LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

Good looking out poly

Petco is haveing a sitewide up to 60% off sale untill Monday
Idk if you guys buy stuff from there but that's where I got my bulbs from cheap as hell but I go in the store and use the online prices so its cheaper cuz you don't pay shipping

Wait. The instore is matching online pricing?

Even online price of the Flora Sun bulbs is $15 and change. You can find them online for $11.
Wait. The instore is matching online pricing?

Even online price of the Flora Sun bulbs is $15 and change. You can find them online for $11.

PetCo and PetSolutions will price match online orders as long as it is a legit dealer and they have stock in hand. Eg. Amazon, Ebay, Craigslist do not qualify.
Even though these places do not advertise this, they do offer it.
Just do your research before hand (links to price matches) and send a nice email to them with the links and quantities you are looking to get. Make it easy for them to say Yes.

Some PetCo stores might match prices online but that will vary from store to store. (find a manager to ask)

Wait. The instore is matching online pricing?

Even online price of the Flora Sun bulbs is $15 and change. You can find them online for $11.

Maby I'm just lucky or something because I pay no more than 10 for them even when not in sale
I use price match in the store if they sent on sale but if they are I pay no more than 10
Just called 3 Petcos locally. None of them offer that. They are $22 for the Flora Suns and don't match their website.

That's not rite I only have 1 petco near me and if I go in with a list of online prices they match it
And if I go in with competing store prices they beat it

If you have a petco card you should automatically get the online price in store
Just called 3 Petcos locally. None of them offer that. They are $22 for the Flora Suns and don't match their website.

Again its how your present it to them and who you talk to. Next time your in one of their stores, find a manager and explain to him that you have to order from 3 different sources and would like to order from one if possible. Most of the time if your not in a hurry and are willing to special order items from them, they will be more inclined to help.
I agree with 48

I always deal with the same guy when I go into the store I think that's why he cuts deals and plus I'm always there buying things for my fish

Here in about 2 weeks I'm going to be dropping about 200$ in the store so I'm going to try and get him to work on some deals
So guys, I need your expertice.

I am converting one of my cabinets in my garage as a clone starter and a mother plant veg area. Was planing on using 2 foot t5hos in it, but my problem is I have 22 1/2 inches to work with and the smallest fixture I can find is 23 1/4 inches. I havent used 2 footers before so I am not exactly sure of how long the bulbs are. I am thinking of taking one of the old shelves that was in the cab and making a fixture with that, but I need your guys expertice to A let me know if that will cause major problems and B if it will fit. I may end up having to use t8's to do it with some of the par t8's till i have cash to afford t5 ballasts but I assume that it would work the same weither its t5 or t8. Anyone have any advice on if its even possible to get it to fit in this cab? or am I going to have to use crappy CFL in there till I can afford LED for the cab? Thanks in advance.

Snoochie Boochies!
if you use the bare bulbs and sockets only with a piece of sheet metal above to act as a reflector that could work for the t5s. plus you could lower and raise the bulbs accordingly.
found a NICE deal on some good looking tents, you can always put them on their sides, that how i have my 5x5x7 right now.


BBB acredited and these are great for little minilabs im gonna buy one to convert into a lab/glove box hepa filter all that got a nice stainless steel table that will fit right in. the bottom shelf of the table is gonna be lit with 2ft t5 for tissue culture the upper area for work. now too find some really long gloves(im gonna glue 4' flanges to the tent and cut the fabric inside the flange out and attach the gloves to the flannge) and a good hepa filter, i just found hepa filter but im unsure how to go about cleaning it.
Check out Banquet tents. They have a peak instead of flat top. Easy to hang fixtures, PLUS, room fr hot air to rise. Oh, and they are cheap
found a NICE deal on some good looking tents, you can always put them on their sides, that how i have my 5x5x7 right now.


BBB acredited and these are great for little minilabs im gonna buy one to convert into a lab/glove box hepa filter all that got a nice stainless steel table that will fit right in. the bottom shelf of the table is gonna be lit with 2ft t5 for tissue culture the upper area for work. now too find some really long gloves(im gonna glue 4' flanges to the tent and cut the fabric inside the flange out and attach the gloves to the flannge) and a good hepa filter, i just found hepa filter but im unsure how to go about cleaning it.

Uou know what's cool about this forum? Is that there are other subsections of this forum for this type of talk so you don't have to take a thread and turn it so far off track it loses what it was originally about.
this thread is about t5 and you need a place to grow in so its relevant, besides who cares. i wasted a post about good tents, you wasted a post on crying about a good deal. so whos post was more important?
this thread is about t5 PAR lighting. we as group have decided the best bulbs are FLORASUN, CORAL ENHANCER, UVL AQUA SUN, UVL REDSUN, basically any 6500k or 6700K is my preference. but i dont think anyone has lost track.... whats new? ultra plant growth hasnt come out and neither has anything else new....

FYI: guys any 4 bulb electronic t8 ballast is the same as a 2 bulb t5ho ballast. (a 2 bulb t8 ballast works for a single bulb t5) just letting you guys know.

found out why mt t12 ballast blew my bulbs, they where magnetic just said electronic on the front, god damn chinese.
Uou know what's cool about this forum? Is that there are other subsections of this forum for this type of talk so you don't have to take a thread and turn it so far off track it loses what it was originally about.

Just can't stay away eh Lucius? I thought you left this thread because it's so off-topic? Yet you come 'round complaining how off-topic our thread still is... guess we have a fan in you after all.
this thread is about t5 PAR lighting. we as group have decided the best bulbs are FLORASUN, CORAL ENHANCER, UVL AQUA SUN, UVL REDSUN, basically any 6500k or 6700K is my preference. but i dont think anyone has lost track.... whats new? ultra plant growth hasnt come out and neither has anything else new....

FYI: guys any 4 bulb electronic t8 ballast is the same as a 2 bulb t5ho ballast. (a 2 bulb t8 ballast works for a single bulb t5) just letting you guys know.

found out why mt t12 ballast blew my bulbs, they where magnetic just said electronic on the front, god damn chinese.

I think as a group that is incorrect.