Bug problem or nute problem?

Claude Bawls

Active Member
Trying to figure out why the leaves on my plants are looking like this. These came from a plant that is in veg.

In my closet, lined with mylar, 400w MH, fox farm soil, 2 months old temp tends around 75-80.
Look like what? If there is a pic of plants there, they are so small they cannot be seen....something is fucked up with them. Post a pic...


Active Member
What fertilizer have you been using?
Are you adding Cal/Mag or epsom salt to your feedings?
How long have they been in the pot that they are in now?
What kind of water are you using to water them?

...My best guess is magnesium def tho.


Active Member
Thats not a heat issue.
I bet hes had the plant in the same pot that hes had it in for 2 months and he hasnt been adding any magnesium, which is causing the plant to burn.
If it was a nute burn, you would see burning on all the leaf tips of each leaf and some clawing.
Magnesium aids in chlorophil development, and his leaves are yellowing and drying out which is a sign of poor chlorophil development.
So my vote is still Magnesium! :)


Well-Known Member
If it were a mag def the stems would be red and the entire leaf would be yellow with greem veins. It is most definitly not a mag def and you should not speak up if you don't know what you are talking about! You are gonna kill someones crop with your "advice". IT'S NUTE BURN


Well-Known Member
For your next feeding just add strait water. It will pull the nutes from the rest of the plant where it is overstoring and ballance everything out. The next time you can go back to normal feeding and your plant should be perfect. Make sure you lower your tea to about 70% of what you are doing now though to avoid burning them again. PLEASE DON'T FEED THEM MORE CALMAG. YOU WILL KILL YOUR PLANTS!


Active Member
Excuse me?
Ive got more growing experiance than 90% of the people on here Marc.
I know what the fuck im talking about.
And im not gonna kill anyones crop because even if its not magnesium, its not gonna hurt the plant. Cal/Mag isnt a fertilizer, its a mineral.

And btw....yellowing leaves with red stems would probably be a nitrogen def.
A plants stem will turn purple or red from being cold, over fertilized, or from a lack of phosphorus more times than not.
A plants leaf will yellow from lack of nitrogen, lack of sulfur, and lack of magnesium as magnesium aids in helping the plants leaves stay green.
I think YOU need to educate yourself before YOU go around giving advice, because I KNOW my shit.
Go read some books, son.

Here, Im guessing your lazy so Ill post it:
"A little extra magnesium won’t do any harm and excess magnesium doesn’t occur very often when cultivating with soil. If there is too much magnesium, calcium absorption will slow down and it will look like there is too much salt because growth will slow down and the crop will turn dark green"


Active Member
Hey Creative,
Transplant into a bigger pot, add some dolomite lime and always remember to use water thats 50% Reverse Osmosis and 50% pre bubbled tap water with any soil grow.
If you water with this 50/50 mix you will maintain proper calcium levels which will help your plant from developing mineral imbalances.
If you just want to water with reverse osmosis tho, always add a little cal/mag.
But If you just want to water with pre-bubbled tap water, always add a little epsom salt.
And you can trust my advice bro.

If the plants have been in soil for 2 months and you havent been feeding it any fertilizer, then its not a nute burn.
Im thinking that you have been watering with tap water, the tap water is hard, thus you have too much calcium which is locking out magnesium.
Either way tho, just transplant that bad boy into a bigger pot and add a little lime.
Give her water (50/50) for 2 weeks. Then youll need to start adding fertilizer.
PM me if you got any questions

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Again, that plant IS NOT showing any signs of a magnesium deficiency. Its burned either from nutrients or even possibly the OP tried out some bug spray on it. Fertilizer is a general term covering all the different elements a plants needs to live and thrive.....
Greenchili I doubt you actually know as much as you think. Most of what you say is nearly verbatim of the many plant abuse web pages. Read and repeat all you want. Practical experience is what really counts though.
I water my plants with water straight from the tap. [email protected] and only a very few strains needs additional magnesium and it has nothing to do with balancing calcium. Its because the strain just requires more magnesium than most.