I went on the worst date ever

Is Uncle Buck really Uncle Buck? :D Has the soul of John Candy finally been reincarnated? :lol: Is Tip Top Toker truly the Tip Top Toker?

Am I, really The Cryptkeeper.

This is a funny thread but I think she might be telling the truth guys. I just messaged two of his/her friends and they claim to know her. But word of advise whoever you are...it is not wise to put your real name on a website like this...let alone your picture lol
This is a funny thread but I think she might be telling the truth guys. I just messaged two of his/her friends and they claim to know her. But word of advise whoever you are...it is not wise to put your real name on a website like this...let alone your picture lol

or a picture of the girl you had anal sex with after her caesarian while she is holding your weed plant.
Good grief people. First of all, we DO need a females only place. She's not asking for perfection she's just blowing off steam. Second of all, why in the hell did this guy bring a pillow pet?? And finally, why in the hell are you guys looking up this girls fb page? So what if she's not her avatar? It's not like she was applying for a position beneath your sheets, it's just an avatar.
Good grief people. First of all, we DO need a females only place. She's not asking for perfection she's just blowing off steam. Second of all, why in the hell did this guy bring a pillow pet?? And finally, why in the hell are you guys looking up this girls fb page? So what if she's not her avatar? It's not like she was applying for a position beneath your sheets, it's just an avatar.

Good grief people. First of all, we DO need a females only place. She's not asking for perfection she's just blowing off steam. Second of all, why in the hell did this guy bring a pillow pet?? And finally, why in the hell are you guys looking up this girls fb page? So what if she's not her avatar? It's not like she was applying for a position beneath your sheets, it's just an avatar.
and i thought posting up personal info was against the rules...even if it wasnt her its still not cool...

as for the pillow pet who knows.....
I just think if a guy showed up to take me on a date...and he brought a pillow pet for me...it'd be an awkward time for me too.
I spent the last few days tryin to get my shit straight,
a real dude, i know i aint got raised up in a big place,
so i played it cool....I paid for food but i dont even think the bitch ate
she complained and blew a fuse so i spit what i'm chewin in the bitch face