Florida Growers Thread

Im doing good. No grows going though gota wait till I move to where I can grow outside again

I hear that,I got a small single plant grow going.
But will be my last for a bit,my neighborhood has become a cop heaven as of late and i am tired of being on edge.
Have a great 420 and be safe my friend...
Your computer and ps3 are not drawing that power 18 hrs. a day for 2 months and then switch to 12 hrs a day for a month or 2. im just saying that the dig. meters logs the power draws and it can get you investigated .

I have 5 computers in my house, 3 of them run 16 - 24 hours a day either as my house server or hosting music or videos to the rest the house. Each of them has an 800 watt power supply. The other two come on in the morning and turn off as my wife and I go to bed. I also have 2 X-boxes at 150 watts a piece, one of which is on upwards of 18 hours a day streaming music. Their combined pull is about 4100watts, couple that with an AC that runs upwards of 19 hours a day, fridge, deep freeze, dishwasher, etc and even a 600w light wouldn't make a noticeable change. The digital meters are read by wi-fi by a guy driving around, he tags it and moves on. They don't hook them into com lines that perpetually monitor your power. They just send a wifi signal with the current read. They've been able to perpetually monitor your draw from the power facility since the 80's. I have a buddy who meter reads, he misses getting out of his truck. Unless they're sitting out there tagging multiple times while the lights are either going on or off they're not going to see anything, and even then they're only going to see the equivalent of a PC being turned on or off unless you're running 3 1K HPS's in flower + 400 - 600 for a veg room, that's rather obvious.

Stealing power is what gets people caught. The power company regularly monitor the amount of draw from a grid. When the power draw is higher than what has been paid for they start checking which grid is pulling more power, from there they narrow it down to the house (usually by individually cutting power to each grid briefly until they find the extra pull.) After grid and block are determined they find the idiot who spliced into the power cable from his yard. Pay your bill and they don't know or care if you're running a server farm to host porn sites, running an electric kiln, or growing tomato plants. Don't pay your bill / and or steal from them and they'll find you.

My electric bill went down almost 5% because of the more accurate readings from the digital meters. Only a savings of about $7, but at least they're not sending me corrections because of misrepresnted readings. Before the digital they sent me a bill for almost $300 at the end of the year because the guy misread the meter twice in the year (in my favor) and they caught it.

I have a friend who has the equivalence of a 5000W grow, but the only thing he's farming is data. What he's doing (spam email) while, sketchy IMO, is sorta legal and no one bothers him about his 24hr a day 5kwhr pull in addition to his regular 'living' electrical costs. Unless you have a massive grow pushing 5- 10K the power company doesn't care and won't have anything credible to turn over to cops anyway. Under 1K, don't talk, pay your bills, don't sell and don't steal and you'll be golden.
I also have a friend that works for a power co. and she is the one that turns the power bill over to the police dept. that has certain spikes in the electric usage she told me this info comes from the smart meters. May be she is lying to me. I do know I got busted. only grew indoors for 1 year didnt sell it or give it away didnt buy seeds bought grow equipment 3 counties away picked it up my self in a car not registered to me had ozone and carbon filter. my room mate witch is my brother didnt even know I was growing could not smell it at all in or out of the house. So I took what she said as the truth. I cant think of any other reason I got popped.
I also have a friend that works for a power co. and she is the one that turns the power bill over to the police dept. that has certain spikes in the electric usage she told me this info comes from the smart meters. May be she is lying to me. I do know I got busted. only grew indoors for 1 year didnt sell it or give it away didnt buy seeds bought grow equipment 3 counties away picked it up my self in a car not registered to me had ozone and carbon filter. my room mate witch is my brother didnt even know I was growing could not smell it at all in or out of the house. So I took what she said as the truth. I cant think of any other reason I got popped.

what happened when you got popped if you dont mind me asking. and what all did they find?
lol nope got tampa here but im originally from Grand Rapids Michigan before I left michigan I voted on the ballot for weed to be legal there lol.... proud of myself !!! LOL!!

nice! im not in tampa but very close. i work in tampa a lot. nice to finally meet a local!

Quick question what type of water are you guys using to grow for the longest time I have just been going up to the water vending machine glacier or whatever. It is RO water I checked the ph seems to be like 6.5 or around there. All I have is a pool test kit to test PH ... What do you guys use tap and the ph up or ph down do you have a RO system or what ?

