Northern Light Automatic


Active Member
day 15

upon opening to door to see miss NL this morning i was greeted but her sitting there head up smiling with her big leafs wide open as if she was after a big hug, i actually though someone had replaced her with a more happy plant when i saw her this morning.

also a lil rub of her steam revealed a very sweet smelling scent i always am happy to smell.

so today i will be adding half a teaspoon of old timers organic grow nutes to miss NLs water before feeding her an i might peek in an check on her later before lights out to see how she is handling the nutes

i may add a small video clip of miss NL in her bedroom if i can get my camera working right.



Well-Known Member
I love that you are feeding her organically and she's looking awesome, pretty healthy girl!


Active Member
I love that you are feeding her organically and she's looking awesome, pretty healthy girl!
yup organic nutes just seem more healthly for plant life, since they have less chemicals in them.

next 24 hrs il be curious how she adapts to her first feeding of grow nutes.


Active Member
day 16

few leafs have a little curling on them but so far she seems to have adapted to first feeding of nutes really well.

ive also noticed the soil likes to sink down after each watering but thats no concern as shes still nice a green an pretty bushy



Active Member
Day 17

She's looking happy nice heathly leaves with more leafs slowily growing out of the top of her.

So far she's reached a wooping 2.6 inches tall which I had a lil chuckle over.



Well-Known Member
Nice, loving the way her leaves are looking. I know you probably said this before (I'm too lazy to go looking) but are you going to LST her?


Active Member
i doubt i will lst her because shes small enough as it is.

also never done lst so im sticking with what i no for the experince before trying out other stuff..


Active Member
good job, looks like a nice healthy plant. The fact she is quite short is not a bad thing because she is becoming really bushy. If you really want her taller than i would advise raising the light 6" or so, however i would not recommend it. She will naturally start to grow taller when she starts to flower so don't worry. Good luck, keep up the good work


Active Member
good job, looks like a nice healthy plant. The fact she is quite short is not a bad thing because she is becoming really bushy. If you really want her taller than i would advise raising the light 6" or so, however i would not recommend it. She will naturally start to grow taller when she starts to flower so don't worry. Good luck, keep up the good work
Cheers kush


Active Member
Day 18

Last 2 days miss NL has greeted me with a little scent of yummyness upon opening the door to check her ou.

An standing she's definitely starting to strech cause She's now just over 3 inches tall!

An buShing outwards by the day!



Active Member
Day 20

I do declare I'm now at the point were I'm 100% gagging to cut off a leaf an smoke that lil mumma cause she smelly wicked



Active Member
ok heres the finaly steps of miss NLs short life cycle for all to see!

miss NLs life came to an endafter she was attacked by a hyperactive dog... so much for leaving a door open for free air now..

sadly miss NL was found lifeless no more than 10 minutes after this picture.

theres to many links to post ALL of her life pics from sprout to ending but all her pics are now in a 2 part photo album i just finished.

part 1


part 2

now i just got 2 more NL seeds, 5 auto fem kaia kush and 5 blue mistic auto fem seeds to decide to try...

downisde is if i wanna try 2 at once i need to wait about a week before i can get me root riot among other bits delivered :S