Active Member
just dont flush down the toilet, yay or nay well either water or a agent will work when your fucked up on the chronic watchin star wars! may the force be with your bong!
cmon cant you just imagine the crotchety old UB trolling the threads until he finds one and then he throws his old weathered fist and exclaims in a old raspy voice," AHHH fluushing is a MYTH take that one noob!"
Haha I
Not sure if you're just poking a little harmless fun or if you're just being disrespectful.cmon cant you just imagine the crotchety old UB trolling the threads until he finds one and then he throws his old weathered fist and exclaims in a old raspy voice," AHHH fluushing is a MYTH take that one noob!"
BawhahahahahahahaOh, I see... This is a pissing match thread.
I'd post a pick, but my plant is so huge I can't get it all in the frame. It's like sixty feet tall and takes three minutes to walk around. Last one I grew yielded like eight thousand pounds. So there.
Flushing for three weeks is absolutely absurd and is shocking advice to give too.I also use carboload and 3 tblspoons fermented hi brix mollasses with final phase for three weeks
Whatever happened to old Ben?......
Hopefully he left for good, everything I read from that guy is straight ignorance and ego.
I think this is my first post on a rather old thread but i couldn't help myself. I'm not offering any new scientifically researched data just my experience, which could certainly be considered "scientific research" in itself I suppose. That said by far best stuff I've had was flushed 10 days plain tap. I've had that same stuff non flushed, couldn't even smoke it and believe me it blows any strain you have ever had seen or heard about out of the freaking water and i could not smoke it, even the bubble hash suffered! Oh well. And guess what? That stuff was WET as fudge! So your whole dry cure arguement is out the window, at least for strains this dank. Cures will definitely help inferior genetics but isn't needed for the super dank stuff. You either know or don't, have the experience or not. Think what you want it's fact and I'm the proof, go Fudge yourself if you disagree I don't give a shiz what you think. Sound ignorant? Am I an being a A hole? Good. Prehaps, but that's how much this misinformation pisses me off.
For those interested in His mehod ( which I would not recommend unless you have super top notch genetics) was a 10 day tap flush in hydro followed by only 4 days of dry and you know what he did then? He put it in semi sealed bags in the freezer! That right, no jars or curing, the buds were still wet and so freaking sticky stinky it didn't even matter. I got better buzz from the sugar leaves than ANY other buds I've ever had, and that's a lot, trust me. Taste lingering in mouth no less than an hour. So yeah, please spare me, it's not a debate or agree to disagree thing. If you don't flush and can't tell a difference than I feel bad for you and your sub par senses but spitting your nonsense has potential to harm people who are trying to learn and mistakenly listen to your dumb ass remarks, and that's just plain F'd up bro's! You smoke cigarettes too? I wouldn't doubt it, as it kills all that good smell and taste stuff you got going on. Flush your freaking buds for at least a week before harvest. Not doing so after spending all your hard work is a sin. Do the right thing and flush. Just don't use 0 ppm water it will freak the ladies out in a bad way. Gradually lowering it is ideal. Anyone who says oherwise just go smoke your bunk ass shiz by yourself somewhere else. A true connosuer can easily, so freaking very easily tell the difference, no science or taste test required, your welcome.
What your describing is leeching not flushing, also flushing isn’t a thing in any agricultural industry. Also they don’t teach that anywhere especially in any college course I’ve take thus far. Proper drying and curing is key, not over feeding your plants is key. I’ve said it before I’ve had both flushed and non flushed plants I’ve taken to Clio for the medical cannabis cup and the folks there could tell no difference. That includes vendors and such there. Learning to grow and dry are key to good tasting, smooth burning bud.Hopefully he left for good, everything I read from that guy is straight ignorance and ego. I think this is my first post on a rather old thread but i couldn't help myself. I'm not offering any new scientifically researched data just my experience, which could certainly be considered "scientific research" in itself I suppose. That said by far best stuff I've had was flushed 10 days plain tap. I've had that same stuff non flushed, couldn't even smoke it and believe me it blows any strain you have ever had seen or heard about out of the freaking water and i could not smoke it, even the bubble hash suffered! Oh well. And guess what? That stuff was WET as fudge! So your whole dry cure arguement is out the window, at least for strains this dank. Cures will definitely help inferior genetics but isn't needed for the super dank stuff. You either know or don't, have the experience or not. Think what you want it's fact and I'm the proof, go Fudge yourself if you disagree I don't give a shiz what you think. Sound ignorant? Am I an being a A hole? Good. Prehaps, but that's how much this misinformation pisses me off.
