Reveg vs starting from seed


Active Member
You have talked me into reveging my next plant!
Yeah, there really is no comparison reveg vs start from seed. I could flower these reveg right now and get over 2 zips per plant. The start from seed probably a third of the reveg. Not sure how different strains take to it. Might want to shop around for input regarding the strain your using.


Well-Known Member
nice experiment, misread it at first thought it was rooted clone, i actually revegged a few clones that i put directly into flower after they rooted and they never amounted to shit. they reveged for 4 weeks and ended up going from a little over 2 inches tall with one small bud on top to about 2 feet tall and around 5 colas, 2 of the cloas are good sized the other 2-3 are kinda small. either way adding 12 weeks onto thier life is going to yeild me a little over 1.5 Oz (roughly) opposed to the 1/2 a gram it was when it was 7 weeks into flower.

that plant from seed does look a little small for 5 weeks, or maybe the pic just dosent do it justice. I know in 5 weeks i can have a seed with decent genetics (vigor wise) grown to about 4 ft tall if i have the space.

definatly a good way to preserve a good pheno.


Well-Known Member
also might want to note the difference in "stretch" between the plant from seed and the reveg as i believe the stretch is a part of the plants "maturity" and once it goes through it once i dont believe it stretches quite as much the second time around. i could be wrong though so will be interesting to see when you flip to flower.


Active Member
nice experiment, misread it at first thought it was rooted clone, i actually revegged a few clones that i put directly into flower after they rooted and they never amounted to shit. they reveged for 4 weeks and ended up going from a little over 2 inches tall with one small bud on top to about 2 feet tall and around 5 colas, 2 of the cloas are good sized the other 2-3 are kinda small. either way adding 12 weeks onto thier life is going to yeild me a little over 1.5 Oz (roughly) opposed to the 1/2 a gram it was when it was 7 weeks into flower.

that plant from seed does look a little small for 5 weeks, or maybe the pic just dosent do it justice. I know in 5 weeks i can have a seed with decent genetics (vigor wise) grown to about 4 ft tall if i have the space.

definatly a good way to preserve a good pheno.
The start from seed was under fluoros for the first 10 days. Then put it under my mh. Could be why it's a little small. Though even if it was under my mh don't think it would compare to the growth of the reveg. It's about a foot tall with lots of branches forming. I also have it in light warrior and a little worm castings. Not as hot as the reveg soil.


Active Member
Interesting experiment dude!! You have me thinking... I'll be flowering this crop in 10 days and as soon as it's done I'll try reveging! Do you think it would work with any strain? +rep for you.. I'm subbed!


Well-Known Member
Interesting experiment dude!! You have me thinking... I'll be flowering this crop in 10 days and as soon as it's done I'll try reveging! Do you think it would work with any strain? +rep for you.. I'm subbed!
im sure it would work with any strain except an autoflowering type. some strains/genetics probably do better than others but the general concept will work with all photo period cannabis plants.


Active Member
Interesting experiment dude!! You have me thinking... I'll be flowering this crop in 10 days and as soon as it's done I'll try reveging! Do you think it would work with any strain? +rep for you.. I'm subbed!
That i'm not sure about. But, it is a weed and they love to grow. I think under the right conditions most would come back.


Active Member
I have herd reveg will work but your yield will always be lower quality than first.. i would always start with seed or clone. Thats me tho


Active Member
I have herd reveg will work but your yield will always be lower quality than first.. i would always start with seed or clone. Thats me tho
I hear that you can reveg once or twice with increased yields and same quality. My current reveg plants are much larger and bushier than my last grow 5 weeks in. Time will tell! Alot depends on the grower and the strain.


Well-Known Member
I have herd reveg will work but your yield will always be lower quality than first.. i would always start with seed or clone. Thats me tho
what you have "herd" and what is actually true are 2 different things. (no offense) and if you let what you hear on the internet dictate your grow style then you are missing out on alot of good quality experimentation and learning from experience.

the only downfall i can see to reveging is it wouldnt be ideal for someone with 2 different light cycles available (a veg room and a flower room) becuase you have to wait until you harvest to flip it back to veg, this is great for people with only one grow area though. someone with 2 would wantt o use clones or seeds to have the next crop ready for the flowering room when space becomes available.


Well-Known Member
in revegging, i've found the quality to be identical, same genetics, similar outcome
but who knows? maybe there are the occasional strains that don't take well to it


Well-Known Member
in revegging, i've found the quality to be identical, same genetics, similar outcome
but who knows? maybe there are the occasional strains that don't take well to it
yeah i have a re veg in my flower tent its about 2 weeks from done and it is the same as the mother it came from (it is a re veg of a clone that was flowered)

heres a few pics,

Here is what they looked like at the end of flower


IMG_3342 (2).jpg


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I planted 3 of these clones in one pot, i knew they were all female so it didnt really matter and i didnt know what to expect. this pic is about 3-4 weeks after putting them back on 12/12


and here is what it looks like now


to be honest the re vegged plant is coming out better than the original but i did have alot of burning and PH issues with the mother and it was a rough grow (my first indoor bagseed grow) but its still a full re veg from clone so there are some differences but in a sense basicly the same idea. it is good to know that you can cut a clone and re veg it in late flower in case you decide last minute that you want to save the genetics.


Well-Known Member
looking at pic 2 and pic 4 you can tell that my quality of soil has improved quite a bit since then but they are the same plant. its actually a really good bagseed plant in my opinion. might even do a second re veg for my outdoor grow this summer


Active Member
Im not knocking on anyone or anything.. but if you plan to re veg why not just take clones before flower.( if you have room). save time of waiting for plant to rebound and risk of anything bad going on. Just me tho. I am here to learn.


Well-Known Member
Im not knocking on anyone or anything.. but if you plan to re veg why not just take clones before flower.( if you have room). save time of waiting for plant to rebound and risk of anything bad going on. Just me tho. I am hear to learn.
room/lighting i think is often the issue, i personally like to have only 1 plant going for security's sake, but that's just me