what to do with these sacks !!!!!!!!


  • [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]language is not the problem!!!have u any [/FONT]
    • advise?????



listen to me!! u dont get seeds in calyxs i had seeds in them not bud and the bud is made up of hairs/strands ...do u even know what ur talking about??? u should just toke


Well-Known Member
You see the male haploid gametophyte pollen gets stuck onto the pistils of the calyx. At this point the pistils recede into the calyx and one of the two nuclei grows into a long tube which pushed the second nuclei into the ovary of the flower (also located in the calyx). The second nuclius combines with the female egg to form the diploid sporophyte (seed). Simplified - seeds are babies. Calyxes are baby mamas. Hos have babies and Gangsta men don't get knocked up yo.

Do you know what you are talking about? You seem to be barely able to form a sentence...


Well-Known Member
So really; are you not an English speaker or are you 8 years old? I'm curious.

**No offence to 8 year olds, I realize most 8 year olds have better spelling and grammer than ak47kush.


Well-Known Member
You don't seem to have a lcue as to what youa re doing Every response in thi thread has stated the same thing, those are calyxs, if you don't understand what a calyx is then as i said, you shuld give up growing. What do you think a cannabis bud is made up of? You are indeed doing well, aside from pulling off the female flowrs, but you learly don't have a clue what you're doing with regard to the actual grow.
what the fuck? if you are going to be like this please dont visit newbie central, we'll be alright w/o you. damn bro,this is not like you. ........(i know this is an old thread but i had to say something.)