trayvan martin


Well-Known Member
He wasn't even a neighborhood watch member. He was a cop wannabe with a god complex. And why the fuck did the NRA have so much influence over that law being passed? Law enforcement in FLA was patently against the law from the get-go. Fifty-four previous 911 calls? A history of domestic violence and racist ideology? Why the fuck is he not behind bars and why the fuck didn't he cops do a background check? They did for Trayvan while he was dead on the pavement. They even drug tested him. After he was dead. The 911 tape clearly indicates he was under the influence of something. Why didn't they drug test him? He was the one who killed another person after all. AUGH!!! This pisses me off so much.
Afraid you are wrong again Bucky. Race comes in on second page.


Well-Known Member
i had no idea race was a part of this, thanks for informing me of that.

we went for several pages when this thread began before race was even mentioned. the zimmerman defense league came to the rescue and suddenly race became an issue.

Need to get the facts together . Wrong again Bucky


Well-Known Member
I dont give a shit about race. Never been a racist person and everybody should take the same attitude and be that little bit better than being a hater. :-P


Well-Known Member
This is better than 1000 channels on SKY TV. :lol:

I think most people aint smoking enough green. Make friends not war. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
To old hat for me buddy...............:-P
Shut the fuck up, you're a police rat from the UK, you'd be lucky to get licensed for a large calibre hunting rifle let alone an automatic weapon you retard.

How about you join or something instead, go rat those POS out instead.


Well-Known Member
Shut the fuck up, you're a police rat from the UK, you'd be lucky to get licensed for a large calibre hunting rifle let alone an automatic weapon you retard.

How about you join or something instead, go rat those POS out instead.