For those interested in His mehod ( which I would not recommend unless you have super top notch genetics) was a 10 day tap flush in hydro followed by only 4 days of dry and you know what he did then? He put it in semi sealed bags in the freezer! That right, no jars or curing, the buds were still wet and so freaking sticky stinky it didn't even matter. I got better buzz from the sugar leaves than ANY other buds I've ever had, and that's a lot, trust me. Taste lingering in mouth no less than an hour. So yeah, please spare me, it's not a debate or agree to disagree thing. If you don't flush and can't tell a difference than I feel bad for you and your sub par senses but spitting your nonsense has potential to harm people who are trying to learn and mistakenly listen to your dumb ass remarks, and that's just plain F'd up bro's! You smoke cigarettes too? I wouldn't doubt it, as it kills all that good smell and taste stuff you got going on. Flush your freaking buds for at least a week before harvest. Not doing so after spending all your hard work is a sin. Do the right thing and flush. Just don't use 0 ppm water it will freak the ladies out in a bad way. Gradually lowering it is ideal. Anyone who says oherwise just go smoke your bunk ass shiz by yourself somewhere else. A true connosuer can easily, so freaking very easily tell the difference, no science or taste test required, your welcome.
All that typing to say absolutely nothing.You have anything to say that can be proven? Just the usual "my shits better" or "it's all about the white ash bro", I seen it on a youtube video shit talking?Hopefully he left for good, everything I read from that guy is straight ignorance and ego. I think this is my first post on a rather old thread but i couldn't help myself. I'm not offering any new scientifically researched data just my experience, which could certainly be considered "scientific research" in itself I suppose. That said by far best stuff I've had was flushed 10 days plain tap. I've had that same stuff non flushed, couldn't even smoke it and believe me it blows any strain you have ever had seen or heard about out of the freaking water and i could not smoke it, even the bubble hash suffered! Oh well. And guess what? That stuff was WET as fudge! So your whole dry cure arguement is out the window, at least for strains this dank. Cures will definitely help inferior genetics but isn't needed for the super dank stuff. You either know or don't, have the experience or not. Think what you want it's fact and I'm the proof, go Fudge yourself if you disagree I don't give a shiz what you think. Sound ignorant? Am I an being a A hole? Good. Prehaps, but that's how much this misinformation pisses me off.
For those interested in His mehod ( which I would not recommend unless you have super top notch genetics) was a 10 day tap flush in hydro followed by only 4 days of dry and you know what he did then? He put it in semi sealed bags in the freezer! That right, no jars or curing, the buds were still wet and so freaking sticky stinky it didn't even matter. I got better buzz from the sugar leaves than ANY other buds I've ever had, and that's a lot, trust me. Taste lingering in mouth no less than an hour. So yeah, please spare me, it's not a debate or agree to disagree thing. If you don't flush and can't tell a difference than I feel bad for you and your sub par senses but spitting your nonsense has potential to harm people who are trying to learn and mistakenly listen to your dumb ass remarks, and that's just plain F'd up bro's! You smoke cigarettes too? I wouldn't doubt it, as it kills all that good smell and taste stuff you got going on. Flush your freaking buds for at least a week before harvest. Not doing so after spending all your hard work is a sin. Do the right thing and flush. Just don't use 0 ppm water it will freak the ladies out in a bad way. Gradually lowering it is ideal. Anyone who says oherwise just go smoke your bunk ass shiz by yourself somewhere else. A true connosuer can easily, so freaking very easily tell the difference, no science or taste test required, your welcome.
Lmao Rez skittles, that made my dayAll that typing to say absolutely nothing.You have anything to say that can be proven? Just the usual "my shits better" or "it's all about the white ash bro", I seen it on a youtube video shit talking?
People that flush need to learn how to grow, not the other way around. If your weed tastes like shit you fucked something up. What's in the plant isn't removed by washing the dirt. If the minerals were that easy to remove why would people and animals eat plants? Wait until all these assholes with compost piles and adding hardwood ash to their gardens realize it was all for nothing. Good thing you came along to set everyone straight.
Bro add some skittles to your rez bro and taste the rainbow.
Your shits the best, please explain how you you grow such high quality weed. Look at your first post, nothing but negative condescending bullshit with zero proof of anything.Considering my shit is better than yours and the ash Burns white dang you nailed it bro. Your just a wealth of information here aren't you? Amuse me with some more condescending smart ass remarks please. Your making my day as well.
Why post bullshit like this? That your contribution? Telling people how great you are so theres no debate needed. Full of arrogance and ignorance by a self proclaimed guru that won't back his claims because he can' experience, which could certainly be considered "scientific research" in itself I suppose
Good thing you dug up this thread it certainly needed more useless hypocritical troll drivel.Think what you want it's fact and I'm the proof, go Fudge yourself if you disagree I don't give a shiz what you think. Sound ignorant? Am I an being a A hole? Good. Prehaps, but that's how much this misinformation pisses me off.
