Thinking of moving to michigan and on dissability,any sugestions?


Well-Known Member
:idea: ok so i just won my disability case and i should be getting a good back pay check. my daughter and grandson live there and i am still raising 2 girls. i was thinking that if i get enough $ that i would move up n buy a place with property and grow my own medicine... i am disabled but not stupid,but i have a few questions on the rules there.

1 if i am seeing a doctor in my state and get narcotics for pain can i get a rx for medical smoke in michigan? (pain!! also appetite,nausea, i am allergic to phenagrin the stuff they give you for nausea ).

2- are there good MEDICAL pain doctor's that will or can help with both my back and getting a card to be medicated in the kalkaska area?

3- i am an experienced inside grower and do pretty good for myself here and always have extra so that's where my friends come in, have the P 2 P laws made it easier to help each other if we can? in short can i sell overstock, and what would i do to be lagit to sell off stock medicine?

4- how long does it take if i am disabled and my doctor will recommend marijuana from a state that does not have mm-laws and a doctor there also that recommends mm?



Well-Known Member
Lol. Yoopers are across the bridge, Kalkaska is Northern Michigan. Anyway Dr Bob can answer your certification questions. He did my re-certification and has a ton of info on his site.
I am pretty sure good meds are easy to get rid of regardless of location in Michigan. Each area varies in how they operate and I know several people that would rather travel to off their meds so that they are less paranoid or some shit.
I have spinal stenosis and Dr. Bob talked to me more about it then the doctors that diagnosed it.
Not sure on residency rules, but I would imagine you would want to have a Michigan address asap.


Active Member
:idea: ok so i just won my disability case and i should be getting a good back pay check. my daughter and grandson live there and i am still raising 2 girls. i was thinking that if i get enough $ that i would move up n buy a place with property and grow my own medicine... i am disabled but not stupid,but i have a few questions on the rules there.

1 if i am seeing a doctor in my state and get narcotics for pain can i get a rx for medical smoke in michigan? (pain!! also appetite,nausea, i am allergic to phenagrin the stuff they give you for nausea ).

2- are there good MEDICAL pain doctor's that will or can help with both my back and getting a card to be medicated in the kalkaska area?

3- i am an experienced inside grower and do pretty good for myself here and always have extra so that's where my friends come in, have the P 2 P laws made it easier to help each other if we can? in short can i sell overstock, and what would i do to be lagit to sell off stock medicine?

4- how long does it take if i am disabled and my doctor will recommend marijuana from a state that does not have mm-laws and a doctor there also that recommends mm?


if by getting an rx you mean prescription than no, you cannot be prescribed to medical marihuana because it is federally illegal. prescriptions are federally legal so long as you have a prescription. marihuana is different, it's more considered an herbal supplement or treatment. most doctors are not educated about it, they're educated on pharmaceuticals. this is what doctors have told me and what most will say. what you need to do is find a doctor who must be an MD (medical doctor) or DO (doctor of osteopathic medicine) and if you have medical records stating you have conditions that meet the criteria for medical marihuana use, than that doctor may give you authorization to use. you must have a drivers license or photo ID. you fill out paperwork and the doctor signs for you. usually this costs money like $50-$200. you send the paper work out along with money i think it was $100 cant remember to the state of michigan and in many months they send you a card. as long as you have proof your check or money order was cashed by the state, after 28 days your paperwork is as good as your card. search on google for michigan medical marihuana. they use the old school spelling for some reason when it comes to medical.


Well-Known Member
lol yeah i'm kinda a newb to the whole michigan slang, i have been in the southern region most my life. but i am just catching so much shit from my doctors about smoking, fuck i stopped cigarette's after smoking for 30 years.and i cant even take a puff without getting a piss test. i need my pain meds nad they make me sick sometimes and i never have an apatite unless i puff. i was diagnosed with D.D.D in my lower 3 verts with stenosis and spurs, fractured t-7 with a syst between my spinalcord and vert. and 3in my cervical with ddd and spurs , been that fucked up for 9 years and just got disability,,,,thanks for the info and hope i can get up there smoothly. peace and KEEP ON GROWIN


Well-Known Member
thanks my brothafrum anotha motha i'm sending mail to my daughter's house in the morning and my move isnt for a few months


Well-Known Member
lol my kid said the same thing when i went to visit and the fudgies .too,lol well i hope i can become a mmj friendly where ever i end up.. ok so whats the best area to move to if i want to be in the middle of the woods and just a short jump to local shops, hospital schools and hydro shop? i live on the side of a mntn now so nothing is better for me!!! thanks HLB

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
if you're on disability I think you can save 75$ a year on that fee for the health dept. you have to send proof of either disability or medicare/medicaid with your app and it's discounted to $25. I'm not sure which and what proof they need, I had a patient that got a discount from the state for similar reasons....the doctor though sets his own fee so he might just say gee that's terrible....$200 cash pelase!


