8 bulb 2' T5 Tent


Well-Known Member
So here's a lil update pics, they are all coming in nice except one plant Tell me what you think I should do with it it's a good 3 weeks behind the rest

Heres the runt personally if I was growing out doors right now I'd leave it but space is an issue


Well-Known Member
Still saying "WOW" to myself when I stop by to check on your girls :)
How the heck to you keep your leaves from getting dry? Mine are soooo dry I don't know what to do. Maybe just cuz it's been so dry recently?

Lovin your ladies :)


Well-Known Member
Still saying "WOW" to myself when I stop by to check on your girls :)
How the heck to you keep your leaves from getting dry? Mine are soooo dry I don't know what to do. Maybe just cuz it's been so dry recently?

Lovin your ladies :)

Thanks Catt, my humidity lately has been around 38% I water every other day and use molasses twice a week and some random nutes i had once a week they are really healthy, I wouldnt know what the dry leaves would be from, there are so many considerations to have. and what you think i should do with the extremely late bloomer?


Well-Known Member
Hmmm....my humidity is about the same depending on what it's like outside. Guess maybe cuz they need to be watered better, I'm at about every 3-4 days watering. I haven't given em any nutes last 2 waterings so maybe they will shine right up after.....we shall see :)

As far as your late bloomer there, I'd just keep her. Unless you really, really want the space, give her to a close friend or relative maybe? So she won't be a thorn in your ass....or she could be the BEST one outta the bunch.....who friggen knows??? Tough call....

You could try feeding her more than usual....see how she responds to it???


Active Member
How many days flower?? Looking real good bro..

Wish my humidity was a little lower. Hanging right around 50%. Hopefully no problems occur. And hoping to drop it to around 30% last 2 weeks flower.

Got my neem oil and am watching carefully for any pest/bugs


Well-Known Member
Hmmm....my humidity is about the same depending on what it's like outside. Guess maybe cuz they need to be watered better, I'm at about every 3-4 days watering. I haven't given em any nutes last 2 waterings so maybe they will shine right up after.....we shall see :)

As far as your late bloomer there, I'd just keep her. Unless you really, really want the space, give her to a close friend or relative maybe? So she won't be a thorn in your ass....or she could be the BEST one outta the bunch.....who friggen knows??? Tough call....

You could try feeding her more than usual....see how she responds to it???

well my apartment ac is always on and my tent is 84 so thats why i water every other day, i have just now build up to 20oz of water


Well-Known Member
How many days flower?? Looking real good bro..

Wish my humidity was a little lower. Hanging right around 50%. Hopefully no problems occur. And hoping to drop it to around 30% last 2 weeks flower.

Got my neem oil and am watching carefully for any pest/bugs

homedepot has some DAMPRID i think its called


Well-Known Member
If you don't have the funds and your RH is high, make sure you crank up your air circulation, it's a band aid but it will decrease your chances of future issues(pm/pests)...good luck/be safe


Well-Known Member
they are starting to form trichs now some more thn others, my camera should be here friday so i can get a better pic than my phone


Active Member
If you don't have the funds and your RH is high, make sure you crank up your air circulation, it's a band aid but it will decrease your chances of future issues(pm/pests)...good luck/be safe
I will look onto that damprid. And already have tons of air movement of making can stay around 70 F


Well-Known Member
Looking fantabulous :) Two green thumbs up to you my friend :) Can't wait till you get your new camera....they are gonna photograph so different.
84 is not too hot for them? Hows the runt? You still got her?

And I use that damprid for my house in the summer....I got the big container and it so works :)