There is a difference a big one from leeching and flushing. I’ve always fed my plants til the end. Ever notice supersoil never really fades? But they seem to be just fine. I have a farm I’m going to school for my third degree in botany and strange as it is the mystery magical word of flushing never comes up strange? Now to reduce your feed to around 200ish ppm and let her ride til the end. Do you understand mobile and immobile nutrients and how many aren’t getting “flushed” do you believe in boiling your roots as well? I swear stupid stoner myths never fail to amuse me. As for my nutrients there dirt cheap and last forever and better than the stuff found in any grow store. I do hydro and supersoil both of mine are fed til the end both end up tasting amazing and everything. The issue is you end up starving the plant where the chlorophyll is already breaking down resulting in the short dry cycle you’ve been using working half assed. Why? Because its already doing what it normally does during a properly setup drying room. Bad smoking bud is from poor drying methods, bad taste especially metallic taste is usually from being over fed. As for your bud being better than anyone else’s what does it matter? Do you take it to any real judging event such as cannabis cup? Do you get it tested? I do every grow mine is tested after it’s done. I got to several events each year so my peer reviews come from more than just a few folks I know.I have nothing but respect for you home brew, so i dont mind your critisism. You post good info on a lot of threads I like to read giving great advice and always in a respectful manner so if I'm out of line I apologise but as far as I'm concerned this isn't even a discussion. I've first handed experienced the results of flush and no flush on the same product grown the same way for over 25 years. He didn't flush once, didn't tell me, and after all these years of getting the same amazing material I had to say something and I'll give you one guess at what he did differently. Someone he knew recommend not flushing and the result? Well let's just say everyone who knew the guy returned the material and he did not blame them. I made bubble from it and it was even noticable. Next cycle he flushes, and all that nasty stuff went down the drain and we're back on track. Flush, leech, what ever you want to call it you know what I'm talking about, get as technical as you want or try to discredit me it makes no difference, and your experience with doing it both ways does nothing for me. if you can't tell a difference why waste the effort and nutrients? Hmm doesn't make sense to me but go ahead. I almost don't believe you and don't trust your watered down sensory imput, or the other handful of people you claim to not notice such an obvious difference. I didn't even smoke your bud and I can tell you there's a difference.
I’m rich why because I said so. Damn it doesn’t work lol. The flat earth thread in the science section is always a funny read retiredgorilla always has “words of wisdom” on why the earth is flat lmao.Your shits the best, please explain how you you grow such high quality weed. Look at your first post, nothing but negative condescending bullshit with zero proof of anything.
Why post bullshit like this? That your contribution? Telling people how great you are so theres no debate needed. Full of arrogance and ignorance by a self proclaimed guru that won't back his claims because he can't.
Good thing you dug up this thread it certainly needed more useless hypocritical troll drivel.
If you can, PLEASE post something that proves flushing removes anything from the plant. In the last 12 years I've seen a million of these threads, but never seen any proof of flushing doing anything beneficial for taste. Unfortunately "because I said so" in someones first post isn't gonna cut it. I gave you very a simple example of a hardwood tree being grown, cut, dried and burned and the minerals still being present in its ash. You claim you know how to remove them, teach us.
I have nothing but respect for you home brew, so i dont mind your critisism. You post good info on a lot of threads I like to read giving great advice and always in a respectful manner so if I'm out of line I apologise but as far as I'm concerned this isn't even a discussion. I've first handed experienced the results of flush and no flush on the same product grown the same way for over 25 years. He didn't flush once, didn't tell me, and after all these years of getting the same amazing material I had to say something and I'll give you one guess at what he did differently. Someone he knew recommend not flushing and the result? Well let's just say everyone who knew the guy returned the material and he did not blame them. I made bubble from it and it was even noticable. Next cycle he flushes, and all that nasty stuff went down the drain and we're back on track. Flush, leech, what ever you want to call it you know what I'm talking about, get as technical as you want or try to discredit me it makes no difference, and your experience with doing it both ways does nothing for me. if you can't tell a difference why waste the effort and nutrients? Hmm doesn't make sense to me but go ahead. I almost don't believe you and don't trust your watered down sensory imput, or the other handful of people you claim to not notice such an obvious difference. I didn't even smoke your bud and I can tell you there's a difference.
What a well thought out intelligent post, and it only took you three months to put it together.Piss piss piss...growing toilets derpty a plant scientist derp...chlorphyll tastes great after a 9 month cure...derp