The Seed Collectors Thread

Cinderella Story
Comments from MrSoul:
I’ve been seeing a lot of posts from people asking for the “Cinderella Story”, so here it is:
In 1997, I discovered a few seeds in a bud of Jack Herer I bought @ “Sensi Smile” coffeeshop in Amsterdam while there to buy seeds. I didn’t expect much when I grew them, but one of those seeds from the JH bud produced a very special female that I call “Princess”.
Therefore Princess’ mother was a Jack Herer (IF we can believe what Sensi Smile printed on the package) and her father is a totally unidentified mystery plant.
I also got 2 more females (Genius & Cafe’Girl) & several males from those seeds. I used pollen from one of the males on a heavy-yielding, dense, resinous ShivaSkunk (from Sensi Seedbank) female, then grew the resulting seeds to get males to produce pollen to cross Princess with, beginning the cubing process.
The first generation of seeds from Princess were called P.50 because they were 50% Princess. I used males from the P.50 generation to back-cross to Princess to get P.75 and again back-crossed with the P.75 pollen to get P.88 and again with the P.88 pollen to get P.94 which is “Cinderella 99″, a cubed version of Princess.
The name “Cinderella” was chosen because of the parallels between this story and the well-known fairy tale in which Cinderella becomes a Princess despite her humble beginning. It’s also VERY similar to the story of the “Morgan Horse”…go Figure
I ALWAYS see preflowers between the age of 4 and 6 weeks. Node 6 is commonly where they start, so I’d say you’re probably seeing them. The plants that show first are usually males. Look over each plant carefully, using a loupe. If you see a preflower at such an early age, it’ll most likely be male, but be SURE before culling it. If you can’t find a preflower on a plant, while most of the others HAVE shown… it’s most likely a female. Isn’t that uniformity NICE? Cinderella 99 is a STABLE strain. Cinderella 88 was close, but this generation is there.
(Cinderella needs odor control?) I don’t know if it helps you, but the scent is very sweet and fruity. It won’t “fool” anyone who’s familiar with MJ, but the average person might not recognize the scent as pot. They start to smell after 3 weeks of 12/12 and they’re harvested 4 weeks later, so the SHORT flowering cycle helps a bit by lessening the amount of time your garden “stinks”.
Yields are highly dependant on the methods used. Pruning style and number of plants/area make a BIG difference. I get about 2 lbs every 50 days under 2kW. I grow a combination of bushes and single-cola clones (about 12-20 of ‘em) in 2 gallon pots of organic soil, feeding them “teas” of dissolved worm castings, PSG, high phosphorus bat guano and kelp meal. My yields are average at best. Professional growers write me saying they get 2lbs/kW, which I’m sure is true.
The scent given off by Cinderella is NOT the typical “pot stench”…not at all skunky -she’s sweet and fruity. Someone passing by the flowering room MIGHT not recognize the scent as pot and mistake it for tropical flowers. When you rub the resin you can definitely smell it. C-99 is more “psychedelic”… I think that’s what you’re looking for eh? Just be sure to smoke a LITTLE, wait 10 minutes, then think about whether or not you need any more…it’s easy to over-indulge and become paranoid.
Haze is my favourite high. Very “trippy” C-99 is has more of the Haze type of high because the mother (Princess), has that kind of high and each time I back-cross to her the next generation gets a bit more of it. Smoking PURE Princess buds is a bit scary… it’s too “speedy” and paranoia-inducing for most people. But she’s so RESINOUS (see photo) and her flavour is just so delicious and fruity that I knew back-crossing her to her offspring over several generations would create a strain which is actually BETTER than the original mother in terms of a more PLEASING high. It was successful beyond my expectations.
The progression I went through was:
P.50 = Princess/(ShivaSkunk/Princess’Brother)
P.75 = Princess/P.50
Cinderella 88 = Princess/P.75
Cinderella 99 = Princess/Cinderella 88
Each generation exhibited a MAJOR jump in potency: P.50 was rather mellow, P.75 has a well-balanced body/mind high with a citrus flavour, Cinderella 88 is cerebral and paralyzing with a tropical fruit flavour, and Cinderella 99 is “TRIP WEED” with more of the fruity flavour and speedy effect from Princess.
C-99 will be a bigger yielder and faster finisher (than D/T) – which I personally think makes more sense to begin a grow with. If you’re growing under 1000W lamps, you should easily get a pound of C-99 per lamp after a 7 week flowering period. When you have all the weed you need and can take your time waiting for a long-flowering Sativa, THEN start those “extra” beans (included in your order)… I don’t know what the Bros Grimm sent you, but it’s NOT Durban/Thai. I’m still developing it, so they won’t see it for about 6 months.
Thanks for noticing her she IS beautiful! Cafe’Girl is a sister of “Princess” – Princess is the mother of the Cinderella series. Cafe’Girl smells like a combination of ginger, orange and cream… kinda smells like a “Creamsicle” -you know those ice cream bars? She has the highest YIELD of the 3 Sisters (Princess, Genius and Cafe’Girl). Cafe’Girl makes HUGE, DENSE, SPARKLING buds with a lovely high. A really sweet high, in that you never feel paranoid and it continues to “creep up” over the first 15 minutes after you smoke, leaving you feeling warm and at peace with life. Bros Grimm may offer an hybrid of Cafe’Girl when enough testing of her offspring has been completed.
Sure, I’d be glad to answer your q’s:
1. I flower clones when they’re about a foot tall and they double in height during flowering.
2. They clone SUPER EASY.
3. Crossing Cindy 88′s will you a variety of phenotypes… they’re not stable. Cindy 99 IS STABLE.
4. The seeds are small, tan in colour and “speckled” not striped. If you ordered from either Bros.Grimm or Heaven’s Stairway you WON’T get ripped off…but I’ll describe the plants: As seedlings they’re fast-growing, Indica-dominant with fairly wide leaves. They show preflowers @ 5-6 weeks old WITHOUT FAIL. They NEVER herm, so if the preflowers have pistils, it’s FEMALE forever. They flower RAPIDLY – you probably won’t believe how fat and dense and frosty they’ll be @ 4-5 weeks 12/12. The flower/leaf is EXTREMELY high; the tops of the colas go NUTS at about 5 weeks into flowering, sending braid-like floral cluster projections out in all directions without any leaves. Just before that happens, hundreds of SNOW WHITE pistils make the tip of the colas look like they’re wearing fur caps! The resin production is HEAVY (again, you won’t believe it), a HEAVENLY scent of tropical fruit and berries begins to fill the room @ 3 weeks of 12/12 and just keeps getting more overpowering ’til they’re done. The finished smoke is the type of high that keeps you UP; it’s very cerebral – the only body effect is the “jitters”. I certainly wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking to “mellow out” on the sofa, BUT if you wanted to smoke before going running or cycling – PERFECT!
I smoked C-88 one eve after trying Silver Haze and the C-88 buzz cut RIGHT THROUGH the high of the Haze so badly that my wife asked me, “what did you do?… smoke too much?” The flavour is just like the scent; fruity and sweet…not at all hashy (not that there’s anything WRONG with that!…heehee.
Outdoors, Apollo 13 and Cinderella 88 will finish before October 15th at 43 degrees north lattitude.
If you liked NL#5/Haze, you’ll like C-99 too. It’s got a sweet, fruity taste and some of that “paranoia inducing” effect, very cerebral and speedy. The major advantages of C-99 over the old Haze x NL#5 from the original Seed Bank are rapid maturation and bigger yield. The highs and flavours are “different” but in the same class.
That still does not change the fact it's 200 for 2 seeds when you can get 1000's off a couple branches. No beans are worth 200 for 2 even if the yield is great! That's my opinion tho

