Wattage should not matter, have a close look at my psu, its only the back panel, there is a tutorial on this entry(page 1), on how to disassemble ur psu and rewire it to a powerbar, honestly before this project I had never done any wiring nor even touched a soldering iron, its that easy. FYI i was high as a kite, just remember red-red black-black and green taped up. I am still alive and all the lights fans work, but what it allows u to achieve is, 6 lights, 4 fans, 1 power plug from back of case. Saved me many headaches, like how do i get power cord and adapter cord out of the case and still maintain stealth with all this wiring.
side note: when doing my fans some cables where blk/white and black, in this instance solid black goes to red, blk/white goes to black.