New grower, will this closet work?


Active Member
hey bro nice closet! check out my bagseed grow. im in a closet as well check out my lighting. and seeds hmm.. where are you located.?


Active Member
also just saw your post bout the hydro! you dont need a ph meter!!! or anything. i grow my plants hydro and only use 7-7-7 plant food and i dont use a ph meter. my plants are growing so fast. and the set ups are so easy to make. my 3 plant bucket i only spent 3 bucks


Active Member
idk about strains i just grow bagseeds. im in so cal so i just go to clinic and get o's and they usually have a seed or 2 in them. if you have connects try to ask them for seeds or something, and idk if weed is medical in iowa but if you can have a friend go to clinic and get you a clone or some seeds.
idk about strains i just grow bagseeds. im in so cal so i just go to clinic and get o's and they usually have a seed or 2 in them. if you have connects try to ask them for seeds or something, and idk if weed is medical in iowa but if you can have a friend go to clinic and get you a clone or some seeds.
I'll see whats up?


Well-Known Member
They got 55watt 2700K CFLs at wal-mart.. Go there and get 4 or 5 of them.. Build some elaborate reflector out of a turkey pan and you are good bro!


Active Member
Just got a 3 ft pot, and looking for soil and mollassess soon then seeds, anything else im missing?
If you want to make sure your plants are getting all they need to grow healthy you could look into some of the ingredients in subcools famed super soil, I've never grown in it myself but have heard nothing but good things and absolutely no nutrients or flushing needed.