Will you vote for Obama?

Public Poll: Will you vote for Obama?

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Well-Known Member
Yea, a day or 2 ago "yes" had less than 20 votes. Then all the sudden it jumped up. I guess someONE wasn't too happy with the results LOL

Yah I noticed that too, Unclebuck probably made 60 troll accounts for his boy OBAMA.

OBAMA 2012!!!!



New Member
lol some of us flower from seed if youve never heard of that, she harvested 3/4 an oz of non cartel weed.
yellowing FAN leaves are normal if you let them run an extra week or two, but ALL the leaves on your bud are yellow. they look like shit, i think enough people have told you that. idc if they're 30 years old, you claim to be a better grow then me, ub, or abandonconflict.
is there any other shitty plants you wanna show us? maybe without the shitty poloroid as well?

another point not well proven by beenthere, you deserve a round of applause for being so bad at winning an argument. hahahaha dumbass.

How's this, you won and I lost. My old plant is pos and yours is supreme dankness.

I think I knew better than to jump on this political forum, ya never come out with anything positive from it.
Even though I didn't ask for it, my stance on politics has now got me into childish back and forth about growing cannabis, something I've never done or cared for.

I just don't see the point in making enemies over political opinions, so you guys have a good one and relish in your victory.


Well-Known Member
How's this, you won and I lost. My old plant is pos and yours is supreme dankness.

I think I knew better than to jump on this political forum, ya never come out with anything positive from it.
Even though I didn't ask for it, my stance on politics has now got me into childish back and forth about growing cannabis, something I've never done or cared for.

I just don't see the point in making enemies over political opinions, so you guys have a good one and relish in your victory.
You just won imo.


Well-Known Member
Gotta have thick skin in the Politics section. I can't think of one person I have dealt with in this section that I would consider as a enemy though.


Well-Known Member
The politics section on RIU is hardball. Cannabis makes you more introspective which can actually lead to greater intellect. I have not seen many forums with such a concentration of wit. Not everyone can hang. That is why I was so disapointed that more people weren't better educated about the medicinal qualities of cannabis.


Well-Known Member
Hell no.......fucking ghetto celebrity.......
which specific part of the president's upbringing would you consider to be "ghetto"?

and of course the person that ascends to the presidency is, by definition, a celebrity.

do you also get mad at the sun for being shiny and bright?


Well-Known Member
Gotta have thick skin in the Politics section. I can't think of one person I have dealt with in this section that I would consider as a enemy though.
No, you just have to stick to what you believe in, and fuck what everyone else thinks. Thick skin is for those who are foolish enough to let it bother them.

An enemy is someone at my door trying to fuck with my way of life, everything and everyone else is just spin.


Well-Known Member
Well I couldn't rep Syncos for his post, I agree the problem is people who can't admit when they are wrong.
I never said a word about being right or wrong as they are a matter of opinion. I was talking about believing in something. Besides, in the end we all have one life to live, and comprimising my beliefs is something I have never and will never do.

The problem in this country is those who won't stand for what they believe in because they fold at the first sign of conflict. If I remember correctly, this country wasn't built by a bunch of politically correct, comprimising pussys, but most days thats the only type of person that seems to exist in this country anymore.


Well-Known Member
I never said a word about being right or wrong as they are a matter of opinion. I was talking about believing in something. Besides, in the end we all have one life to live, and comprimising my beliefs is something I have never and will never do.

The problem in this country is those who won't stand for what they believe in because they fold at the first sign of conflict. If I remember correctly, this country wasn't built by a bunch of politically correct, comprimising pussys, but most days thats the only type of person that seems to exist in this country anymore.
A few hundred years ago, people were not just standing up for beliefs, they were murdering en masse over them. Beliefs such as a flat earth which the sun revolved around for instance, were not simply accepted, they were considered indisputable fact.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
A few hundred years ago, people were not just standing up for beliefs, they were murdering en masse over them. Beliefs such as a flat earth which the sun revolved around for instance, were not simply accepted, they were considered indisputable fact.
Like we do with evolution and global warming? What about E.T. aliens, pan spermia, natural earth cycle, and sun activity. Instead we ruin lives spreading government statist bullshit as fact.