How To: DWC

You in the bayou city also????

Works fine for me. Extra o2 action with a relaxing waterfall sound.

No but I never thought about it like that. I never done it and I heard from more than half of the DWC lovers that it's useless and stuff so I didn't give it a try. I also see others using it with great results so that's why I suggested you see it first hand. :p
A user by the name of fykshun gets good results from em and convinced me to get a few farm kits for my buckets. Next run imma use em
Hey all, would anyone care to share their methods for flushing before harvest with DWC? I've been using DWC for my mother plants for awhile, but this will be my first harvest using it. I'm using Jungle Juice nutes, and willow water and it has really done well for me. I'm a cheap skate so if there is ways to flush without buying commercial flushing agents that would be my style.I'm wondering if doing a water change and just using the willow water with no nutes would do the job. If somebody could fill me in on what's necessary and what method they think works the best it'd be much appreciated.
Hey all, would anyone care to share their methods for flushing before harvest with DWC? I've been using DWC for my mother plants for awhile, but this will be my first harvest using it. I'm using Jungle Juice nutes, and willow water and it has really done well for me. I'm a cheap skate so if there is ways to flush without buying commercial flushing agents that would be my style.I'm wondering if doing a water change and just using the willow water with no nutes would do the job. If somebody could fill me in on what's necessary and what method they think works the best it'd be much appreciated.

Well I use straight water for 7-10 days. I've tried straight water for 4 days and noticed a significant difference. I switch out the bucket after the first day, too.
Straight water works.. Flushing solutions, good ones, are A1+

I just had a good flush sesh with bloom booster and flushing solution. One week flush no nute residue
Thanks guys, I think I'll try the straight water first. I have just the one in DWC that's ready to start flushing. Next time I'll try the A1. I have 2 GDP, 1 green crack, and a WW all about a week into 12/12 in DWC. Thanks for turning me onto the DWC method and for all your help Void. My plants are thriving & the Jack Herrer I'm getting ready to flush is a monster! Wish my phone would up load pics.
Hey guys, sorry if this has been asked in this thread already. I've been using dwc for about a year now and was wondering if a top drip is overkill or a waste of time on a dwc. I'm using one as we speak for the extra o2, but is it wasted???

I'm on my first run with a waterfarm 8pack converted to dwc. With fully established plants (2-3ft) I removed the drip rings from half of my plants. 9-10 days later, I noticed absolutely no difference in overall health or size of the plants/root systems. I'll be harvesting in a couple weeks, and my only curiosity left is to see what happened to the roots that were not in the lower res solution, since they stopped getting watered. I assume they haven't rotted because I haven't had any problems with my root systems yet, all white and healthy. This wouldn't be an issue in traditional DWC anyway because the roots are entirely in water, WF's have 2 gal grow chambers that fill with roots first.

So for me, I think the drip is good for establishing plants into the system and oxygenating/circulating the water, but it made no difference in the health/vigor of my plants, and the rings were probably the biggest hassle of my entire setup. I'll continue to use them on younger plants, probably 2-3 weeks tops.
I'm on my first run with a waterfarm 8pack converted to dwc. With fully established plants (2-3ft) I removed the drip rings from half of my plants. 9-10 days later, I noticed absolutely no difference in overall health or size of the plants/root systems. I'll be harvesting in a couple weeks, and my only curiosity left is to see what happened to the roots that were not in the lower res solution, since they stopped getting watered. I assume they haven't rotted because I haven't had any problems with my root systems yet, all white and healthy. This wouldn't be an issue in traditional DWC anyway because the roots are entirely in water, WF's have 2 gal grow chambers that fill with roots first.

So for me, I think the drip is good for establishing plants into the system and oxygenating/circulating the water, but it made no difference in the health/vigor of my plants, and the rings were probably the biggest hassle of my entire setup. I'll continue to use them on younger plants, probably 2-3 weeks tops.

