New Member
my fail is epic, since i used miracle grow tomato plant food for veg with soil and had zero issues (18-18-21) i THOUGHT i could use it in DWC but clearly, i can not.

so i now need to get better nutes and do a H202 bath as well. can someone direct me on how to perform said bath and what "pirahana" from AN will do for me exactly to help? thank you VERY mucha gain guys.
Pull the plant and get a container with some water preferable ph'd RO water with some 29% or better H2o2 for sterilization. Just run the roots through this I let mine sit in and rub my fingers through the roots to give them a brisk shake. You wont hurt them unless you start pulling them off.

Get some DynaGro Grow and Bloom they are 13 bucks each. If you have money get the proTeKt too. I run them with outstanding results, but any hydroponic nute will do like GH, AN or others.

Dirty jersey

Active Member
just ordered sensi grow. should be here plants now have a clear slime mucus on theyre roots...dont think i caught this one fast enough...fuck. had liberty haze, arjans ultra haze 1 and sour kush in this grow.

Dirty jersey

Active Member
OK so im back on track! Got myself my sensi grow in the mail today (AN fanboi....lil disturbing actually) and sterilized EVERYTHING with h202 and got my PPM levels up to about 700 and my ph level was at 5.8.

so far, everything looks great. plants are a lil screwed up, but theyll get better over time im sure. nobodys wilted to the point of no return. cross your fingers for me!