True, they are expensive... But they should be pure g13. I would like to know how variable these S1s are... If they're relatively uniform, maybe it would only take a few beans to find a good G pheno. I'm sure that Mr Nice has some G13 phenos lurking around in those crosses, but being only 25% G13, they may be harder to find... depending how dominant the G13 is, i don't kno. The pheno hunt may cost more... If I start anything from Mr Nice, I'll let ya know. As far as the Greenthumb's, I'll havta wait until the penny jar is full to try those out

@Karma. I'm sure Scott will do fine, its not like he just popped up outta nowhere... He's been around awhile. I have some of his older stuff, I'd like to get some RD genetics as well. If your still out west, look for his strain Rectangle...
OK, I have to. My "trade" came today and guy said he threw in a rooted White Rhino which I could care less about anyways along with my Skywalker OG...........HOWEVER don't waste a stamp on this........

And yes that is in a shotglass, and trust me the Skywalker OG cut does not look much Traded 2 cuts of Blue Dream, 2 cuts of Plush BCS, and 2 GTH #8 seeds for this.....HAHA! You should of seen the cuts I shipped! If this Skywalker OG cut is not what it is supposed to be a will be taking a drive to the address I sent these to..............And thanks for the discreet shipping fuckers! This is how this came to my door

Have fun at the cup KAB, I will get those Blue Dream pics up for you soon

it took me a second to even relize what the fuck you were talking about, thats how fucked up that is! i was like "well thats not cool of digilux but i've seen worse" BUT no wait! thats how a cut was shipped to you!? BULL FUCKING SHIT!

yeah invite/elite site sure does a good job of keeping the assholes away.. not


further reading is fundamental.. still fucking bullshit, i wouldn;t be ok with that from someone here either.. man i'd be some pissed
mother fucking skunk #1 is in everygod damn strain known to america.. i'm tired of it..

