The Weed Nerd~

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Well-Known Member
I wish you hadn't said that Bud, I was really enjoying your threads, the next time I try and crack a pack of beans, I'm going to buy you a plane ticket to my house so that you can show me how to do it in person cuz , well Damn man you MUST be a GOD at it by looking at your post...this isn't my first bean party mouth, I was trying to stay light, in the background but ya had to go and be a Dick...sorry Sub and Nerds, I guess I'll sit in the corner and be quiet. Bidologist , humor is one thing but to laugh at a person when he has asked for help is just LOW. Ok , thats my rant and I feel better now..Peace n Pot

I wouldnt take it the wrong way dude. If mcdonalds sold me a 50 dollar cheese burger, with a disclaimer on it that said not for human consumption, I ate it and proceeded to throw up... I doubt they'd give me another one for free. I wish you good luck, because the world needs more dank, but I wouldnt get too upset if they deny your query.
hell ya im back! great 420 show sub, thanks for kickin out the zeppelin!!! dont listen to the trolls. my cheese quake a.k.a churkle (i like the name better ) is stinky and sticky. started 5 jtrs about 6 weeks ago and i am really pleased with how awesome they look. very consistant with all the seeds. i have one though that is quite shorter than the others. just waiting for it to show its sex. i'm hoping that its the short pheno. did anyone notice subs age went from 50 to 51? well if i was stoned you told everyone it was your bday, then happy birthday late yo! party on sub

i have gotta say that the white trash picture of you dancing might be, and im serious about this, the funniest thing i have ever seen.

haters gonna hate, ballers gonna ball, sub dont give a shit, about any of yall, he wants to piss on you, piss on you,piss on you, thats what he'll do


Well-Known Member
I wish you hadn't said that Bud, I was really enjoying your threads, the next time I try and crack a pack of beans, I'm going to buy you a plane ticket to my house so that you can show me how to do it in person cuz , well Damn man you MUST be a GOD at it by looking at your post...this isn't my first bean party mouth, I was trying to stay light, in the background but ya had to go and be a Dick...sorry Sub and Nerds, I guess I'll sit in the corner and be quiet. Bidologist , humor is one thing but to laugh at a person when he has asked for help is just LOW. Ok , thats my rant and I feel better now..Peace n Pot
calm down.I was very close to poking some fun/.now, sober, I thought- they could be super old (prob not but if a box got lost in the warehouse or somethin, idk), could have been exposed to some crazy enviornment, idk some random shit.
I messed up sprouting one tga seed, otherwise I was 8/8. I poked and dug to find the other one and ruined it, my fault.
I did fail to sprout a bunch of other seeds tho, GG sage, a couple other of the freebies from march.

anyways everyone calm down. your all doing the opposite from what weed is about imo. peace


Well-Known Member
As ZZTop would say
Gotamella Gottamella Gotmella Gotmella Gotmella Gotmella......Easy Baby! Before you blow your top.


Active Member
Hey Mr GT, what did you say to attitude when you talked to them about your beans not poppin? Im just curious, because they say that they only sell them as souvenirs.
Hi MAtt, Attitude hasn't responded yet, Props go out to TGA ...the customer service is superb :)


Well-Known Member
We all know seeds can have a very fine line as to what they can handle. I too have lost seeds during germination it sucks, my last pack of tahoes I killed three out of ten seeds. I found with the rapid rooter plugs if you have a spray bottle just keeping the tops moist without directly spraying seeds has improved my germ rates. Every now and then it seems like if too much water is in the r r the seeds waterlogged and results in death. As far as you getting a new pack from attitude, only thing you can do is ask. In my opinion, it seems you may have some trouble acquiring a new pack. On the other hand you never know attitude does have good customer service. All five dying kind of sounds like, and no disrespect, an operator error. Which trust me I'm guilty of too. Hell keep your head up and try again, could get the best pack of your life on the second go around. Weird how it can work that way!


Well-Known Member
I already replaced them with a 10 pack of Votex and a 10 pack of JTR why carry on? He already said it was handled.
Everyone deserves a second try



I have a little info on soil mites. I recycle my super soil and grow water-only, so I've looked into this. A couple cycles ago with my recycled soil, when I opened up my batch from the aerobic phase of the recycle, it was teeming with soil mites. I was pretty freaked, so did some research.

It turns out there are thousands, maybe tens of thousands of species of mites. It's one of the biggest, most complicated family of organisms out there (the Acari). Very few of them are plant pests--just the ones that feed on live plant tissue. One of these fuckers is our familiar common enemy, the two-spotted (spider) mite.

On the other hand, soil mites feed on bacteria, fungi, protozoa, some on nematodes, and the decaying organic material in soil. They don't eat live plant leaves or roots. They are essential to healthy soil, like in a forest, and they are a basic part of the soil food web. There are many, many types of mites lumped together as "soil mites." A lot of them are microscopic. If your soil has a lot of organic matter in it, and the organic matter isn't sterile, it's probably going to have soil mites--it has to have them to do a good job breaking down the organic matter and making the nutrients available to plants.

I let my soil that was teeming with soil mites site for a few days and it settled down--like anything living that has a population explosion, the soil mites died off when they finished their job of eating up the anaerobic bacteria in the soil, and then their dead carcasses get eaten by bacteria and fungi and the rest. It settles down to a diverse, health soil web, and that's what you want if you want a living soil.

So don't freak out over soil mites. If your soil is crawling with them, just let it sit awhile, it will take care of itself. If you look at a healthy organic soil that has some age on it under a microscope, as I do, you will probably find some mites. It's ok.

On the other hand, if you see those two-spotted spider mites on your leaves, take em out right away. and come back in 3-5 days and spray again to get the eggs that probably hatched. And repeat and keep paying close attention. They are a completely different species and they suck. That's my .02 on mites...
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