What nutrients are you using?



I am having terrible problems using fox farm nutrients in my hydroponic system. Especially the big bloom the organic nutrient. Just great mess in my system ,and I do not have time to clean hard every week!!

I was looking the advanced nutrients but the price is incredible high with all the options nutrients!!

Somebody have any recommendation?

What are you using in your system? If it is possible try list all the nutrients not just the brand!!



Well-Known Member
There are a million different nutrients and additives. If you prefer more concentrated nutrients you could use dynagrow (listing only that cause its a 1 part nutrient).
If you are looking for everything that can possibly help your plant then yes, go to advanced nutrients and hit products. Search for homebrewer, the guy did a side by side comparrison of AN vs Dyna. Dyna was clear winner at every stage of growth. If your a less is more type of person look into General hydroponics grow/micro/bloom and get some general hydroponics cal-mag. All that is needed to good cannabis.


Well-Known Member
I think someone did a dyna vs GH 3 part not sure where its at but i would suggest using the GH 3 part.


Well-Known Member
Dyna Gro does have a solid line, i use the Pro-Tek with everything all my plants outside or inside

kbo ca

Active Member
AN isn't that expensive. you don't need to buy the whole line, you can get good results with just the base nutes. I use Roots organics along with some home brewed teas and benificials. Best tasting smoke i've ever grown. Dyna is a good recommendation it is cheap if you don't mind the synthetics. supposedly they give AN some competition. I say organic is the way to go though.


Pro tekt makes you plants tougher and harder for bugs to eat. And if your doing hydro it will stabilize your res. good stuff. The Gro is all you really need for any stage of growth even has extra P for flowering.


AN isn't that expensive. you don't need to buy the whole line, you can get good results with just the base nutes. I use Roots organics along with some home brewed teas and benificials. Best tasting smoke i've ever grown. Dyna is a good recommendation it is cheap if you don't mind the synthetics. supposedly they give AN some competition. I say organic is the way to go though.
Fox Farm Organic nutrient man make a real mess in my system, doesn't work. I will go with synthetics now I do not have time to clean hard my system!!

I will give a shoot in the Dyna-Gro I got all I need for 85 bucks!!

I have my plants on friday start the week 5 of flowering should I keep fox farm until the end or just start with Dyna-Gro nutrients?


Well-Known Member
its almost to late to switch i would just finish this grow this grow with foxfarm nutes then next time just start with dyna

kbo ca

Active Member
Fox Farm Organic nutrient man make a real mess in my system, doesn't work. I will go with synthetics now I do not have time to clean hard my system!!

I will give a shoot in the Dyna-Gro I got all I need for 85 bucks!!

I have my plants on friday start the week 5 of flowering should I keep fox farm until the end or just start with Dyna-Gro nutrients?
yeah you're right it makes a mess, i guess thats the price you gotta pay for the best. I know AN has an organic line as that is chelated and won't make a mess like straight up bat shit.


yeah you're right it makes a mess, i guess thats the price you gotta pay for the best. I know AN has an organic line as that is chelated and won't make a mess like straight up bat shit.
But for hydro in my opinion is painful organic, organic would work better in soil in my opinion.


Depends on how much you plants are eating. to be safe you can go 50% and bump it up if you see defs. Do you use an EC meter?
Actually I am using a PPM meter but hydroponic without EC or PPM and PH control will be stupid in my opinion!!

Personally i would switch your next res change, or maybe just use up what you got left if it isn't that much.
Actually I made a mistake, I just bought a galon from growbig and bigbloom and the rest i have a good stock, but man I'm totally tired about FOX FARM in my system, this will be my third crop and always I have problem especially with big bloom if you don't clean correct will lock your plants it's sucks!!
I see on the Jorge Cervantes' book to change the nutrients with you just have a problem with one brand


Actually I am using a PPM meter but hydroponic without EC or PPM and PH control will be stupid in my opinion!
haha stupid? maybe. I know homebrewer didn't use a meter in the first half of his Dyna Gro v GH battle thread, and he still had good results with both. start out around 200-400ppms then work your way up to around 1500 when full grown. You dont need alot of pro tekt, maybe only 100-200 ppms the most.


Well-Known Member
Ive used Botanicare and now i'm using Dutch Master. Dutch has everything my plants need ! Loving this stuff so far