Micro Bubbleponics Cab, 69w's of 2700k CFL's (re-started thread)


Active Member
bic mini lighter vs. super not dense buds..

I think I grew it like a noob, or just stunted it too much to make it actually grow, this would be about day 37? of flowering.. I don't know anything about flowering forreal lol. I have been learning as I go with all of my plants, 4 plants dead and me having one left proves this lol


Active Member
hey bro i was wondering if it would work if if i ran 3 1 inch air stones from 1 13 gallon pump in a 5 gallon bucket. right now the 2 airstones i have only bubble half the bucket. so i was wondering weather to add another spitter and airstone or just 2 bigger airstones.


Well-Known Member
bic mini lighter vs. super not dense buds..

I think I grew it like a noob, or just stunted it too much to make it actually grow, this would be about day 37? of flowering.. I don't know anything about flowering forreal lol. I have been learning as I go with all of my plants, 4 plants dead and me having one left proves this lol
LoL i wouldnt be all that worried yet. when did it throw out the pistils on the buds...about how long ago? if your dealing with a sativa heavy pheno i can see this process happening all day. i know preflowering can stun plants for 2 weeks or so, yea u have already been thru that and all but its probably ruining your perception of things. i wouldnt be sweating it..if u havent already hit it with a little more P. and K. and see if that helps at all. and dont forget if ur girl has a good amount of sativa in her then the only thing for you to do is be very very patient with its height and flowering time.


Active Member
Dj plz don't post pictures in my threads no more :-( it makes me sad


The reason I say the plant is a dud is because the buds are very very small... 40 days flowering so far, I highly highly doubt anything is going to happen Glock! Do the budsights produce more calyxes in flowering? I know they swell but buds are small right now, even if they swell there won't be any raise in yeild. The plant has never had any secondary nutes also lol.


Well-Known Member
Yup, my "budd booster" is essentially straight mag. I stopped giving my only surviving crop (1 out of 4, just like you :P ) bloom nutes last week, this week im running ph'd water and bud booster only, next week half str booster, and the week after that flush.

If I remember correctly from biology, plants use calcium kind of like as an ATP catalyst. They use it to effectively utilize energy? Alright, that's enough jabber, I know i sound stoned, but it's been a good week or 2 honest :-|


Active Member
I don't know if I will be able to get Calmag, but I know I can get another nute that has all secondary nutes in it. I'll give it a try asap. I have bonemeal that a friend gave to me early in this grow, and I never used it because I didn't know what nutes were in it, plus it stinks to high heaven lol. I'll try adding some of that tonight - til I can get something that has all secondary nutes


Well-Known Member
lol meant to say go light with it too much bonemeal can be bad, but def use it since it has calcium
Your lack of growth could be related to your reservoir size. Also your only getting the very tops of your plants with enough light. Ideally when growing small form what iv'e seen is getting some mylar or an semi enclosure (even open with three sides) would help bounce light back onto the plants. A small grow box might help but at this point you should probably start planning on your next grow/setup. I think your doing great but genetics could be playing a part. Check out my thread and see how much lower foliage I got going. I vegged longer than I should have but I was still figuring things out and had stunted growth for about a week. Now my plants are healthy and getting to big. Been flowering three days now. https://www.rollitup.org/stealth-micro-cab-growing/518607-noneed4me2s-first-medical-cabinet-grow.html#post7256516


Active Member
If you guys really think about it, the plant is a decent size. When I switched to 12/12, it was 6" now it's 20" - people say growth doubles or triples when the plant flowers. Plus I really don't think that rootspace in hydro matters that much.. You guys see the 'rootporn' of roots so big they were the shape of the bucket? I up'd the rez size continuously, Glock told me the same thing about a previous rez I had.. The roots still wouldn't be running out of room in it. I think that roots actually (correct me if I'm wrong) stop growing in flower


Active Member
Dj plz don't post pictures in my threads no more :-( it makes me sad

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The reason I say the plant is a dud is because the buds are very very small... 40 days flowering so far, I highly highly doubt anything is going to happen Glock! Do the budsights produce more calyxes in flowering? I know they swell but buds are small right now, even if they swell there won't be any raise in yeild. The plant has never had any secondary nutes also lol.
sorry bro just wanted to let u know how im doing, being ur the reason i started dwc. anyways were you only using african violet your whole grow?


Active Member
I wasn't tryin to sound like an ass my bad Dj. I used the MG African Violet for the entire bubbleponics part of this grow, added like 1/3rd a tablespoon of bonemeal to try to get some secondary nutes in there.. the MG AV doesn't have ANY secondary nutes, only primary nutes and trace minerals, I was thinking the green bottle of liquid MG might have them in it and it would be a pretty simple way of adding all nutes in a 2 piece package >.< I've gotten super use to 20 drops every rez change.. I think the plants can handle like 25-30 drops every 2-3 days if they've been slowly introduced to it

I'll go to Lowes and Walmart and see if they have any CalMag - Walmart has cloning gel, and the product CalMag sounds really familiar, do you care if I ask for a pic of the bottle Deftoned? Also is it an option for hydroponics?