Fire OG under PAR/PUR T5's 2nd Grow, Flowering Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
I use the regular old 5 gallon Lowe's buckets, 3 gallons should be fine if you're not growing trees. 5 gallon buckets means I can put 3 gallons in there though. I like the stability and added heat sink more water provides. Square buckets would be a bit more efficient I'd imagine, not sure where to find them for sale though.


Active Member
Found square buckets. about 7 dollars each for the bucket and the lid. Think I will be doing RDWC with square buckets next grow.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but why not get round buckets for $3 at the hardware store then? The only advantage square buckets would have is square baskets, therefore slightly more usable grow area.


Active Member
the only real advantage to square buckets if they r equal size is that it might have a lower profile, unless it is a slender square bucket haha i really havent seen any 5gal square buckets or bigger


Active Member
Order them online and have them waiting at the nearest store. I bought over a hundred last time at that price. In my larger room, square buckets would be impossible to turn. The advantage of round buckets to me is the ability to spin them in a crammed room. If you put square pots directly next to each other, you will have to pick it up to rotate it each day or whatever. The ones in the center of a group of square pots are often hard to get out without first moving a few beside it so you can get your fingers around the lip. I rotate all my plants a quarter turn each day so doing all that is not realistic.

I use 2 5gallon buckets per plant. The bottom one acts as a run-off catcher and the top bucket can spin very easily within the bottom bucket, even with a heavy plant inside it.



Active Member
Day 24 Update.

Things are proceeding a bit slow. Had my PH take a hit and droped some leaves. Not certian if it was totaly because of the PH issue or if it was due to the cannopy being too dense for the leaves to get any light but alot of the old growth sugar leaves under the cannopy and in the middle of the cannopy droped off. I am hoping it doesnt effect me to badly, but this PF swing really makes me want to go to hydro that much more. Its a pain in the ass in soil to fix things without alot going wrong. I know, hydro can be worse but I like the thought of being able to completly control things rather then to be at the mercy of bacteria. Anyways, here are the photos, and as allways, any comments or suggestions are welcome.

Flowering Day 24 001.jpgFlowering Day 24 002.jpgFlowering Day 24 003.jpgFlowering Day 24 004.jpgFlowering Day 24 005.jpgFlowering Day 24 006.jpgFlowering Day 24 007.jpg

Snooch to the Nooch!


Active Member
You're looking great. About 2-3 weeks into flower the lower leafs will start to be drained of their nitrogen and chemical stores. when the plant is done draining them, a very gentle tug should take the leaf right off. It's a natural thing as the plant repositions and uses the sugars for flower development. The leaves that die naturally will be a bright yellow and usually has a little brown on the tips. All that is normal.



Active Member
ya your canopy is looking very healthy and thats really what matters, the more leaves that you left way below the canopy the more that will die off but dont worry too much! they r still looking very good :bigjoint:


Active Member
With your buds so far above the screen, in late flower it may we wise to find a way to sure up the heavier buds with string or stakes or the like.


Active Member
You're looking great. About 2-3 weeks into flower the lower leafs will start to be drained of their nitrogen and chemical stores. when the plant is done draining them, a very gentle tug should take the leaf right off. It's a natural thing as the plant repositions and uses the sugars for flower development. The leaves that die naturally will be a bright yellow and usually has a little brown on the tips. All that is normal.

So its normal in a Scrog for all the leaves below the netting to turn from the green at the top of the cannopy, to yellowish brown, to completely brown and falling off in about 5 days? Still pretty new to this and my PH had shot up to 7.3 for a few days in there. I thought I had screwed the pooch somehow. But also I know before they fell off there was no light making it through the cannopy.



Active Member
as long as everything else is looking fine it is ok, i have had lower leaves do that before with no stress and they turned out fine, no worries :blsmoke:


Active Member
Oh yeah forgot to mention. I am not liking that the room want to spike to 87 degrees before the lights turn off at night, so I am crawling into the attic today and adding a Central air and heat line to the closet. Heh, going to be pushing a 6 inch line to a closet that is about 4 foot by 5.5 feet and 10 feet high. Figured that it would be much more effecient to connect the room to central air, then to cut holes out of the wall and add a small AC. What do you guys think?



Well-Known Member
Upside: No new equipment if you do that.
Downside: Your entire house's temp will now be dictated by your hardest to cool room. So when your thermostat kicks your air off due to the rest of the house being cool, that room may not be cool enough. Though I am no master of things HVAC related.