The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
yehi need to get myself a glass bong or summet i fucking hate smoking makes me feel sik n horrible and the taste is rank,,,i can quit in jail no problems and just spend me money on munch but atm i think its the boredome of been stuk in bakis £8.50 for 50 grammes now amber leaf so the price is getting bad too
anyways yeh in shirt i shoud get a galss bong/pipe to save smoking baki have a bong rather than spliff

so ur a hoarder then lmao drawers full of everything and anything

oh yeh my pal had a sterling silver clipper NOT a sleeve the full lighter it was awsome was always trying to pnch it lmao he always missed it tho the wanker

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You would not believe it man :D i mean fuck, i have 3 different computers and 3 stero's in my bedroom alone :D

As to buying shit to quit smoking, i found that it didn't work. I spent £120 on a bong, £30 on a pipe, £120 on a portable vape, £320 on a volcano, didn't stop me smoking tobacco for shit, and that was why i ohught em. You need to quit the cigs straight up. Vapes, bongs, pipes, NONE of em compare to a propper joint. Amber leaf was my poison, the they went and sold a pack of rizzla with each pack and got to raise their price to accomodate the papers, ended up spening upto £10 a week on tobacco, more than i was happy with. 1 week without topbacco yeahhhhhh. Once i get weed i'll be using ym bong and vape for the fact that i don't want that shitty taste and such, just weed, not ebacuse it'll stop me smoking that shite :) I used to smoke for no other reason than it made me dizzy lol.


Well-Known Member
i gave up smoking using that allen carr easy way. it was the best way i found. i started back tho through joints. im going to give it another go soon cos ive had to give the green up for a bit cos of an interview coming up. when i start back ill just do it through a vapouriser or pipe

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I just gave up by stopping. Figured that if i want to quit, then i'll quit. As opposed to beer where i tell myself i should quit, but i have no desire to quit, so i am unable lol


Well-Known Member
You would not believe it man :D i mean fuck, i have 3 different computers and 3 stero's in my bedroom alone :D

As to buying shit to quit smoking, i found that it didn't work. I spent £120 on a bong, £30 on a pipe, £120 on a portable vape, £320 on a volcano, didn't stop me smoking tobacco for shit, and that was why i ohught em. You need to quit the cigs straight up. Vapes, bongs, pipes, NONE of em compare to a propper joint. Amber leaf was my poison, the they went and sold a pack of rizzla with each pack and got to raise their price to accomodate the papers, ended up spening upto £10 a week on tobacco, more than i was happy with. 1 week without topbacco yeahhhhhh. Once i get weed i'll be using ym bong and vape for the fact that i don't want that shitty taste and such, just weed, not ebacuse it'll stop me smoking that shite :) I used to smoke for no other reason than it made me dizzy lol.
yeh its menna be fact that u heal qwikker to being a none smoker,weird but anwyays yeh need to qwit the missus is trying too shes on propper cigs tho so pff it gets expensive, and yeh them volcanos seem cool as fuk big plaggy bag on top,wikid the child would hvae a feild day with it,the little cowbag

aww so 27 of everything and uve stil not got enought ha i know people like you everything nigga rigged up dolby 27 stero tape and wires everyware lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
And man, tell her to ger the fuck off the straights the useless cow! I swear to god they're a scam. I can have 1 rollup and be good for half the day, if soemone gives me a pack of straights i can can chain smoke them and get absolutely ZERO fufillment from em. They are a joke. They're for lazy fucking chavs! As is also my opinion of filters though. I roll with a roach, if i use a filter i finish my ciggie and i think fuck, i need another 2 or 3.

And yeah, i'm a hoarder, i love owning things :D ends up costing a fair whack though, i mean i'm looking at almost 2kw of power ust to listen to some music loud :D I rencetly bought a shuttle x100 off ebay for £80 because it meant that i could power it on wiht my big tv and it would use 45w instead of near 650w for nothing more than listening to music and browsing the web. Not gonna sell the old one thouhg, she's my baby, i can't sell my TJ07, toooo pretty :D


Well-Known Member
I just gave up by stopping. Figured that if i want to quit, then i'll quit. As opposed to beer where i tell myself i should quit, but i have no desire to quit, so i am unable lol

Best way i just stopped to, the volcano came in handy though took a few days to get used to but it helped no end

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
we all ready for a night face pounding, blood splattering, bone breaking family fun?? haha ufc tonight boys the light heavy weight belt up for pinchs. jones vs evens former training partners.
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh u cud cut the tension with a knife its so thick.
weed ready, kids in bed, dinner cooking am getting warmed up as we speak
haha how do ttt. am good thanks ready for a good punch up on the telly


Well-Known Member
ye'd have mare chance getting my wife to go, bringing mrs supersillybilly?

Tae the mental rave at Ersel, eh Naw.....Im getting right out ma tattie. lol When I come over to the Dam in Aug 12th, yes she will be there. Normal Billy(kinda). Looking forward, last time I was there it was guilders.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Mrs sillybilly? LMAO Last time billy got close to a bird she nutted him one :D I think that if there had actually been words invovled prior to the ass whooping it would have sounded somewhat similar to this :D

oh ok! Framing Dragon; fuck face; first, take a big step back and littarly FUCK YOUR OWN FACE! Now I don’t know what kind of pampas hitten bullshit power play your trying to pull here, but agent Jack is my territory, so whatever your thinking; you better think again; otherwise I’m going to have to head down there and I will rain down in a godly fuck’n fire storm upon you, your going to have to call the fuck’n United Nation to get a fuck’n binding resolution to keep me from fuck’n destroying you! I Am Talking Scorched Earth Mother Fucker! I will Massacre You! I WILL FUCK YOU UP!

Beaten the fuck up was our billy.... by a girl :lol: Although i say that lightly DST, i know what your mrs is like lol, not gonna try fucking with her :D


Well-Known Member
Ah u see I have more faces than Big Ben.......All will be revealed when I come over D.......Didn't know u liked yer malts. Interesting. Mibby just in time for some DOG pollen. lol Here TTT, I like a scrap, well did like a scrap(Im too lazy now, I use weapons)but the bitch caught me unawares. lol Fucking quality headbutt. lol Im going to watch John Carter, 3rd attempt

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
lol, i'll let you off :D every single time i've been smacked up, it ws because i told them to lol.

Is JC really as bad as all the news stories made out, disneys biggest flop of all time kinda thing :D I'm still wokring my wy through P express and yet another bottle of leffe :D

Dinner gonna be cold tonight asshole!

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
bunch piss heads on a weed forum, something unholly about that. haha
right dinner time for me,am starving could almost eat ic3s foot haha

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
lol. 2/3 through my fajita and starting to struggle badly, might end up being breakfast as well. I've cranked the swing-hop upto unfriendly levels in the hope the bass might empty my stomach so i can eat more :D

And well, you post that weed this way and i'll happily cut back on the booze lol. I've a few rather fancy wine cellars within spitting distance from ym house, i always find it a fucking nightmare not to walk in and throw away £100 on a bottle of rather fine whisky, most spirits can get fucked, whisky though, i will happily sip on some whisky in the bath! :)