LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

you excluded yourself remember....

well nmaybe i cant speak for every one but these are my favorite bulbs. and i dont think i would spend the extra cash on other bulbs that wont out preform.(hagen power glow, geissman, KZ ect)
yes, i am still around redoctober. that grow got hit with spidermites so i terminated it prematurely.

i then took one plant & vegged the hell out of it in a waterfarm to see what i would end up with [i have a tree!!] while waiting for redsuns to ship & am now in the 6th week of flower under 2] 8lamp t5 fixtures with 2-coral wave, 2-tropical wave, 1-redsun, 2-3000k & 1-6500k. [formed like a tee-pee]

there are lots of sticky buds & spidermites tried to get them but i was able to fend them off with an organic spray made with hot peppers [50,000+btu heat]. they drink alot of water....almost 1 gal. daily & seem to be doing well.

will take some snaps in the next couple of days to give you a look.

The florasuns are great bulbs......the actnics not so much IMO...

i dont reall think i picked any actinics in that selection, since the 10000k aqua sun has a nice spike at 620nm and a fairly strong red when compared side by side with an actinic it apperars pink.

the coral wave is specialty bulb and more of an add on than a usable light by itself, so once again im not sure if this would fall in actinic category or not. i personally say it not.
yes, i am still around redoctober. that grow got hit with spidermites so i terminated it prematurely.

i then took one plant & vegged the hell out of it in a waterfarm to see what i would end up with [i have a tree!!] while waiting for redsuns to ship & am now in the 6th week of flower under 2] 8lamp t5 fixtures with 2-coral wave, 2-tropical wave, 1-redsun, 2-3000k & 1-6500k. [formed like a tee-pee]

there are lots of sticky buds & spidermites tried to get them but i was able to fend them off with an organic spray made with hot peppers [50,000+btu heat]. they drink alot of water....almost 1 gal. daily & seem to be doing well.

will take some snaps in the next couple of days to give you a look.


Pepper juice? Idk if id want that around my ladies.

Ive found that 1/2 tsp rosemary oil per gallon of water with literally a tiny DROP of dish soap as a spray works wonders for mites. I sprayed once, waited three days, did it again. I now have zero mites and havent had a problem since.
i dont reall think i picked any actinics in that selection, since the 10000k aqua sun has a nice spike at 620nm and a fairly strong red when compared side by side with an actinic it apperars pink.

the coral wave is specialty bulb and more of an add on than a usable light by itself, so once again im not sure if this would fall in actinic category or not. i personally say it not.

Poly, do you have the spectral graph for the 10k aqua sun? Id like to see it
I wasnt aware You were walking about UVL.

I think the aqua life 420/460 is the way to go for blue and the florasun for red, maybe a red sun here and there instead of a flora. I still want to see the 660 SPD and the fiji purple SPD when altar gets it to Jeff.
Hello all I have a badboy 16 bulb really leaning towards using 8 quantum bloom and 8 giesmann aquaflora has any one used this combo. I want to only use 2 types of bulbs to keep the light close.
I already have the quantum bloom bulbs
Hello all I have a badboy 16 bulb really leaning towards using 8 quantum bloom and 8 giesmann aquaflora has any one used this combo. I want to only use 2 types of bulbs to keep the light close.
I already have the quantum bloom bulbs

Add in 6 Flora Sun Bulbs. Thats all I run with my Bloom Bulbs and it grows big buds that are rock solid. Don't believe the hype that you need to buy all these fancy bulbs. These guys just haven't figured it out yet. Follow my grow in my signature.
Thanks Lucius going to take your advice your grow looks great I will be doing a scrog with 6 under the badboy 16 going with a 50/50 mix 8 quantum blooms and 8 flora suns. Thanks again......

I have this bulb with reflector. Good for veg, though perhaps too much blue for Sats. I interpret the 620 "nice spike" as more of a small bump.

If you didn't have ZooMed FloraSuns (an excellent spectral blend IMHO), a vg combination would be UVL; Aquasun + Red Life + 660 for flower, BUT, the AS provides a lot of blue, so maybe only 1/8 for flowering.

