World of Seeds - Space


Well-Known Member
Not too bad matey gettin there.... Jst about to mix up feed for ma psychosis it startin to bud up nicely... U still got ma addy??? lol


Well-Known Member
Not too bad matey gettin there.... Jst about to mix up feed for ma psychosis it startin to bud up nicely... U still got ma addy??? lol
Sweet matey ya jammy git lol cant wait to get back on growin the mrs says the last midwife visit is 6week then i can so only 5 to go :(
yeh got ya addy still which did you fuck up? lol ill get you 10 more of them an 5 each of the others im sendin 10 of each out for now, theres a few on the list and want some for me sen lol(greedy twat)


Well-Known Member
Fuck you could get them cracked n veggin up jst now mate, have a few beasts to start flowering from the off lol...... GKxBlues mate dunno wot a dne to the poor lil babies lol... Got some BRxBSB's poppin through jst now and psychosis goin into 3rd wk.....

You settlin into bein a dad, sleepness nights suitin you? lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
oh shit ya lil man arived then pukka? congrates fella
yeah still ere scotia i just threw the screen over plants and took a cow sized dump haha.
broke branch on one ladies bit tape hope it ok. need buy a mini cubby asap. gunna ave look on argos now i think and have that as clone/early vegger


Well-Known Member
That sounds like a plan argos usually good for makeshift things lol.... Your lady will repair no probs mate, as long as not totally mutilated lol..... Goin to have to go jst now but will be on tonight if the mrs lets me ;-)


Well-Known Member
Yo pukka me old cousin ya stitched me up like a kipper u fucker lmfao should av transplanted into bigger pots bro the fuckers are killin me off everyday drinkin 3litres or more now every 24hours lol no fun this round haha i heared your lads here and playin ya up lol give the yoot a munch from me ay pal there is some pics in old journal of the lemon and psyco lad nuff respect to ya lad ill need an addy soon!!


Well-Known Member
whats happeneing then lads? glad you got some nutes scotia mate. i had to chop 1 of my plants down sunday night cos they looked ill compared to the others, all the leaves where curled up and starting to go crispy. it took me 3 hours! im not looking forward to the other 4 now but atleast i got the little bits drying to get me through lol.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
whats happeneing then lads? glad you got some nutes scotia mate. i had to chop 1 of my plants down sunday night cos they looked ill compared to the others, all the leaves where curled up and starting to go crispy. it took me 3 hours! im not looking forward to the other 4 now but atleast i got the little bits drying to get me through lol.
now mr t tell the truth u just wanted some smoke didnt ya haha


Well-Known Member
Fuck you could get them cracked n veggin up jst now mate, have a few beasts to start flowering from the off lol...... GKxBlues mate dunno wot a dne to the poor lil babies lol... Got some BRxBSB's poppin through jst now and psychosis goin into 3rd wk.....

You settlin into bein a dad, sleepness nights suitin you? lol
Wish i could matey bigtime lol got some work to do in the room 1st got a new 6" fan i got from work to bang in so need a 6"filter plus got new digital ballast i need to swop in the loft for the old 600w new 1s dimable so can drop to 400w mh got 1 of those too gunna run that in veg then switch to the 600w hps in flower will be a pain swoppin cos i have to tape my hood cos it aint air tight but will have to do with the no veg cab plus it will be easier then settin up my clfs like usaull then want a new 5" fan for my hood usin a 2nd hand 4" stepped to 5 at min its sound in winter but summer starts gettin hot in there. gunna go for a psycho, dog and Cheeseberryhaze for my 1st run back ladys only, dont think im gunna bother with mine till the veg cabs back on an i can use them propa lol will defo have a snip of any keepers tho you lot find!
So another psycho in mate nice init thats why i want 1 back 1st run lol you after some colour with them brxbsbs?
Settlin in sound cheers matey lovin it to be honest might get the mrs back to work an be 1 of those stay at home fatha's lmao!!

oh shit ya lil man arived then pukka? congrates fella
yeah still ere scotia i just threw the screen over plants and took a cow sized dump haha.
broke branch on one ladies bit tape hope it ok. need buy a mini cubby asap. gunna ave look on argos now i think and have that as clone/early vegger
Nice 1 geezer!!

Yo pukka me old cousin ya stitched me up like a kipper u fucker lmfao should av transplanted into bigger pots bro the fuckers are killin me off everyday drinkin 3litres or more now every 24hours lol no fun this round haha i heared your lads here and playin ya up lol give the yoot a munch from me ay pal there is some pics in old journal of the lemon and psyco lad nuff respect to ya lad ill need an addy soon!!
Eyup chedz me old i told you they'd drink like fuck in them 6lts but they'l thank ya for it yield wise lol stop moanin you tart lmao
Yeh me lads here mate he's a right gem! no trouble yet lol
seen um earlier pal lookin quality mate still a useless twat an cant flip ya pics round lmao! im gunna get on for a good catch up soon an drop in every1s threads came here cos seen the lads were here.
Fairys seein you by wknd mate addy same?

Right im off lads take it easy speak soon!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah scotia thats wot im talkin about bro your gonna av ya jands full with that 1 for sure pal did u do any trainin with it? ive a fucker just now thats a good 4ft lol its a bitch an half to keep her under wraps in veg if u did nt u did well i supercropped mine to fuck haha


Well-Known Member
It was ma mother plant git 3 clones that a think hve rooted 1 will be a mother, 1 in the farm n the fairy takin the Other away.

A supercropped it a couple of times Chedz but a think its jst from where a took the clones thats made it like that. Av lollipopped a lot from the bottom as well


Well-Known Member
Mate neva underestimate supercroppin mate its a trusted tool and very effective good lookin girl mate should produce well for ya;-)


Well-Known Member
im cutting them all down tomorrow, i just found a flower when i was checking them before i went to bed. it was only the 1 i could see but im not taking any chances