The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i need a good smoke and noword from the guy whos saposed to be getting me weed
ah lad tell me all about, i was waiting on a lad to get me an oz. i waited 2weeks with no word so went to another lad, he kept promising me it every night saying shit like oh yeah 2nite 4 def and shit gave up on him, met a lad tru a lad and got an ounce after 1 fone call, amnesia for €300, quare powdery weed got a fair amount of dust in my grinder now ha


Well-Known Member
ah lad tell me all about, i was waiting on a lad to get me an oz. i waited 2weeks with no word so went to another lad, he kept promising me it every night saying shit like oh yeah 2nite 4 def and shit gave up on him, met a lad tru a lad and got an ounce after 1 fone call, amnesia for €300, quare powdery weed got a fair amount of dust in my grinder now ha
I would remove your hand at the shoulder for an oz of amnesia!


Well-Known Member
Fuckin hell lads, got a new early sample of a lower bud (less developed). Smoked small amount, maybe 0.3g in a bowl and it's the most ripped I've ever been.trics are barely cloudy at this stage lol. Bud development not as vigourous as I had hoped, so I may be falling short of my target weight. Oh well it's good quality.


Well-Known Member
Fuckin hell lads, got a new early sample of a lower bud (less developed). Smoked small amount, maybe 0.3g in a bowl and it's the most ripped I've ever been.trics are barely cloudy at this stage lol. Bud development not as vigourous as I had hoped, so I may be falling short of my target weight. Oh well it's good quality.
ah i no having big yeild would be good but sure once you grow enough bud to cover the cost of what it cost to set up your flying it


Well-Known Member
Haha kang i know, id say its hard alright. Im not even sure if i need the dolmite lime. Its just early on in this grow i lost one plant and nearly lost this one and some said it was because i wasnt mixing dolmite in with my all mix. Just want to have all bases covered when i transplant my 3 seedlings that have popped. Gonna do that tomorrow. Gonna get a large bag of all mix at lunchtime tomorrow.. While i am there is there anything else that i should get that is good for mixing in with my soil

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
kang can you reccommend a good uninstall program. i want to uninstall bearshare its doing things to my computer i dont want it to do and its making it really awkward for me to uninstall.


Well-Known Member
well lads been busy croppin lol
bliue from barneys was lovely but unhappy bout crop oz ish dry have another on go 7 weeks in looks same weed brill
but v happy wit vanilla kush not sure yet but deffo 2/maybbe 2an half dry have 2 more also 7 weeks dont look as full but there is 3 ish weeks lleft
also i mentioned earlier about flushing i did not flush used plagron 13.14 just watered last week tastes fine after a week cure some body stone


Well-Known Member
dont get me started on dam how long u got
just go ul find ur own fav haunts best just go and follow ur smell had 3 visits this year credit card on fire


Well-Known Member
kadinsky on dam straat lovely hino and the best big budda cheese on planet
hotel tulip on beurstraat close to everything[shop around when bookin]
kfc for grub
and your sure to be high whereever u smoke bro.barneys.....el deruold ......greenhouse ..smokeys ,,,,,,,ba bas also is great for nepal hash ummmmmmmmm

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
how much spending cash for a modest visit, say 4/5 days hotel, clean one mid range that would do brekkie, food- nothing extravagant, dinner for two in the eve, about 3 to 4 grams a day for the both of us to share, kinda ball park figures for two people to have a good time there....


Well-Known Member
its deer enough 86 ball park this time of year is saucy if ur missus is goin 500 flights acc.
and the bones of 550 600 for 2 nights resurants not advised also 2 nites is loads ei 840 cork departs 6.10 am and leaves sichpol 20.10 pm 2 nites is plenty
thats what i spend ball park goin since 1999 always same you will spend what u have be carfull wit hotels if u have the bird there not great there all likke that thou