It's All Over Folks

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Libertarian and socialist are very compatible. More compatible than libertarian and Laissez Fair actually.
I never understood the concept of social libertarians. I read the theory, but it's double talk. Socialism is mob rule. Libertarianism is freedom and liberty for all. You can't please the rabble in the pit, and still allow some to be their own individual. This ain't Shakespeare.


Well-Known Member
I never understood the concept of social libertarians. I read the theory, but it's double talk. Socialism is mob rule. Libertarianism is freedom and liberty for all. You can't please the rabble in the pit, and still allow some to be their own individual. This ain't Shakespeare.
there is nothing incompatible with being free and being your brother's keeper.

i do as much on a daily basis.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
there is nothing incompatible with being free and being your brother's keeper.

i do as much on a daily basis.
That's exactly what Zimmerman thought. Look at how that turned out. Had Zimmerman been a libertarian, like myself, a thug would still be alive and continue stealing jewelry. A kid died because Zimmerman was a liberal, like you, and didn't mind his own fucking business.


Well-Known Member
i wanted rick santorum. honestly.

the reason why is because he meant what he said, as crazy as it sometimes was.

but other times, he appealed to folks like me in a big way. he truly believed in the bible's message of 'the true judgment of a people is how they treat their most vulnerable'. or at least he appeared to truly believe such, as well as other batshit insane beliefs.

the practical consequence of romney vs. obama, beside some policy stuff, is SCOTUS picks.

we could go into the debate of furthering income inequality and the merits of doing something about that, or why romney's stance on cannabis, medical or otherwise, is so unacceptable. but in the end, the SCOTUS picks would likely rule the same way.

i'm high.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
i wanted rick santorum. honestly.

the reason why is because he meant what he said, as crazy as it sometimes was.

but other times, he appealed to folks like me in a big way. he truly believed in the bible's message of 'the true judgment of a people is how they treat their most vulnerable'. or at least he appeared to truly believe such, as well as other batshit insane beliefs.

the practical consequence of romney vs. obama, beside some policy stuff, is SCOTUS picks.

we could go into the debate of furthering income inequality and the merits of doing something about that, or why romney's stance on cannabis, medical or otherwise, is so unacceptable. but in the end, the SCOTUS picks would likely rule the same way.

i'm high.
You're a closet bible thumper republican. I knew it. You get high enough, your true self, without self doubt, comes out.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I never understood the concept of social libertarians. I read the theory, but it's double talk. Socialism is mob rule. Libertarianism is freedom and liberty for all. You can't please the rabble in the pit, and still allow some to be their own individual. This ain't Shakespeare.
When I was a wee lass and a card carrying Libertarian I naively believed if the big gov didn't tax so damn much the Haves would naturally help the Have Nots. I believed as taught that if you studied hard and worked hard you could do anything you wanted. Hell, I believed I could be President someday if only that were what I wanted.

I ask those who mock Socialism in a true democracy such as Holland to please elaborate on which freedoms and liberty we enjoy that they do not? When the majority of citizens decide they prefer to pay more taxes so that all the citizens may recieve a good education, health care, a roof over their head and food to eat believing this to be the best path to a safe and prosporous society WHY does that mean the citizens in the minority are having their freedoms and liberty trampled? HOW? And don't believe the hype, we have only the illusion of freedom.

Libertarians believe the country would be much better off if it actually followed the Constitution. The government's role is to implement the policies of the people, not legislate morals. Some Libertarians believe restaurant owners should have the liberty to only serve one race. Other Libertarians believe in Universal Health Care. They are not Republicans, blindly following talking points and voting against their interests or beliefs like 20 year old frat boys longing to belong. They don't believe a guy who couldn't find oil in TX but is fun to have a beer with because he's simple like us would make a fine dandy Prez.

I have also found Libertarians to be overwhelmingly educated and informed. They do not simply accept things as fact because someone else said so or because all the other uneducated and uninformed people surrounding them also believe the world is flat. Socialism believes in liberty and freedom. It also believes a Janitor's job of keeping restrooms sanitary is just as valuable as the job of caring for those struck ill from unsanitary restrooms. Those who wish not to give back to the society are thought ill and call it compassion or fear, the belief is caring for those lazy sloths reduces crime and increases the overall living conditions within the society.

All education is free so the arguement that those with a medical degree need to make more to pay off student loans is quashed.

