i hate my self

Mickey O'Neil

Active Member
DS, that looks like so much work... Just a few keeps me really busy, its amazing how I can spend hours on them, I can't imagine a room like that.


Well-Known Member
Looky here, fella, sounds like yer at a crossroads. Maybe join a movement. Write a book (I've written four, perhaps ya read em?). Good luck, be strong! Knowing is half the battle.


Well-Known Member
a monk says to his master......"master, why do i feel so troubled?" the master replies, "because we all do." you're okay. you're supposed to feel shitty; you're human:)

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
a monk says to his master......"master, why do i feel so troubled?" the master replies, "because we all do." you're okay. you're supposed to feel shitty; you're human:)
what book did you write? I hope your not reffering to "i smell ni**er", or other books clayton bigsby wrote lol


Active Member
this is why things like Weed and oxy exist . so that every thing gets better , even though its just for a lil while . it might be long nuff to find what you want to do


Active Member
this is why things like Weed and oxy exist . so that every thing gets better , even though its just for a lil while . it might be long nuff to find what you want to do
Worst advice ever... Why dont you think before you say something that could ruin someones life. Its not funny....


Active Member
getting those feelings out in the open and admitting them is the first step. you are already on your way to getting better!


Active Member
dude feel for you my dad died in 2010 emphaseema i think thats how to spell it but anyway i was there for him as my mum could not handle that i watched him pass away. I never got to tell him all i would like to as i wright this i have tears but man time cant make things better but you can paper over the cracks.My wife is 12 years older than me between us we have 4 kids our eldest son has a girlfriend last year they had a baby she [molly] only servived for 11 hours. I was with him when the doctor told him there was no more they could do for her man this is hard to wright it still hurts always will but man life is strange. You never know what it his in store for you be strong man the bigger man gets back dusts himself down you have it in you to be what ever you whant to be whome ever you want to be. I feel for you man and what has happend to your bro but they way you have described him he is there for you speak to him tell him your fears we all have them but you have a true bond you goto help him through his pain as well if you need some one do speak we are hear for you.


Well-Known Member
I always told my self that if things got too rough I would just kill my self, but I don't want to anymore, I feel as if surviving this car wreck, i got a second chance at life.. and I'm still just WASTING IT doing nothing!! i'm so scared....
This is the best thing that you wrote out of everything. If this doesn't say something to you not much will!!! the one thing you should take from that which you wrote is that you are not as selfish as you think!!!!
I understand how you feel being unaccomplished or what ever... I too did not prepare for my future and I think I pay for it everyday, you are not alone. You obviously have something going for you or you wouldn't be here talking about how you feel, vent bro! it's a good thing but don't give up! Look at all the support you are getting from the online family... a bunch of strangers... stay high and alive :peace:


Well-Known Member
After my mom died of primary small cell lung cancer and secondary bone cancer, I thought perhaps I should change my life. I had always been the screw-up, I was the one with all the mental problems and temper problems, I was always the one suspended from school for fighting. So I changed my life, I started being all responsible and shit, then my brother died, 36 years old and he dropped from a brain aneurysm. I changed my mind again.

Life's too short. People place so much emphasis on what they achieve via money, houses, cars...fuck that. True wealth is having people who accept you for you, and understand your heart's true dreams. Forget society norms, forget what everyone else does...do what makes YOU happy.


Active Member
Yeah man at least you are brave enough to take a look at your life. So many people I know are afraid to look at themselves critically, my self included. Theres some good advice here. You are more normal than you think. When I find myself feeling like the OP it's usually because I'm dwelling on the negatives. Just realizing this alone helps, then I can think about/do something different. I find humor and trying to stay positive helped me the most. Stay strong..


Well-Known Member
Life's too short. People place so much emphasis on what they achieve via money, houses, cars...fuck that. True wealth is having people who accept you for you, and understand your heart's true dreams. Forget society norms, forget what everyone else does...do what makes YOU happy.
Right fuckin' here.


Life... sure is strange most of the time...