Through veg and still pruning. The aggressive pruning is over now, just pulling a cpl popcorns here and there. Lots of pruning during the stretch to clean her up.^ at what age did you clip all that under growth?
Nice BC! Looks yummy.
I'm sorry for even complaining about my piddly stuff, bassman.
My problems, except the leukemia, are all from me abusing my body.
I sure hope you & your family are able to get the help that SSI/SSDI will provide.
If I could trade what good health I have with your daughter, I'd do it in a heartbeat.
I thought DMT was a hallucinatory substance... lol
Dude, dont feel guilty we each have our own problems. We will work it out I am sure. How is leukemia your fault anyway bro?
I didnt read right.
Yeah my body except may back was all my fault as well. Drugs and taking bad care of myself. All we can do is learn from our mistakes and try to heal ourselves and teach others how not to treat themselves with us as examples.