How often do I water in 1 gallon pots/when do I transplant?


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone! first time grower here so bare with me because I am a n00b I had a few questions and would love any input/advice from people. I have 8 total plants right now 4 of which I started from seeds which are 47 day's old, I do not know strain because they are just seeds I had laying around from random baggies (The seedlings are the 4 in back row of pictures) the other 4 plants are some clones that I got 2 are white widow and 2 are hash plants, all of which are in 1 gallon pots. I have them on a feeding/watering schedule so far that goes every other day to every other other day and I am giving them 2 cups of water each feeding (I do the knuckle test and see if the pots are light before I water), they are also foliage fed once per week. I would like to know if they need more or less water or if they are getting the right amount? I was also wondering when I should transplant them & what size pots to put them into? I am planning on vegging them for at least 2-3 more weeks before I flower them I am curious to see when I should see signs of sex for the 4 seedlings in the back row?, I was planning on 7-9 weeks for flowering. Any advice on how my set up/plans look & how my plants look so far would be greatly appreciated!

Grow tent outline
material=black/white poly
light= hydrofarm 4ft 4 bulb T5
fans=1 intake & 1 outake fan + 1 fan blowing on plants

Here are most recent pics of plants and Tent

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Active Member
I've gotten in the habit of just figuring how much water I need to feed so they take water about every 3 days and that seems to work well. I personally do from rooted clone to flower about an 7 week veg period, and I go from 1 gallon to 15 gallon. Really the best way to look at is is how much space your have for plant canopy. Less plants in bigger pots take up the same around of space as more plants in smaller pots. The benefit of more plants in smaller pots is a shorter overall veg period to fill the space. Keep in mind flowering will make the plants grow 2-3 times in size, so make sure you keep that in mind when you decide when its write to flip the switch on them.

In regard to sexing the plants, I never had much luck sexing from preflowers, so I always just took cuttings, rooted them, and then flowered them to check for sex. Either in my main flower room, or in a tiny grow box with a CFL or something.


Well-Known Member
Easiest way to tell if you are giving your plants enough water is to give em water until it starts coming out of the drain holes. Give it a few minutes and feel how heavy it is. Now you know what your plant feels like wet. Now wait until you see the leaves start to droop a little and feel how light your plant is. It'll feel like it's in styro-foam. Now you know what your plant feels like when it needs water. You can tell if your plant needs water just by picking up the pot.

As for the size of the pots, that's really a personal choice. How big do you want your plants to get? Now how big can your grow room realistically let your plants get? The bigger the roots, the bigger the plants potential. Just don't go from solo cups to 5gal all at once or you might run into over watering issues.


Well-Known Member
Easiest way to tell if you are giving your plants enough water is to give em water until it starts coming out of the drain holes. Give it a few minutes and feel how heavy it is. Now you know what your plant feels like wet. Now wait until you see the leaves start to droop a little and feel how light your plant is. It'll feel like it's in styro-foam. Now you know what your plant feels like when it needs water. You can tell if your plant needs water just by picking up the pot.

As for the size of the pots, that's really a personal choice. How big do you want your plants to get? Now how big can your grow room realistically let your plants get? The bigger the roots, the bigger the plants potential. Just don't go from solo cups to 5gal all at once or you might run into over watering issues.
When I feed them I have been giving them 2 cups only and sometimes I see it coming thru the drain holes but the other half of the time it doesn't come out of the drain holes. I personally was thinking that I would go with 3 gallon pots because the size of my grow IS limited, its gonna be pushing it with 8 plants in there, its 32x50x65. that is assuming the 4 seedlings I started 50 days ago turn female, im realistically 2 weeks away from turning them to flower so I should know fairly soon hopefully? I was also wondering if I veg them long enough will they show signs of sex before turned to flower?, my 4 seedlings will be 7 weeks old this Tuesday.


Well-Known Member
Like what bamfrivet said, weight of the pot when dry and when you see the plants start to wilt you waited a little too long. They always pop back to life when I water them though.


Well-Known Member
i have 6 clones vegging now 2larry og 1 blue dream 1 master bubba 1 l.a confidential 1train wreck i have them in 3quart pots 1 week into vegg from clone im worried about being root bound i see roots in the bottom of my pots some coming out of drain hole i only plan to vegg 2 weeks then flower but i have 14 clones rooting maybe a week away from going into my vegg room will it be ok to flower them with the other 6 nice cutts 8'inches and up want to vegg 4 2 week as well