My Flower combination is 2/8 FloraSuns + 2/8 Coral Waves + 2/8 Red Lifes + 1/8 660 (cause I only have one) leaving me one slot to fill, most likely use my Quantum Flower OR another Red Life (I have 3), OR a Quantum Grow should I need a bit more blue balance
. If I didn't have the Red Life and 660, I would add another FloraSun. LV has it right

I continue to be amazed at how fast the 2 plants in my 21st Century F & D rig are growing, considering their canopy is currently ~ 8" below the bulbs. Still, they are growing at the same rate as the other plants which are ~ 3" below the bulbs.

Table height for
21st Century F & D rig is ~5" lower than my HPA table. I plan to even them out this morning, as I have too much tilt (~ 5") in the fixture..
i have honestly been amazed with the aquasuns and plan on getting some more.florasun zoomed and the uvl aquasun are perfect for veg in a 1-1 ratio. im supposed to get my florasun by the 3rd plan on doing an update. then im about to order some coral waves, reptisun 5.0 (on sale right now 32w t12 foster and smith) and aqauasuns and then another oder for some more flora suns and redsuns or the 660nm depending on how i feel. im about to swap one of my 400w HID for a 6 bulb t5 soon.
poly, where/how are you putting/implementing the repti-sun(s). Are they IR, or UVb? , separate timer? I realized with my BB that there is no back plate, and the reflectors hook together, so IR could be dropped through, but wattage has to be low. What is wattage?

RE: Aquasuns. As you know ASs have a very strong B/G/Y band. FloraSuns actually have ample blue for either grow, or, flower. Due to that, my recommendation (not that you asked) is to start with no more than 2/5 ASs. By mid flower I would replace the ASs with UVL 660s (keeping in mind the FloraSuns have enough blue for this phase. That combination could be killer.

Keep us posted. RU doin a blog here?
nah im not rreally doing a blog, im not what you would call "friendly" im pretty lonley so i just update randomly when i feel like showing off.

the reptisun are UVB! and UVB is my favorite spectrum of light! better than blue and red but useless by itself! the coral waves are for IR and far red

i noticed your paragraphs are very elequent, is this because you are a perfectionist? or just prefer for people to understand.

i rarely spend time editing myself, i have terrible spelling probably should srry to get off topic
^^^^Yes Pet is somewhat of a grammar nazi:bigjoint:sorry pet..............ha........he just expects the most out of uskiss-ass
Pepper juice? Idk if id want that around my ladies.

Ive found that 1/2 tsp rosemary oil per gallon of water with literally a tiny DROP of dish soap as a spray works wonders for mites. I sprayed once, waited three days, did it again. I now have zero mites and havent had a problem since.

yea, i hear you.....& i felt the same way until i met a master grower who swore by hot peppers in the 150k+ heat variety, advising that mylady wouldn't be adversely affected but the mites would hit the road. the 150k harbenero was too much heat for me to handle, so i tried the slightly lower variety [50k+] & it did the trick. [if you ever tried to breathe it in closed quarters you would well know why]
the buds are growing nicely, super sticky with a sweet aroma, so apparently after the pepper does its duty its' offensive properties are dissipated.

i had tried several other treatments, including rosemary oil [but w/o dish soap] & they temporarily alieviated the issue, but not as well as the peppers. i also have a companion rosemary plant growing in the room.

if mites should reappear in the next couple of weeks-before i harvest- i will give your formula a try. thanks
hopefully we will have neither rosemary or spicy pepper seasoned herb in our T5 spectral quest for quality bud..............or perhaps we will,,, forming a new paradigm> FLAVORED GOURMET THC:joint:
Just a pit. I used to grow tomatoes out side, there be bugs out there. Well I would plant Marigolds, between the plants.

Marigolds are poisonous. The bugs did not give me trouble. Only the birds.
Just a pit. I used to grow tomatoes out side, there be bugs out there. Well I would plant Marigolds, between the plants.

Marigolds are poisonous. The bugs did not give me trouble. Only the birds.

jus planted a bunch of marigold seeds in the flower bed today, i may have to grow a few indoors if they work good for mites and i may have to pot some for my veggies, i have been worrying about outdoors bugs but havent got any yet, just put the plants outside(again) today they where loving it! hope it doesn't chill down where im at.
lol gourmet rosemary hash?

I used to use dish soap along the outer foundation of my moms house out in the country to get rid of tiny pests and ants except in a much higher concentration. Worked very well. The rosemary disorients them and the soap burns them, an effective double whammy.