Not sure about PH, not even real hydro!?


Active Member

I am running a lil' stealth SOG with prototype hydro pots :D Now I am getting some strange trouble on some plants sometimes, leave edges turn yellow, its a real intense yellow. I suspected nute burn but then I read that the whole leave turns yellow from the start of the leaves. Here its just the edges. Now I am wondering about PH, and since this is not a real hydro system I am wondering where this value should be. I attached a photo of those pots I made, they seem to work well for other plants... I measured the PH value from the nute mix bottles I am using and it's somewhere around 7. Temp's for flowering are about 30° C, Hum is 60 %. I am feeding with Hesi. I am just getting this problem on flowering plants.

Those pots are build as a reservoir and a pot hanging in there, it has a towel in it and soaks up water really well. Got some problems with algae, fixing the light leak to those pots soon... I have double gum and skunk in there and the skunks (this is skunk roots in this pic) seem to root from the pot into the reservoir and even grow slower than the double gum, just wanted to say...

Thanks for helping a bro out :)




Well-Known Member
kudos man. I dont see how they dont drowned themselves. but if it works dont fix it. Nicely done.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
The light is getting at your roots, that's very bad. Duct tape it or something.

The yellow could be an Iron or Mag def.


Active Member
Roots grow inthe dark.. you need to tape/pant the water area, this will stop or slow the green alge too.. Green Alge=Light

Their are no pictures of the yellow leaves to look at, cant help ya.. I love home made stuff I do it all the time.. have a small bubble cloner I made in the kitchen.


Active Member
Thanks for the fast replies :)

the first pic I attached is from the leafes with the yellow edges, the second one is the main bud of the plant which seems to still look healthy. The third picture is of one of the skunks pot, where the root system grew into the reservoir, which still looks healthy (the plant too). How is algae bad by the way? I didn't really found anything while searching on that subject.

@VX420: would ya like to show me pictures of that cloner?




Active Member
There are sitting on pure coco in these pots... Some are mixed with some earth/perlite substrate but I don't notice any difference in growth.


Active Member
i think that algae is bad because it feeds on nutts too, which in turn leaves less for your ladys. IMHO:joint:
Crash... please don't grasp at straws and try to mislead someone.

Algae will rob the water of oxygen and eventually kill your plants! Wrap up your plastic bottles ASAP to shield them from light and help them produce some decent smoke!

How many weeks are you into bud cycle? Looks to be somewhat normal plant progression......


Active Member
Hey there,

thanks for the replies again :)

How would plants look like that try to eat from deoxygened water?
The plant you saw in the picture I have chopped down now, it's drying right now, I have put it into approx 40 hours of darkness before chop and it seemed to blow up a little, now there is this sticky bud hanging in there... It looks good but I am still curious to what happened to that plant while flowering... the plant was like 4 to 5 weeks into flowering... and it's a short flowering indica, the package says 45 days flowering time. The problem is that the next batch of plants show's different signs of suffering now... leaves look down curled, beginning to yellow, the central vein of the leave stays green though. Lower fan leaves have dropped now. I am not sure but I would say growth is a bit stunned. Another plant has just almost white to a very soft greenish leave color. Could this all be caused by the hydro pots? You know any way of measuring the nutes in there, to actually know when I should stop fertilizing (now I just stop when I SEE it's too much for the plant, also it's hesi and I heard you cannot simply measure the EC value)?


Active Member
What's up with you guys? Request more images? More informations? I would be very thankful if someone likes to throw his 5 cents to this problem...


Active Member
What problem if it is already drying?
The problem is that this was just one plant, but this is a non stop running SoG and plants keep going to look bad, yes, this one made it, was drying and got me high for a while, I'm more worrying about my living ladies... they yellow the color of their fan leaves from down to top, then they fall off, it seems like growth is stunned, the weird coloring where just the edges of the leaves got yellow disappeared though...