1000w HPS power cost ?


Active Member
does anyone know approximately how much a 1000w HPS/MH system costs to run per month? I have the system, but im vegging with CFL's because im afraid of the cost... What does yours cost ?


Well-Known Member
depends where you are, 1000 watts is one kilowatt. check average price per kilowatt in your area.


Well-Known Member
Average where I am is 6 cents for the next couple months, 7 cents for the summer.

1000 watt lamp would cost this much if you pay 7 cents a KWH.

24/0 = 24kwh/day*30 days = 720kwh * $.07 = $50.4 dollars a month
18/6 = 18kwh/day*30 days = 540kwh * $.07 = $37.8 dollars a month
12/12 = 12kwh/day*30days = 360kwh * $.07 = $25.2 dollars a month

So if you used your CFL's for veg, and the 1000 for flowering, you would increase your energy bill by less than 25 dollars. It depends on how many CFL's you are using. Of course, its a little ridiculous to be using a 1000w HPS on just a couple plants, if that is what you are doing, so maybe consider a 600w HPS, which is much more efficient anyways.


Active Member
well i have 8 soil plants and another one plant bucket hydro to flower, will a 600w do this ? and it should be about half the cost of the 1000w or so ?


Well-Known Member
Would do 8 plants easily. You would get better yields with the 1000w, but the 600 would be ideal.


Well-Known Member
I'm vegging 3 seedlings / plants right now. (Only been about 10 days since seed). Should I get a 400 watt HPS or wait another month or so?


Active Member
i would save urself a few bucks and just stick with the cfl's? if that is what u are using for veg, until u plan on flowering. I would definelty get the 400 HPS for flowering though


Im just starting my flower room, what do you think about 1 400w hps, 1 150w hps, for the light set up in a 2x6x7 room