SeedFinder › Database › Strains › Clone Only › Snowdawg
Strain: Snowdawg
Breeder: Clone Only
Location: indoor, outdoor, greenhouse
Type: mostly indica
Flowering: unknown
Available as clone only.
Clone Only Strains -Snowdawg

Aka: Super Snowdawg or Snow Dawg
Made by Chemdawg.
Genetic: bubble chemdawg clone, crossed to a Superskunk x Oregon snow.​
User-Generated Strain-Profile

For this strain we got input by 1 user(s). Here a short overview:

General Impression Indoor: is all together extraordinary and quite recommendable.
Strength / Lasting Effect: The weed is strong and long lasting.
Votings of our users: Snowdawg gets8.00 of 10 possible Points in the average!
More Info: Please click here to see the full Plant-Profile!

Strain Lineage / Genealogy / Family Tree

Crossbreeds and hybrids with "Snowdawg"

User-Comments about this strain:

tje22 saysat the 09.03.2011, 19:46:This comment is connected to a Plant-Profile!Great daytime smoke! Very pungent fruity smell​
Some more breadcrumbs:

SeedFinder › Database › Strains ›Alphabetical › Snowdawg (Clone Only Strains)
Hits: 5454

  • If you liked NL#5/Haze, you’ll like C-99 too. It’s got a sweet, fruity taste and some of that “paranoia inducing” effect, very cerebral and speedy. The major advantages of C-99 over the old Haze x NL#5 from the original seed bank are rapid maturation and bigger yield. The highs and flavours are “different” but in the same class.​


I have some 80s Nl5xHzC going now. (It's not from mr nice or sensi.)
Used to have a warning label in "the seed bank" catalog ad from Nevile in 89.
Super jealous of everyone's seed orders for 420. Great scores everyone. I didn't buy any beans. But I did get gifted some bubba kush( katsu cut)Xghost OG(male). My dude out here popped some ghost OG and got two true males so he used em. The g13 that has been eluding me is here in front of my face. But she is old and tired. They're gonna do a large s1 of her. I was arguing with my boy about the fems telling him to just bx her to bring her back. Got to meet a ton of "famous" canna people which was cool. Thanks for the advice on Scott's gear. I'll ask him about the rectangle. Smoked so much herb yesterday it was great. Made me feel like a kid. Got gifted a bunch of herb and the cup doesn't even start till today! My girl smoked so much she had to sit down. I've never seen that that. It was the underdawg that got her. Everything out here is an OG. I asked my buddies friend wtf is everything an OG? The herb that I've smoked has been very good. But I'm more impressed with the concentrates. My a11 would have knocked heads back. But i haven't seen any of the official herbs yet. So I'm sure there is something crazy flame.

Of course my girl has been offered mad booth girl jobs. She's out here killing it. These mountain woman ain't got nothing on some Midwest ass!i think she may actually wear won of the outfits to get one of those handheld vapes. I actually really like it. Great for smoking hash. She's been giving so much herb and swag. Today's gonna be great. The guys out here are way more respectful than back home to me. They start to hit on her but as soon as she points at me they back off. Nothing like back home!well I'm off to get stupid stoned.
Colorado seed companies are going change..
Might want to get your rd 303 an centennial while you can?
After months of confusion regarding the legality of seed sales at dispensaries, the Colorado cannabis community finally has an answer from the state. And though it doesn't technically ban seed sales, it's not exactly the one some plant breeders wanted.Medical marijuana attorney Bob Hoban, who'd requested a clarification of the rules in March, recently received a letter from Medical Marijuana Enforcement Division chief Laura Harris. In her response, Harris okays seed sales but says state law requires seed production to be done by the dispensaries themselves. The MMED has since posted the response on its website; it's on view below. Hoban was unavailable for comment.
"The MMED finds no statutory or regulatory authority to prohibit an MMC licensee, or an MMC applicant currently authorized to sell medical marijuana...from selling medical marijuana 'seeds' that were cultivated in its commonly owned optional premises cultivation to registered patients and other licensees," Harris writes. "The MMED does believe that [the law] prohibits an MMC from selling medical marijuana seeds that are not grown upon its licensed premises."
That opinion essentially knocks out current seed companies that have been propagating plants in grows not attached to any dispensaries.
Ben Holmes, founder of Centennial Seeds, suspended his seed sales in February after learning that he was in legal limbo. He had hoped for a system that followed state agricultural regulations and allowed for more plant research: "If this wasn't a scary plant, this is how they would do it," he said at the time. "That's how they do it with corn or any other seeds."
Although upset by Harris's response to Hoban, Holmes says he wasn't expecting a good outcome -- in fact, he dissolved his company last week. Still, he points out that MMCs don't have the time or space to devote to seed production, adding that any plants used for seeds would technically be taking medicine away from patients.
Harris "basically pins the MMCs so that they can only sell seeds that they produce," he notes. "You have a business that is essentially seedless. Sinsemilla. To grow with seed is to sell more weight than they can benefit from. It also changes the output of the plant. To have them grow seed in their shop is ridiculous."
^^^i think its good,i mean if you can not set up a room for breeding,then do not try to sell seeds.
i would never trust someone else to breed for me,from my stock...what the hell.
i did one male,and one female in a 2x2x5,and got over 2000+ seeds,how hard can it be.

