All 4 bills pass out of the house


Well-Known Member
Well all 4 of the bills passed out of the house and is on its way to the senate.
Please call and write and let them know that you oppose these bills.

I know some here think they are harmless but that could not be farther from the truth.
And I think those that say they are harmless know damn well they are not.


Well-Known Member
calling or writing them sadly does nothing...

this is another reason why i call for a veto power of the people... :)


Well-Known Member
Well all 4 of the bills passed out of the house and is on its way to the senate.
Please call and write and let them know that you oppose these bills.

I know some here think they are harmless but that could not be farther from the truth.
And I think those that say they are harmless know damn well they are not.

I thought the house was where the best chance of defeating the bills was? Or is that the senate?


Active Member
I thought the house was where the best chance of defeating the bills was? Or is that the senate?
house was the best chance.

actually... them getting out of committee was our chance and we tried.

but they passed and passed and then the patient-doctor one passed with 3/4 immediate effect.

now we wait for the senate to just say okay.


Well-Known Member
house was the best chance.

actually... them getting out of committee was our chance and we tried.

but they passed and passed and then the patient-doctor one passed with 3/4 immediate effect.

now we wait for the senate to just say okay.

Nice... so apparently a good chunk of dems hopped on board with this too?



Well-Known Member
They are almost all on board against us. None of this is good for caregivers I do not know where you get that from.


Well-Known Member
Question I have if the police get the list with unlimited access if someone is trying to get a job that has to have a back ground check done will it show you have a card also applying for a gun permit will it show as well as a hunting license?

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Well all 4 of the bills passed out of the house and is on its way to the senate.
Please call and write and let them know that you oppose these bills.

I know some here think they are harmless but that could not be farther from the truth.
And I think those that say they are harmless know damn well they are not.
Here are links to the new wording: The card will be good for 2 years now, they did make it more restrictive for anyone to access the registry,..These 4 are not's the set of bills with p2p that will be interesting..


Well-Known Member
bad for patients.... good for caregivers
how is it good for caregivers?

and what are the concerns about police having access to the list? They still need a search warrant. And even if they get one off of smell or something, if your plant count is fine...what is there to worry about?


Well-Known Member
how is it good for caregivers?

and what are the concerns about police having access to the list? They still need a search warrant. And even if they get one off of smell or something, if your plant count is fine...what is there to worry about?

Exactly!! Maybe now that they can check to see if someone has a card first, there will be less doors kicked in, then asking for a card?

I really dont see this "The world is coming to an end" reaction that many have?

Oz, tell us what is so terrible?

bob harris

Well-Known Member
how is it good for caregivers?

and what are the concerns about police having access to the list? They still need a search warrant. And even if they get one off of smell or something, if your plant count is fine...what is there to worry about?
They don't need a warrant. but they can't just run your plate for kicks either. The purpose is to eliminate unwarranted arrest..not to create more arrests. Though, some will disagree.


New Member
They don't need a warrant. but they can't just run your plate for kicks either. The purpose is to eliminate unwarranted arrest..not to create more arrests. Though, some will disagree.
Oh no never just for kicks!! What will they get if they do run your plate??


Active Member
yup.. just name address and all that, they can look whenever pretty much.

just like how cops check facebook during traffic stops.

they have those sweet laptops for a reason.

oh and dont forget about michigan state police downloading all your info from cell phones during traffic stops..


New Member
well they can check fagbook. good luck unlockin my phone. the one on the dash just has pictures of my old hairy ass (not the cheeks either). so does LEO have access to vicodin patients? percocet? altram maybe? hell can they check to see if I am a tequila drinker?
there is apart of my problem
that and a total distrust of all LEO.


Well-Known Member
So access is limited...I was getting worried the DEA would have access.

(B) State or local law enforcement officers or officials, but
only if either of the following applies:

(i) The officer or official provides a registry identification

number, the officer or official is acting in the course of his or

her official duties, and the department does not allow access to

more information than is reasonably necessary to verify the

authenticity of the registry identification card.

(ii) The officer or official provides a name and a date of

birth for an individual or an address; the officer or official has

probable cause to believe a violation of law that involves the

possession, use, transfer, or transportation of marihuana has

occurred; and the department does not allow access to more

information than is reasonably necessary to verify that the

individual or an individual at the specified address has a valid

registry identification card. The department shall allow access to

information under this sub-subparagraph through the law enforcement

information network. This sub-subparagraph does not require the

officer or official to obtain a search warrant to obtain access to

the registry information.