Socialism, IMHO is the true christianity. I spent 7 tortured years in catholic school(not true christianity); go read the Good News if you disagree and get back at me.

Also, search FDR 2nd Bill of Rights that the citizens of Japan, Germany and Italy all now enjoy and we call Socialism. Peace.


Active Member
i wanted rick santorum. honestly.

the reason why is because he meant what he said, as crazy as it sometimes was.

but other times, he appealed to folks like me in a big way. he truly believed in the bible's message of 'the true judgment of a people is how they treat their most vulnerable'. or at least he appeared to truly believe such, as well as other batshit insane beliefs.

the practical consequence of romney vs. obama, beside some policy stuff, is SCOTUS picks.

we could go into the debate of furthering income inequality and the merits of doing something about that, or why romney's stance on cannabis, medical or otherwise, is so unacceptable. but in the end, the SCOTUS picks would likely rule the same way.

i'm high.

Anyone who supports their raped daughter to have a rape baby should be off'd from this planet. I agree he tended to mean what he said, but he has no heart to feel what his mind thinks. The last thing I would ever do to my daughter if she was raped would be try to get her to have the baby!!! How that would be a priority to a father of a just raped daughter is truly beyond me. I mean WTF that is just sadistic and inhumane on every level of our species. And then to broadcast it on national tv.....u wonder why ricky dropped out....he's a religiously driven fool. And its these types of subhumans that still control our Government and much of our lives.

The "candidates" are all evil. We have to chose from the lesser of the evil's. That's the only option "freedom" has left us. With what they are offering I wish nobody was a valid option. Just not worthy of my support, nor do I think the support of a rational heart driven man. America is a business first and foremost and those who drive the country have one agenda. They all say the right things, but reconfirm our logic of how actions always speak louder than whats said.

Religious zealots cause more harm to this country than anything else in its history. The last thing America needs is to be driven my a religious fuck stain that believes his religion is the guidelines to running a country. A religiously driven moral compass is not needed in 21st century america.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
What concerns me is that corruption in a strictly socialist government can I believe become far worse that what we have now. I enjoy capitalism in moderation not extremism. Extreme capitalism is not good, especially for the poor. Any type of values or belief system can not be legislated upon society with success. Any society must have a certain ammount of socialism in order to function. I believed once as you first stated -When I was a wee lass I naively believed if the big gov didn't tax so damn much the Haves would naturally help the Have Nots. I believed as taught that if you studied hard and worked hard you could do anything you wanted. Hell, I believed I could be President someday if only that were what I wanted. Now it seems the game is rigged a bit. In the course of my lifetime I've seen opportunities dwindle for the average person. We could get a job earning $10.00 an hour to start in the 80's that would pay up to $15.00 or more in a short time with good health insurance. Hard to find that now for a lot of people. First it is necessary to understand where these jobs went and why, to bring these good paying jobs back should be a top priority. It should be an America that has opportunity for everyone, not just the exceptionally gifted, bright or wealthy.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Well I didnt think Gore could lose to the Chimp but he did, If There are shenanigans and Romney does win at least the Dems will be happier with him than anybody else who ran for the nomination, seeing that they complain about him the least.:clap:
Fooled me for a minute. I thought you were being tongue-in-cheek racist. I thought, "Huh, Gore never ran against Obama".


New Member
I never understood the concept of social libertarians. I read the theory, but it's double talk. Socialism is mob rule. Libertarianism is freedom and liberty for all. You can't please the rabble in the pit, and still allow some to be their own individual. This ain't Shakespeare.
Do I really gotta break out our graph for you? Libertarian/Anarchy includes both left and right TECHNICALLY

While technically - there is such a thing as a right libertarian - TECHNICALLY - there really is no ideology or philosophy that is a right libertarian, MOST libertarian and anarchist ideologies and philosophies are infact on the left in social liberties, market anarchy and Laissez-faire being the only thing I can think of that's even remotely to the right. A 'Ron Paul' type libertarian would actually be in the center - free market etc...

Find me a right wing libertarian or anarchist in wilkipedia I challenge you lol just look:

You will find that there is practictly no such person/thinker that has ever existed!

You confuse Big Government as automatically being left wing its just not the case at all, this is part of the republican propaganda. This is exactly what the republicans try to get people to think, that they(Republicans) are libertarian. Double fucking whammy because they get to make the liberals think that libertarians are republican...when the fact is EVERYONE is a libertarian to some degree! bingo bango divide and conqueor!