"Kush" and other BS names


Well-Known Member
Names mean a lot. Every plant is different genetically, and you're a fool if you deny it lol

We're all homosapiens...but we're still all different genetically

Names are important if you live in a medical state or if you know a grower


Well-Known Member
reminds me of this youtube vid posted here, the guys makin hash called their weed "Afghan Thunder Fuck". Reminds me of high school, Always buying whatever sounded the best from the guy. I may have even had that so called Afghan Thunder Fuck as well!


Active Member
haha ive had people tell me they had "loud" before like the buds a radio or something.Someone told me they had green greens kush before.HA.joke and a half.Where i live you could get good smoke off the street though,tends to be a lot of sours and purps,everything else is bullshit labled as plain kush or dro.I live REALLY far from Cali.


Well-Known Member
Green Crack, Lazy Haze, Purple Nirple, Blurberry Slushie. I've heard some crazy names too.
LOL! I live in Colorado, so I've tried a lot of different weed. Green Crack is my all time favorite. Some is better than others, but good Green Crack rules!


Well-Known Member
Had a guy tell me he's growing a plant from bagseed. It's about 5in tall now and already has purple stems and the leaves are a neon green.... He was soo proud... Sounds like a def to me...

Total Head

Well-Known Member
street ignorance is a big part of why i started growing my own.

and now, the other side of the coin.

last summer i grew out some mk ultra (possibly the only th seeds strain worth a damn) and it was just beautiful and stinky and it got ya stoned as hell. i brought some over a friend's house and we each threw down our stash for the other to drool over and he asked if it had a name, and i told him what strain it was.

dude launched into this whole speech about how it wasn't really mk ultra and it was just some poser street name so someone could get rich, and how he didn't know what i paid but it was probably too much and i should go through his guy instead. his weed was very good but not better than mine, and he paid 55 an 8th.

the funniest part is months later he tried to make a dope out of me at a party by telling some dude that i "tried to act like i had name brand shit". it was good natured and all, but it's funny as hell to me.

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
street ignorance is a big part of why i started growing my own.

and now, the other side of the coin.

last summer i grew out some mk ultra (possibly the only th seeds strain worth a damn) and it was just beautiful and stinky and it got ya stoned as hell. i brought some over a friend's house and we each threw down our stash for the other to drool over and he asked if it had a name, and i told him what strain it was.

dude launched into this whole speech about how it wasn't really mk ultra and it was just some poser street name so someone could get rich, and how he didn't know what i paid but it was probably too much and i should go through his guy instead. his weed was very good but not better than mine, and he paid 55 an 8th.

the funniest part is months later he tried to make a dope out of me at a party by telling some dude that i "tried to act like i had name brand shit". it was good natured and all, but it's funny as hell to me.
What a mega douche. You took that well, that guy would have pissed me right off.


Well-Known Member
Just remember you can't fix stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!around my neck of the woods they all say dank.and dro but haven't a clue what they are smoking.I also blame the shady seed breeders for a lot of the names they take someone else's hard work slap a new name on it and send it out the door.


Well-Known Member
ppl crack me up with these names thats why i been going to the same guy for years he dont make up names he just cause it exotic its always some fire thou def worth 350 an oz but i like to know what strain im smoking thats why i grow


Active Member
It's like noobies tell other noobies what their pot is called and everything ends up as a jumbled mess.. and this happens everywhere. Someone should put together a marijuana 101 guide on how to tell what kind of pot you got your hands on and force kids to read it.


Well-Known Member
there are books out there, but its easy to look at a pic that looks similar to what you have and say thats it. I've tried but its pretty hard most of the time. Plus with all the hybrids and what nots a new book would be thousands of pages. Really all you need to know is if its a sativa or indica.


Well-Known Member
Some people are dumbasses and need a name.I would always smoke with people and not know what strain I had and they always had to know so I always made the most bogus name up.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Every fruit? I'd love me some Durian Kush. At least it isn't like 12 years ago when it was all Skunk or G13xC3PO or some shite. cn
Durian lol

I will say this tho, when it was alota Skunk Xs back in the day there were alot less hermies , im kinda biased when it comes to the old skewl stuff tho. I still love me a good Skunk strain


Well-Known Member
Durian lol

I will say this tho, when it was alota Skunk Xs back in the day there were alot less hermies , im kinda biased when it comes to the old skewl stuff tho. I still love me a good Skunk strain
yeah me to brings me back to when i first started smoking and would steal a lil off my pops lol

meechz 024

Active Member
it's better off that if you don't know what strain you're supplying or smoking, don't bullshit even for fun because it will feed the cycle of bullshit information being thrown around about real strains.

a lot of posts already mentioned names they heard not sure if made-up but they are real strains. Green crack, Alaskan thunderfuck all high quality seeds.


Well-Known Member
Haha. Sure nuff! I would save seeds until I had about 100 and plant them all out in the woods. Maybe half would sprout, and half would be male. The rest was lucky to do much... I miss the fun times of growing when I was a teen. Now its all about perfection! Not just throwing out seeds and praying for bud!


Well-Known Member
Lol I have been smokeing weed for longer than I have not.... But I can count the amount of times I knew the strain on two hands.