Well-Known Member
i dont know you would have to ask someone with more expierience but i would say 6 plants under 600w would be better. i got 2.5 oz for all 3 plants idk how much per plant because i didnt weigh it all per plant and its gone now haha. good luck.per plant? cuz atm i have 3 ( maybe 4 if the one i planted a couple of days ago sprouts) under a 400 watt hps, and after that i wanna have 6 fems under a 600w hps, im a newb so how much do you reckon that would get? also i was wonderin if maybe it would be better doin 4 feminised under a 600w than 6 under a 600w, cuz at first i seen it as more plants more bud, but now i understand that it might be better growing 4 big plants than 6 alright sized plants