Kens GrandDaddy Purp seeds!

Hey Northwest, what's the average stretch on these girls one you flip to 12/12?
wasnt bad for me, or my friend... bout double, if that...
there were a few different phenos...

I've got 5 GDP at a little over 4 wks from sprout. As they begin to take off I'm wondering about training/topping- any ideas what they like? LST, Uncle Ben's? Go for top cola?
I say go for the biggest, shortest bush you can produce, then flip! Bushier is better

Same I want to top my GDP also need an answer to this. GDP is a 8-9week strain yeah?
Actually, you can let her go up to 10 weeks on some. Ya, a little surprising for a full blown indica.
I pulled mine at 8 1/2-9.

I've only seen one review of this GDP from seed and his review said it sucked. I'm really hoping that isn't the case though... Has anyone seen anything different?! I've searched a lot on it too.
I hope NOT!!! Man, I'd say it's up to the grower. For a grower to get meds that SUCK... I'd say the strain or seeds you started with are/were bunk,. or you just need to read a few more chapters in your grow book. That, or get a few more grows under your belt!

I think the guy who said it sucked had some credibility issues. He was friends with many top breeders and got the beans before everyone else... He might be credible but he was kind of 'dramatic' imo.
A little late now, mine are ready to flower and I am not worried about them being crappy. Ken has been at this for a long time and to release shitty beans of his main strain would be financial suicide for him.
Ahhh, that would be understandable. I sold seeds to a shop, went back, and was told that customers complained that my seeds were NOT GDP seeds... I laughed... literally!!
I grew it out, another collective ran it, and now carries it 100% of the time, and my buddy just finished up a crop. Pretty sure they are the real deal!!!

I agree with you. It's a newly released strain in seed form ofcOurse not many people have grown it lol.
And don't buy into ppls bullshit guys ppl who are noobs try to grow and when they can't they blame the seed or breeder.
He wouldn't release a strain with his name on it unless it was good otherwise it's bankruptcy
Thank you, well said!

was wondering if either Blue Dream or Bay 11 is in the next release, and when
Soon, soon my friend. Descriptions, and packaging are being written and put together as we speak.

I think it's been out for a while, but you had to buy the beans from the collective to get them.
Ehh, it was available her and there I guess. Don't know if it is still. Was more of a promotion, like a whats-to-come sort of thing.

GDP rep why don't you guys do grow videos like greenhouse seeds so it can give us a better understanding of this new strain and how it grows through all it's stages and measure the stretch in flower . And if it's a stable strain then we know what we're in for and have an idea of what to expect or atleast have a good idea of it. And you can plan your grow accordingly etc
Good question, here's why... BECUASE IT WOULD TAKE A TON OF WORK, AND TIME. Realistically though, I would love for us to do this. I think it should be done for every strain, at every company. You don't though because it would take a ton of plants and space. Greenhouse seeds are legends in the game, they are HUGE. We are smaller, based in the US, and follow all the laws so, there is no practical way to even come close to the production Greenhouse is capable of.



Looks good GDP rep. My beans just arrived in Australia so I should have them in my hands in the next day or so!
I think I'm the only guy in Australia with GDP at the moment
Looks good GDP rep. My beans just arrived in Australia so I should have them in my hands in the next day or so!
I think I'm the only guy in Australia with GDP at the moment
hell ya dez, thats awesome, rock that shit and let that gdp name spread like an Australian wildfire!!!!

Thanks for the pics- those look great!
thank you, my buddy just posted some on if you want to check his out. Do a search for kens gdp or original gdp...

Now that looks like Gdp!!
YUP, that's what I'm saying!!! First time with her in MY OWN garden.

Finally some good pics.
Thanks, guys, here's the deal, talked to ken and to get more people wanting this gear, and seeing it's legit, we will offer a special deal somehow for those who do FULL GROW JOURNAL'S FROM SEED, and smoke reports!!
hell ya dez, thats awesome, rock that shit and let that gdp name spread like an Australian wildfire!!!!

thank you, my buddy just posted some on if you want to check his out. Do a search for kens gdp or original gdp...

YUP, that's what I'm saying!!! First time with her in MY OWN garden.

Thanks, guys, here's the deal, talked to ken and to get more people wanting this gear, and seeing it's legit, we will offer a special deal somehow for those who do FULL GROW JOURNAL'S FROM SEED, and smoke reports!!

Looks like I'm doing a grow journal lol
ppl in Australia have never seen or really smoked purple. Its very rare. been in the game for years so I'm bringing something different to the land lol
my last journal was a video journal with the gdp updates on grows every two weeks. I'll do a video journal once I'm done upgrading my setup to a monster hydro setup!
It will be GDP dedicated grow room with detailed results and growth rates week by week
:-? so far my only complaint is i find gdp seeds take longer to sprout ! i soaked a BLT a jamaican dream and to gdp's they were all put in at the same time soaked for 36 hrs then put in soil the BLT & jamaican dream sprouted in 2 days it took the 2 GDP's almost 5 days to sprout all were treated the same !
not much of a complaint. havent popped my gdp yet, but i popped some industrial, different times to pop, from 1 day to 5-6 days. now they are all the same exact size.

excited for my GDP. my temporary veg tent is about to get cramped, but i might have to make room to get in on this deal... :-o
ive always started my seeds the same way 1st ones tht ever took tht long usualy 3 days tops GDP took 5 & 6 days idk not really cpmplainin just noticed the diff