on another note,got me treated to some [Stardawg clones] & [chem4 clones] with more chem clones to come i hope.
Thought about grabbing a pack of the 303 seeds Bio-Diesel but I can't find any info about them. Already taken a bit of a blind jump with Rare Dankness so I'ma hold off for now.
Fuck Dr. Greenthumbs $100- for one G13 seed!!

Im sure most of us already have Hazemans Pacific G-13 by Way of Vic High, G-13 BX 2.....
Much better G-13 in my opinion...

And again.. IT WAS A FREEBIE!!!!

LILB, that was some fucked up shit.....
Fuck Dr. Greenthumbs $100- for one G13 seed!!

Im sure most of us already have Hazemans Pacific G-13 by Way of Vic High, G-13 BX 2.....
Much better G-13 in my opinion...

And again.. IT WAS A FREEBIE!!!!

LILB, that was some fucked up shit.....

good to see I'm not alone in thinking Dr.G is just a bit out of control but, I'm happy with my stuff from Mr.nice.....

I pulled the trigger on the Elephant Stompers.... Wallet is going on life support till the bodhi drop lol
Here's 1 of 4 Tranquil Elephantizer's that came down yesterday.
First day of harvest was great, cut 14 plants, and took 48 cuttings for my aero-cloner...

Have many pics to post, but today is day 2 so i'll gather some more fire!!!
Last year, over 850,000 people in America were arrested for marijuana-related crimes. Despite public opinion, the medical community, and human rights experts all moving in favor of relaxing marijuana prohibition laws, little has changed in terms of policy.

There have been many great books and articles detailing the history of the drug war. Part of America’s fixation with keeping the leafy green plant illegal is rooted in cultural and political clashes from the past.

However, we at Republic Report think it’s worth showing that there are entrenched interest groups that are spending large sums of money to keep our broken drug laws on the books:

1.) Police Unions: Police departments across the country have become dependent on federal drug war grants to finance their budget. In March, we published a story revealing that a police union lobbyist in California coordinated the effort to defeat Prop 19, a ballot measure in 2010 to legalize marijuana, while helping his police department clients collect tens of millions in federal marijuana-eradication grants. And it’s not just in California. Federal lobbying disclosures show that other police union lobbyists have pushed for stiffer penalties for marijuana-related crimes nationwide.

2.) Private Prisons Corporations: Private prison corporations make millions by incarcerating people who have been imprisoned for drug crimes, including marijuana. As Republic Report’s Matt Stoller noted last year, Corrections Corporation of America, one of the largest for-profit prison companies, revealed in a regulatory filing that continuing the drug war is part in parcel to their business strategy. Prison companies have spent millions bankrolling pro-drug war politicians and have used secretive front groups, like the American Legislative Exchange Council, to pass harsh sentencing requirements for drug crimes.

3.) Alcohol and Beer Companies: Fearing competition for the dollars Americans spend on leisure, alcohol and tobacco interests have lobbied to keep marijuana out of reach. For instance, the California Beer & Beverage Distributors contributed campaign contributions to a committee set up to prevent marijuana from being legalized and taxed.

4.) Pharmaceutical Corporations: Like the sin industries listed above, pharmaceutical interests would like to keep marijuana illegal so American don’t have the option of cheap medical alternatives to their products. Howard Wooldridge, a retired police officer who now lobbies the government to relax marijuana prohibition laws, told Republic Report that next to police unions, the “second biggest opponent on Capitol Hill is big PhRMA” because marijuana can replace “everything from Advil to Vicodin and other expensive pills.”

5.) Prison Guard Unions: Prison guard unions have a vested interest in keeping people behind bars just like for-profit prison companies. In 2008, the California Correctional Peace Officers Association spent a whopping $1 million to defeat a measure that would have “reduced sentences and parole times for nonviolent drug offenders while emphasizing drug treatment over prison.”​

RELATED: Why Can’t You Smoke Pot? Because Lobbyists Are Getting Rich Off of the War on Drugs