The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Its finding the right nugget bill. I dont really know anyone so its down to my mate, we have talked about a driver and he was supposed to sort it but dont look like its happened. Hes gotta sort something out as that was the last time i do it mate, i get caught its game over. Chance is slim but still dont fancy taking it.
I know what u mean....You not got any family members????? Getting caught with 30oz isn't so bad nowadays but it gives them the excuse to search your house. Game Over. Sometimes the coppers are just lucky, like the other day I got stopped on foot and got a random search. Had fuck all on me apart from a couple of crumpled skins in my jonny pocket. All was cool. Had they stopped me the day previous, I'd be looking at 5 years. lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
billy i wood point refuse a random on foot stop search. 1st id ask y they intend to do it 2nd id ask has there been a complaint made about me 3rd i wood say i want my lawyer 4th id swear them on there oath to serve and protect and see how much off there job is served doing just that and not being a taxman and looking to fine every1 like the goveerment has made them and 5th id b asking wot part off this search is to serve and protect me a free citizen and also there employer off sorts. then i wood refuse to speak or do anyting till lawyer there. they only dare arrest u once for this if u no ya rights as they cant harrass peeps and police nowadays dont no laws from legislations. the later being agreed by yaself unknowingly
i seen many a things done to annoy cops. few my mates love law and love to fuck with police. this terror act they have is there only near unbreakable trick they have now


Well-Known Member
5yrs fuck that bill lol. Yeah i aint worried about getting lifted with 30 zips but like you say thats all they need to search your pad then your fucked. Nah i really dont have anyone to do it, need someone sensible and most i know are divvys, he's gotta sort it. Just one of thos things moving the product, know one wants to do it lol, my mate does normally but i know he'd rather not.


Well-Known Member
M8 whats the point in being a cunt when I had nothing to hide. It wasn't normal coppers, it was plain clothes, just along from Scotias Remember Im walking about with panda eyes and as Scotia's Mrs said, I do look like a drug dealer. lol cheeky so and so. They were sound, think they were just bored and wanted something to do. I had my bank card on me with my pin number on a piece of paper. They were taking the piss. But Ive still ditched the pre pay


Well-Known Member
5yrs fuck that bill lol. Yeah i aint worried about getting lifted with 30 zips but like you say thats all they need to search your pad then your fucked. Nah i really dont have anyone to do it, need someone sensible and most i know are divvys, he's gotta sort it. Just one of thos things moving the product, know one wants to do it lol, my mate does normally but i know he'd rather not.
What kinda distance we talking Jimbo. Good old parcel monkey or tnt. They dont give a fuck as long as they get paid


Well-Known Member
if you were local jimmy i'd do the work, doesnt bother me mate...tbh very little a pure mercenary...for the rright pay im pretty open to anything...its just business to me.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
M8 whats the point in being a cunt when I had nothing to hide. It wasn't normal coppers, it was plain clothes, just along from Scotias Remember Im walking about with panda eyes and as Scotia's Mrs said, I do look like a drug dealer. lol cheeky so and so. They were sound, think they were just bored and wanted something to do. I had my bank card on me with my pin number on a piece of paper. They were taking the piss. But Ive still ditched the pre pay
that ent being a cunt fella , thats exercising your rights? shouldnt u b doing that all times? being a cunt wood b putting one on the pigs chin haha,
and to b honest if u not got anything on u best time to do it as result wood b, u wood b arrested for having nothing on u and refusing b searched which is your right and resulting in u putting in a complaint through lawyer and all police in your area wood avoid u like the plague as they woodnt wana b done for harressment and no u clued up and not to b bullied or searched again. alot compo also if u no law by wrongful arrests etc etc
we ent in the judge dred time yet where police r unaproachable and all powerful judge jury and executioner. well not yet anyways


Well-Known Member
Ive had many a fight with the Police.........never won yet. Honest m8 if you get one up on them, they get a pure hard on for you. Fuck that. Under the radar as much as possible. I know we have rights.........but do u think the police think we have rights

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
nope thats y they need reminding. im polite as pie police matey but i wood never let them search me cos they dont like i got black eye. or i look dogdy thats discrimation and they wanna put that in writing for me if they want me play ball, need more then that for me. i hate police and i hate way peeps so afraid off them or not knowing there own rights.
nor wood i allow police to get me to waver my rights through not challenging things.
there a reason y law isnt taught at schools, because its easier police peeps and control them when they dont no there rights.
power to the people hahahahahahahaha
rant done with sorry but fecking police and there nazi ways.


Well-Known Member
im the same as bill, under the radar these days. from my teens till i turned 30 i'd fight the fuckers at every opportunity, i'd even go out my way to create havoc.fuckin thrived on it. but after gettin my teeth rattled and my rib cage softned, not to mention a fair amount of time, community service and fines i just gave up. i wont take shit from them but i cant be arsed with the fall-out after wards. like i said for me its just business and fuckin with 5-0 is just an unneccessary overhead i dont like paying.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
and don have disagree i seen many a cases where peeps have got rich through police not understanding laws and rights off peeps. and polise harrassments.
y u think rich n famous get away with stuff? cos they have best lawyers who no law inside and out. oj simpson for example. murder weapon prove but got away with killing wife? y? cos they searched house before had warrent.
anyways on a lighter note told u start year ya team moving up n wood make euro don, never expected champs league tho. i said ashley was wise and running the club way it needed to or u go bust. manager and chairmen got u debt 3 great group players and euros. i bet u been proper happy with them. pisses all over keegans time there if u ask me


Well-Known Member
Listen they are decent coppers out there.(been caught a few times and its a fair cop, just doing their job) If u wanna engage in illegal activities you got to keep a front as a decent law abiding citizen. They are the biggest gang in the country and if they want you they will get you. If you flaunt it right in their faces and do not respect or fear them, then your fucked

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
now now mad dog , nuthing wrong with nazis!!
haha i bet u been having some right fun with hate pms i bet that avi gets u hahah.
i bet u go all uni on them dont ya , unexpected educated responses haha blur of info and re-ajust the arguement.
whey mrs got full time job again.
wot the strongest weed known to man chaps? is it a kush? if so which one? guessing it b a yank strain or canadian as they seem leading way last few years