The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I went into see the wife there and she gave me "the look" you know that one?

The let me out the washing machine you bastard look.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
anyways going to bed lads got that pre-op assesement tomorrow and my apt is at 8am what a fucking joke,so got to be up at 6am to make sure my pain killers have kicked in ect FFS 8am jesus dont evn get up that early


Active Member
i sell it for 200 an oz and buy it in at 160 usually
Can you not be fucked making an extra 80 quid selling it by the gram or do you shift those ounces like a lord? Too much local homegrown gear floating about these days but them chinese chinks can definitely grow it right, pity there growhouses keep getting found out they sell good gear


Well-Known Member
ah do sum score bags but it tends to attract the poor and the stupid, so i try to just deal with quarters, halfs and oz's. i also punt solid , not alot of profit in each deal but over-all it earns me a wage, relatively small select customer base. ive sold all sortsa stuff but dope's easy , less credit therefore less hassle. i hate workin and im startin uni after the summer so i just need sumthin to pay the bills and finance my frequent booze and coke binges.


Well-Known Member
ah do sum score bags but it tends to attract the poor and the stupid, so i try to just deal with quarters, halfs and oz's. i also punt solid , not alot of profit in each deal but over-all it earns me a wage, relatively small select customer base. ive sold all sortsa stuff but dope's easy , less credit therefore less hassle. i hate workin and im startin uni after the summer so i just need sumthin to pay the bills and finance my frequent booze and coke binges.
Funding coke on a weed salary u ain't gonna be making much


Well-Known Member
.............or how much coke u sell. The chinks are defo getting clued up, but still flash dry. I remember u could get a box(kg) off them for 3k a few years ago. Now they are charging 5.5k.


Well-Known Member
Dont see much chink gear my way anymore, infact there are times you dont see any green. Dropped off 30 oz last night to my mate, fucking hate driving about with alot of weight on me. He normally does the pick ups but his motor is off the road so i had to do the drop. Last time i do it, im para as fuck driving about with all that lol. Just got a nice fat wedge last night and its gone today on a new sofa...what aload of bollocks lol.


Well-Known Member
Dont see much chink gear my way anymore, infact there are times you dont see any green. Dropped off 30 oz last night to my mate, fucking hate driving about with alot of weight on me. He normally does the pick ups but his motor is off the road so i had to do the drop. Last time i do it, im para as fuck driving about with all that lol. Just got a nice fat wedge last night and its gone today on a new sofa...what aload of bollocks lol.
Why not pay a nugget a couple of hundred squid Jimbo

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
u had to add the 2 seconds on google u smartass! lol well could have been the roofing stuff,,like any of us had even heard of it till we searchede ebay after him asking pmsl
next donwload pissibly
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Alcohol often turns me into a smartarse :D I just figured that it would be plant related so put plant after botanicare in the search :D

Clean shaven, now time to go make some risotto :)


Well-Known Member
Its finding the right nugget bill. I dont really know anyone so its down to my mate, we have talked about a driver and he was supposed to sort it but dont look like its happened. Hes gotta sort something out as that was the last time i do it mate, i get caught its game over. Chance is slim but still dont fancy taking it.