Club 600


Active Member
Mornin D... was just talkin to my buddy about you, and the BB... looking to get some new genetics in my mix... on Gen 4 of the Durban and Holland... and lovin the look of my PK... but that has been clone only so long, I worry about the genetics of it. Either way... does BB do any feminized seeds?


Well-Known Member
Hey Camp, BB do the DOG as feminized, but to be honest, thinking of stopping that and concentrating on the Regular backcross DOG.

Personally I just don't really like the Feminized thing. Anyway, that's our thinking at the moment. I know as an industry everyone is screaming for Fems, but as I said to many people, we are not here to service the masses....GHS and Barneys do that well enough.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
you not got pms back yet dst.
i like this neg rep tho.
how do u earn enough superhero points to get the neg rep powers?? haha
talking superheros if u not seen the new avenger movie then its a must. best superhero film by a clear mile and dam funny


Well-Known Member
Hey MD, seems like some Superhero's only have their power for like 48 hours, lol.....Of course as soon as RIU had learned of the new magical power, they took it back off me...what a bunch of bummers, lmfao.

And as for M's, I will not be using them again anyway bru!!!!

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
m's haha how true.
did u give out any neg rep? haha oh how i wood off abused that power,if only for a day or two haha
u think riu r trying to harnes the neg rep power for evil doings hahaha?and instead the power found its way to u in some freak accident?
u could b the man to challenge them fr this power and use it for good and defeating worse trolls then me haha.
anyways better b a lion for a aday then a sheep for life. roar haha


Well-Known Member
been in hospital 5 nights had 2 ops on me dislocated shoulder, been blasting me turbo diesel 7oz off 20 in about 10 weeks, got 1 healthy g-13 left off my scrog when bizzys searched house for getting me with grinder full on way to garden, that 9 weeks flower today il get a few pics of her lata on when i go look, so my new flower room on hold for while till my shoulder sorted and just be using tent to see me by


Well-Known Member
Ah but MD, with great power comes great responsibility, lol....I never even -rep'd anyone!!! doh!!

hey budolskie, hope the shoulder gets better soon lad!!!

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
so true. u wood have change ya addy and lifestyle and wear a mask full time.
sure the mrs wood have something say bout that haha
plus im not to sure how heroic u wood b after a heavy night on the dog kush hahah


Well-Known Member
Police sirens and fire alarms wail in the background......a crouched figure in a dark stinky room stops momentarily, pauses for a split moment.....then returns to the bongo!!!! StonerMan get's stoned again........

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
sounds like a great comic book story matey haha i wood buy it anyways haha
anyways i have a date with the postie today haha im sat at window like a crazed dog haha
have good day all


Well-Known Member
'Morning/afternoon to you all!
Just a quick update before I slip off to sleep.
Day 12 since flipping to 12/12, all three plants are BMF, and all are females.
*Plants were only a touch over 3" tall (7.5cm) when turned to 12/12:

Very tired, so off to sleep!


Active Member
Hey Camp, BB do the DOG as feminized, but to be honest, thinking of stopping that and concentrating on the Regular backcross DOG.

Personally I just don't really like the Feminized thing. Anyway, that's our thinking at the moment. I know as an industry everyone is screaming for Fems, but as I said to many people, we are not here to service the masses....GHS and Barneys do that well enough.

Thanks D,

I'll have to order some fem DoG before you take em off the shelfizzle...

So much going on in the green room it's almost overwhelming. A few more days til picture time... I'm bored... sick of being sick and stuck home...


Well-Known Member
How do you like the digilux bulb? I've got 4 of them up already but havent tried them out yet. another week and a half and it will be time to use the new flower room for the first time ^_^/


New Member
How do you like the digilux bulb? I've got 4 of them up already but havent tried them out yet. another week and a half and it will be time to use the new flower room for the first time ^_^/
I ran a Digilux and a cheap 30 dollar HPS in my 600s to see if there is a difference because I fell for all the literature BS propaganda. I didn't see any, if at all the buds under the cheap hps were harder and bigger. The digilux is a tad "bluer" to the eye, but the plants didn't seem to care either way.

I have bought the cheaper ones ever since and never looked back except my bank account is a tad bigger. I chalked it up to more MMJ hype from the people who count on you to believe it, the manufacturers.


Well-Known Member
Morning all!!
Hope the shoulder feels better after the surgeries bro!
I believe there to be alot of hype out there as well. I use the old magnetic ballasts and whatever bulbs I have around. I replace them when needed with stuff I can afford lol.
Doob those girls really grew as the 12/12 called their name!