DWC ph question

hello everybody i have small question i'am trying this dwc for the first time i'am doing 4 pails sytem with air stones in each no res no water running back to a res well here's my question i ph ed 5.5 when i first started this system no it is a few days later and my ph has gone from 5.5 to 6.3-6.5 should i be concerned and adjusting the ph back to 5.5 the plants look fine or should i leave it alone


Well-Known Member
Generally you want to set the Ph to something like 5.5, allow it to drift upwards to 6.3ish, and then adjust it back down again. The drift can take anywhere from 12 hours to a few days depending on conditions.


Active Member
Is 6.3- 6.5 in the right range for Hydo Fert uptake? No? then why have it there if you can put it back to 5.5-5.8. Just a question


Is 6.3- 6.5 in the right range for Hydo Fert uptake? No? then why have it there if you can put it back to 5.5-5.8. Just a question
the Dyna-Gro said for their nutrients the range on hydro must be 5.5 6.0
usually the average is 5.8 to 6.3 to all nutrients

but he needs to check his nutrient brand to know better!!


Well-Known Member
Around 5.5 to 6.3 is the proper range for hydro nute uptake, depending on which element you look at. Constantly adjusting PH does more harm than good, and unless you have your strain and method precisely dialed in, it's best to let it drift within this range.


Active Member
the Dyna-Gro said for their nutrients the range on hydro must be 5.5 6.0
usually the average is 5.8 to 6.3 to all nutrients

but he needs to check his nutrient brand to know better!!
Brand of Ferts has ZERO to do with up take. its a PH issue.
i agree fert has nothing to do with it i talked to one of the guys at the store he showed me a chart showing that the plants don't take anything of value in at 5.5 he told me to ph at 6.0 6.5 but the problem with that is that i will have to ph everyday seeing as the ph jumps up i was ph at 5.5 and i would check it the next day or so and it would be 6.0 not too sure what to do because someone told me constantly ph your nutes does worse than good???
Around 5.5 to 6.3 is the proper range for hydro nute uptake, depending on which element you look at. Constantly adjusting PH does more harm than good, and unless you have your strain and method precisely dialed in, it's best to let it drift within this range.
This is the perfect answer