i dont have time to be going to vending machines and all that. i use our damn 8.7 PH tap water and blow tons of PH down on it. helps to let it sit out and evaporate the shit out of it
what happened when you got popped if you dont mind me asking. and what all did they find?
I had just shut my grow down 1 month before I got popped so they didnt get me for cultivation. they did find 2 oz I had in the house. they trashed the house and smashed the grow equipment up in my back yard and left it in a pile I just got a new lumatek 600w still in the box poured all nutes out in my yard and took me to jail. I only got 2 yrs. felony probation it was the first time I had been busted for M.J. I spent $3 thousand on a lawyer
Hey Guys, Just popped over to say hi.. Wanted to say how's things in Florida..??? But quick read, and I got shocked..
Southern, You got Fucked over..!!! Either you told someone, or someone knows Buddy... Sharp rise in power bill..??? Bullshit.!!!!! Fuck mate, you buy an air con or a new Plasma TV or a Spa or a Pool etc etc...
And what cops are on your door..???? Bullshit..!!! Someone has dobbed you in for sure.!!!!
Check it out...
Hey Guys, Just popped over to say hi.. Wanted to say how's things in Florida..??? But quick read, and I got shocked..
Southern, You got Fucked over..!!! Either you told someone, or someone knows Buddy... Sharp rise in power bill..??? Bullshit.!!!!! Fuck mate, you buy an air con or a new Plasma TV or a Spa or a Pool etc etc...
And what cops are on your door..???? Bullshit..!!! Someone has dobbed you in for sure.!!!!
Check it out...

man i hope so. thats my and im sure everyone elses here worst fear. i keep mine on the down low other than on here....
Nah, Your fridge kicks in and power goes up.. Heater etc etc.. ya get the drift..!!! Not 100% sure of your sitution over there..
But here, Man power consumption has gone up 100% for everyone.. It's called living.. Unless you bomb 5 x 1000W lights, I think you'll be ok..!!!
Not sure about you guys, but please, power isn't new..!!! cops have better things to do. Especially in the US..!!!! You know what I'm saying..!!!
But I am Drunk.!!!
Peace Dudes...
... sorry you got busted man. I tried, got paranoid, quit and sold all my gear in about 3 months time span, still like reading fun stories here though. Not so happy about this one. It did make me realize I've still got some serious computer power going despite quitting my IT job and no longer running servers. I need to power down my PC's more often. I dunno it doesn't make sense to me.
Central fl here. Anyone know any good outdoor strains tht do good around here? Im thinking about growing again since idk anyone tht sells here anymore
Quick question what type of water are you guys using to grow for the longest time I have just been going up to the water vending machine glacier or whatever. It is RO water I checked the ph seems to be like 6.5 or around there. All I have is a pool test kit to test PH ... What do you guys use tap and the ph up or ph down do you have a RO system or what ?

thats gonna get expensive... bottled water aint cheap. An RO system is about $250 and will get you 100g an hour. if you pay $1.00 for a quart of water, that would be $400 for 100gallons... in other words getting a system would save you $150 plus gas money and the suspicous looks you get when purchasing 50 bottles out of a vanding machine lol. I got the Stealth HydroLogic from OasisGardenHydro.com and it works like a dream. I believe theyre also local so you can get it in person if you like.
No shit? Small world I guess. I lived in Downtown West Palm and Loxahatchee....You might be able to get away with some outdoor growing in the Lox. Man, I loved living out there...Whereabouts West Palm if you don't mind me asking?

Ive heard of some outdoor in Ocalla but havent seen it myself.
Hi all, newbie here. I live in South FL close to Ft Lauderdale. Going to start my first grow in a couple of weeks. I am going to use a Secret Jardin DR60 since all I need is a couple of plants. Undecided on lighting but may go with a 400 if that's not too big. I'll do a fan or two as well and probably filter the exhaust. Seeds are on the way so now is time for me to obtain the hardware. Anybody grow in their garage? Is it too hot? Any recs on where to get the stuff?
Ft lauderdale, nice... I'm just down the way from you. Your prob on your second batch now but yes you can garage garden as I like to call it. Just make sure you get some good cooling equipment. First and foremost, I recommend an A/C unit. as for hoods, Melon Heads are great for cooling bulbs so that will help with the heat. They have a glass tube that goes through the hood and rushes cold air past the bulb. They're air tight and you hook them up to fans (6inch) which pull the hot air out of the room and to wherever you put the venting (outside). Osolalating fans will help... air king or Baddass blades from advanced nutrients will do the trick. A dimable ballast will be a bit cooler as well. I've ordered stuff from oasisgardenhydro.com with no hassle. They have a store just off I-75 as you turn onto 826 which is about a 35 min drive from Ft Laud. I've tried some other local stores but they're pushy and only want you to buy what THEY want you to buy. Best of luck.
Florida sucks...... Cali here i comess soooons.... What type of investments can i make out there any ideas??? Im in the st pete florida, i dont ever see anone with plants outside lol....
Hey guys I dont know if someone is either reading the meter wrong or what but I live in condos and I know it has increased because of running air now its alot more hotter. But my bill spiked from 110 bucks to 194 in one month ..... im only running a 250w blackstar led which only really draws about 120v ...... is there anything I can do to save more money I replaced all lights in my house with cfl,s. Other than running the AC set too 78 and everything else is on power save ??? any ideas
Florida sucks...... Cali here i comess soooons.... What type of investments can i make out there any ideas??? Im in the st pete florida, i dont ever see anone with plants outside lol....

houses are too close together to have plants outside probably. i hear florida is the world leader for indoor grows which might be why you dont see any outside lol. i believe 1 in 12 houses have some sort of grow i believe the numbers are