Summer heat


Active Member
My rooms getting to hot and fucking with the co2. 85/90 degrees im five weeks into vegging and on 18 off 6 using gallon pots 1000 watt hps bulb and two fans one cycling out one blowing air around. should i point the fan at the light.


Active Member
My rooms getting to hot and fucking with the co2..
Is the co2 making your room hot? I'm kind of confused by that statement I guess. If those are the only plants you have, you probably don't need additional c02. If you could point the fan at an upward angle towards the light, and then pull the hot air at the top of your grow space out, that'll probably help. Depending on ambient temps in your, house, you may need to get an a/c.

Weed Anubis

Well-Known Member
from my understanding if u use co2 plants will do fine with temp 90f with out it needs to be lower then 80f