Well-Known Member
All you need to do is look at a map once you are in Northern region or the UP. You sound like you want to be 1/2 hr 45 min outside of any major town. You listed hospitals, the further north you go the worse they get. Kinda put the hospitals and schools on the bottom of the state and woods at the top, then you can slide your scale to the balance you want. lol. I have dealt with this issue for the last decade. I believe the best area to describe what you listed is the rural outskirts of Ann Arbor and that is much further south than Kalkaska. It is the most mmj friendly, always has been and it has the best hospitals and schools. Plenty of woods. Good Luck.
I have met my share of people from the mountains in virginia. I hear you really have to do some shit to get attention out there. lmao. I am between Escanaba and Marquette in the Upper Peninsula, (UP - Yooper) and there are some pretty desolate spots up here that can still have you anywhere from half hour to two hours from a Walmart and/or hospital. No malls or any of that shit, you have Walmarts. Very few hydro shops up here, but the internet kicks their ass on most issues anyway. I would like to open a shop or five up here if I stay.


Well-Known Member
that's the whole idea in the long run:lol: i should be getting 4-1/2 years of back pay and my two kids will get checks also so i hope to be set up for a little bit, that's where the shops come into play!!! i am trying to find a place right outside of a village (city) and have a shop inside the city but i am not trying to be rubbing elbows with a shit load of other shops. way to much competition and i don't won't to lose my ass right off the bat.It look's to me that that is a great business to start in a small village where there aren't any.. or that desperately needs one..:idea::idea::idea: any ideas people on locations. ????? i love growin but i don't want to go to jail again for the same weed god put on this earth wild(ruderals/auto flowers) just so happens we humans just tweeked it a lil bit..
thanks for all info from the great yooper/troll/fudgie /michigan folks keep it coming.. ideas on a hydro shop where there isn't one!:?:


Well-Known Member
hey thanks for the help seriously i hope to run a hydro shop up there and spend the rest of my days growing legal weed for me and my patients and friends.. you rock brother just might have to hit you up when i get there :bigjoint: do you need another patient untill i can get my meds up??:lol:. thanks again
All you need to do is look at a map once you are in Northern region or the UP. You sound like you want to be 1/2 hr 45 min outside of any major town. You listed hospitals, the further north you go the worse they get. Kinda put the hospitals and schools on the bottom of the state and woods at the top, then you can slide your scale to the balance you want. lol. I have dealt with this issue for the last decade. I believe the best area to describe what you listed is the rural outskirts of Ann Arbor and that is much further south than Kalkaska. It is the most mmj friendly, always has been and it has the best hospitals and schools. Plenty of woods. Good Luck.
I have met my share of people from the mountains in virginia. I hear you really have to do some shit to get attention out there. lmao. I am between Escanaba and Marquette in the Upper Peninsula, (UP - Yooper) and there are some pretty desolate spots up here that can still have you anywhere from half hour to two hours from a Walmart and/or hospital. No malls or any of that shit, you have Walmarts. Very few hydro shops up here, but the internet kicks their ass on most issues anyway. I would like to open a shop or five up here if I stay.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Northern lower Michigan has a few metro-ish areas w ample populations to support a few hydro shops. They are worth looking into, however once you approach Grand Rapids, Lansing, Ann Arbor and Detroit.... there are now more grow shops than automatic teller machines. Since '08, lotsa folks jumped into the retail hydro biz and the established ones expanded.

Check out Marquette:
This city is a shopping destination spot for everyone throughout Michigan's U.P. and has a somewhat decent pop.
It's quality living w a few drawbacks. lower mi is all hustle n bustle, except maybe northern lower mi.
lower mi is all hustle n bustle, except maybe northern lower mi.
LOL Not so true. But I think you're a couple years late in wanting to get a jump on the Hydro business. My town is relatively small and has 2 you can actually see one from the parking lot of the other.... As others have mentioned some areas are more accepting then other areas, you may want to research the county governments before deciding a final location as the MI Laws are gray and every county has it's own beliefs as to interpritation of the laws. Even a simple Hydro store may cause undesired attention from authorities in some areas...... Good Luck!
and yes, being on medicare/medicad your check to the state is only $25 vs. $100
the doctor recomendation needed varies and I'm not sure if they cut a discount for disability there, but my doc appt without disability was $100
There are alot of grow shop's where the staff doesnt know anything. So i highly recommend taking word of mouth when you get here.
Ask and most people will help.
I know you mentioned mich because your daughter and grandson. But you may want to wait until after the election and see what other states may adopt similiar MM laws (maybe even better written) Then you will get a jump on the competitors and not worry about rubbing elbows!!