Good Cop, Heres your doughnut...


Active Member
I saw this video and thought about a recent thread that was basically calling for violence against LEO. Not all cops are bad, see...:shock:


Active Member
For a second there I thought he was getting arrested. Not bad for a cop, but still. A court date for a fucked up tail light?


Well-Known Member
This pisses me off more than straight dick cops. A little weed is no big deal? He's not a judge, and he's not the one making the laws. Weed is against the law. It is not up for that pig to make the decision. Fuck cops. Fuckem because they think they make the rules rather than obeying/enforcing them. I get really pissed when I see cops not use their signals probably 75% of the time, speeding, or whatever. It really bothers me because there is a set of rules for some, and not others. Fuck pigs.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
One time on a date when I was younger we were pulled over for speeding and the cop smelled weed. When he asked my date if he had anything on him or in the car he said yes he had a oz and handed it over to the police. The cop made him empty the baggie on the dirt and dance on it. I'm sure the camera caught it. Made he really dance like he was tap dancing the police let him go without a ticket. And he laughed all the way back to his squad car.

Not all police are jerks for some it's just become a job.


Active Member
I think he ate all the blunt guts and that nick sack... gross! But a taillight out is a bullshit reason to get pulled over, I've had it happen to me before. On a different note, I was also pulled over one time.... I had puffed a pipe with a buddy after dropping him off and was heading home. I had my window rolled down enough to ash my cigarette and get a little fresh air. I noticed ahead that a car was pulled over, so I checked my speed (45 MPH so I'm good). The cop was in the other lane headed in the opposite direction with a car pulled over, he was outside of his car walking up to speak to the driver when I passed by. About 2 minutes later I see in my rear view mirror that he was speeding up behind me and I'm thinking to myself "fuck, what did I do...." so i pull over and wait for the cop to come up to the car... he approaches the window and asks if I know why he pulled me over today ( a trap question, always answer "I have no clue why you pulled me over") I said" was it my speed?" he said "No, your speed was good, but when you passed me back down the road, I got the distinct smell of Marijuana in the air. Do you have any illegal drugs or weapons on you?" Now, normally I would have protested, but I had my pipe, a small ammount of grass(like a bowl pack) and I had a half g of some white powder in my wallet. I was more worried about him finding the powder so I played it cool, said " here ya go officer, my pipe and my weed." He's like is this it? When you drove past I smelled it alot stronger than this little amount... I'm calling the K-9. He went back to his car with my license and registration and I swallowed the little baggie of powder. He came back to pull me out of the car and patted me down then put me in the back seat of his car. I had noticed that he had set my pipe and bag of weed on his felt rimmed hat... I suggested to him that he might want to move the pipe off the hat because it leaks resin sometimes... well, too late. There was a nice black ring stained into the cops hat... hahaha, I had to laugh. Anyways, I live in New York and was issued an appearance ticket to show up in court a week later. I didn't bother getting a lawyer because I felt comfortable arguing this case myself and had all the charges dropped because the cops nose is not a justifiable means to grant a search. I have to say, that even tho the cop was wrong for pulling me over the way he did, his views about marijuana were right on. He was saying that he doesn't agree with the laws but that he was just doing his job. H acknowledged that there are some cops that just get hard-ons when they smell weed in a car and take that as an open pass to be a dick, but that of all the people he's had run-ins with, pot-heads are his favorite type of people to deal with because they are generally so friendly.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Lmfao I'd make a little jettison hole in my car to dispose of evidence without doing the conspicuous window drop.

Broken tail light
Possession of marijuana
Destruction of evidence

Be gone for a good few years. ;)

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Yeah I don't like how that cop played possession down on COPS.. Giving the wrong message to the public..

Some cops are straight up crazy, and would lock people up and throw every charge at them for a 'simple' possession charge... I don't like how he's basically telling everyone in America that possession isn't bad - because it is it will fuck your life up!

That being said, I've been in situations where I've chewed up an entire quarter oz of some bomb organic trainwreck x afghan... The cop never knew, every time he looked away I chewed HARD, every time he spoke to me I answered his questions promptly... Ill tell you what I was nearly gagging/puking out all that weed while he was patting me down asking me if we have any weed... :lol: we were hotboxing the car with 3 blunts going at once when we got pulled over. Got away with no charges! Because we ate it! Cop found the pill jar with the herb in it, and started freaking out asking if I ate it, if I had anymore.. Deny deny deny my friends! All you can do!


Well-Known Member
That video looks old. I kinda doubt it was legal in very many places back then. Wasn't like 98 the soonest it was legal? I know I've lived in other states where it was just a ticket under a zip, but second time they would lock you up.