My plants establish roots great without a drip. This plant is 4 days from the clone box.


By the way I am not trying to say drip is bad or good because I do not know - I never tried it yet. Just replying with what you said.
I had a drip for a couply of weeks on my 5 gal dwc i took it out because i noticed alot of salt and nutrient build up. i havent noticed any difference with it or with out it. Im sure it helps Start babys with small root mass. IN33D has a massive root system for only 4 days how long was it in the clone chamber for?
I actually think it was more than 4 days, sorry.. It's 9 days old right now from clonebox(takes me 10-14 days to see a root) and I took that pic 4/29 so it was 5 days old. No magic, just aquashield and water. After that day I switched the bucket and added a very small amount of nutes along with more aquashield.
I actually think it was more than 4 days, sorry.. It's 9 days old right now from clonebox(takes me 10-14 days to see a root) and I took that pic 4/29 so it was 5 days old. No magic, just aquashield and water. After that day I switched the bucket and added a very small amount of nutes along with more aquashield.

Good job INW keeping up with the questions in my thread, I've been pretty busy lately
In33dw33d, getting your roots to water is much easier than it is for me. A traditional 6" netpot lid is a lot different than a 2gal 'grow chamber' in terms of how the roots first establish themselves. Whereas your roots will pretty much grow straight down(the 2 actual DWC plants I have growing now did), but all my plants in waterfarms spent the first 2-3 weeks with no roots showing at all below hydroton. By the time they reached into the lower chamber, I had a fully LST'd 2ft tall plant. I don't care to try and feed 8 of those without automatic drippers. So as I recommend a drip line for WF's, I didn't and won't use one at all on my regular DWC buckets, because there's no need like you said. bongsmilie
The plants I budded in the water farm had huge root balls. I scrapped the water farm tho, but kept those drippers for my outdoor garden! They work great.
In33dw33d, getting your roots to water is much easier than it is for me. A traditional 6" netpot lid is a lot different than a 2gal 'grow chamber' in terms of how the roots first establish themselves. Whereas your roots will pretty much grow straight down(the 2 actual DWC plants I have growing now did), but all my plants in waterfarms spent the first 2-3 weeks with no roots showing at all below hydroton. By the time they reached into the lower chamber, I had a fully LST'd 2ft tall plant. I don't care to try and feed 8 of those without automatic drippers. So as I recommend a drip line for WF's, I didn't and won't use one at all on my regular DWC buckets, because there's no need like you said. bongsmilie

This is the "growers" responsibility to know this. I mean it's basic common sense that a 10" net pot with a seedling is going to need a drip no matter what unless the medium is down into the water to wick up the other 50% of medium in the pot. You should be transplanting the pants into appropriate pots during their growth if your growing technic cannot supply food/water to roots in a monster net pot relying on bubbles only.

I use 3 3/4" net pots from seedling to harvest, but my plants are 4-5 feet tall. I keep the water at bottom, base of plant in hydroton is about 1/2" above that so there is no problem with wicking to the roots with just bubbles alone. I mean I cringe when I see a guy with a 10" net pot and a baby seedling in there dying with no way possible the water to get there without a drip of some sort with that huge as net pot, yet the post crying "help". STOP right now and just go to the dispensary because you will fail if you cannot even understand this basic concept of growing a plant. /rant lol
So I figured this would be a good place to share this, as stated by uchq at another board:

In our experience over the years we found that simply raising the water level provoked a more symetrical, well developed root mass than drip had. We had originally included drip as standard with UC's but found the drip plume encouraged development of fewer roots which then proliferated out once they came in contact with the solution. This resulted in very large root masses developing that had very few main roots that essentially became the week link in the root system in the event any of these roots were damaged.

I guess that while drip may be easier, raising the water level is more effective in growing stronger, healthier plants. Interesting stuff...
hey guys could someone check out my dwc RW cloner in my sig and help a brotha out as i am real new to hydro and would love the help +rep for some knowledge happy trails all